Thursday, October 19, 2006

Media/press types get to see THEIR OWN "war has ended" headlines again....

Tom Wieliczka: Anybody Have a Lot of Spare "Crows" To Be Eaten?
BuzzFlash contributor by Tom Wieliczka
Thu, 10/19/2006

How on earth can the Media corpSE actually be reporting or saying that the Iraq War has become, err, ahh, "A CIVIL WAR"???

How can that be?

I mean, look at how the Media CorpSE slapped people around back in April and May of 2003 when Bush was making his stunt "Mission Accomplished" Aircraft Carrier Landing.

Iraq Is All but Won; Now What? (Los Angeles Times headline, 4/10/03)
Now that the combat phase of the war in Iraq is officially over, what begins is a debate throughout the entire U.S. government over America's unrivaled power and how best to use it. (CBS reporter Joie Chen, 5/4/03)
Congress returns to Washington this week to a world very different from the one members left two weeks ago. The war in Iraq is essentially over and domestic issues are regaining attention. (NPR's Bob Edwards, 4/28/03)
Tommy Franks and the coalition forces have demonstrated the old axiom that boldness on the battlefield produces swift and relatively bloodless victory. The three-week swing through Iraq has utterly shattered skeptics' complaints. (Fox News Channel's Tony Snow, 4/13/03)
The only people who think this wasn't a victory are Upper Westside liberals, and a few people here in Washington. (Charles Krauthammer, Inside Washington, WUSA-TV, 4/19/03)
What's he going to talk about a year from now, the fact that the war went too well and it's over? I mean, don't these things sort of lose their--Isn't there a fresh date on some of these debate points? (MSNBC's Chris Matthews, speaking about Howard Dean--4/9/03)
If image is everything, how can the Democratic presidential hopefuls compete with a president fresh from a war victory? (CNN's Judy Woodruff, 5/5/03)
Now that the war in Iraq is all but over, should the people in Hollywood who opposed the president admit they were wrong? (Fox News Channel's Alan Colmes, 4/25/03)
I doubt that the journalists at the New York Times and NPR or at ABC or at CNN are going to ever admit just how wrong their negative pronouncements were over the past four weeks. (MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, 4/9/03)
Over the next couple of weeks when we find the chemical weapons this guy was amassing, the fact that this war was attacked by the left and so the right was so vindicated, I think, really means that the left is going to have to hang its head for three or four more years. (Fox News Channel's Dick Morris, 4/9/03)
Some journalists, in my judgment, just can't stand success, especially a few liberal columnists and newspapers and a few Arab reporters. (CNN's Lou Dobbs, 4/14/03)
Sean Penn is at it again. The Hollywood star takes out a full-page ad in the New York Times bashing George Bush. Apparently he still hasn't figured out we won the war. (MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, 5/30/03)
Maybe disgraced commentators and politicians alike, like Daschle, Jimmy Carter, Dennis Kucinich, and all those others, will step forward tonight and show the content of their character by simply admitting what we know already: that their wartime predictions were arrogant, they were misguided and they were dead wrong. Maybe, just maybe, these self-anointed critics will learn from their mistakes. But I doubt it. After all, we don't call them 'elitists' for nothing. (MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, 4/10/03)
The source for all these quotes was on a soldier's website named:

Gee, I wonder how these people would feel about re-printing or re-saying these quotes now? After all, didn't you hear/read that the war was a cakewalk??

Anybody have a spare "crow" to be eaten? Better make that MANY Spare Crows!

Tom Wieliczka
Windsor Locks, CT

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