Sunday, October 01, 2006

William Kristol: "If YOUR kids are killed in Iraq, take consolation... the military is doing the best it can!"

WILLIAM KRISTOL spouts the PNAC, Neo-Con war uber alles line: "IF your son is killed in Iraq between now and the election, take consolation that the military, stretched thin, is doing the best it can."

NO COMMENT? Mr. Kristol, that Secretary of War DONALD RUMSFELD PUBLICLY_HUMILIATED General Eric Shinseki, in early 2003, for demanding DOUBLE the number of troops for the pending invasion that Rusmsfeld had allocated.

General Shinseki was exiled to professional Siberia by Rumsfeld and MOCKED and DERIDED by the DC PRESS CORPSE.... including a certain WILLIAM KRISTOL, then (and now) EDITOR IN CHIEF of THE WEEKLY STANDARD, and a regular FOX 'news' "expert" COMMENTATOR.

It's too bad that Mr. Kristol can't seem to find the time to encourage HIS OWN CHILDREN to volunteer for all the fun in Iraq.

(starting about 2 minutes into the video playback)

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