Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jason Linkins of HuffingtonPost again catches the Washington Post PIMPING Radical Right-Wing REACTIONARY PROPAGANDA: Post pretends to be "even-handed" in discussing Gay teens' SUICIDES...

Jason Linkins does it again:  CATCHES the Washington Post being the reactionary   PROPAGANDA LIARS, THIEVES, and Right-Wing BULLIES they have become over recent decades.  In this case the Post PRETENDS to be "unbiased" - in discussing teen SUICIDES brought about by BULLYING about (gay) sexual identity, while giving "the other side" - that maybe gay teens SHOULD committ suicide -  equal space!
Washington Post Will Doggedly Pursue Both Sides Of 'Should Gay Teenagers Commit Suicide?' Debate
by Jason Linkins,
As I deeply enjoy hearing the tortured explanations behind the stupid editorial decisions made by the Washington Post, I have to applaud Pam Spaulding for this catch. See, previously, the WaPo thought it would be a good idea to run an editorial from anti-gay bigot Tony Perkins on National Coming Out Day, decrying the gay-agenda-baking behind organizations like GLSEN's stance against gay teenagers being hounded to suicide by homophobes. Apparently, the effort to keep members of the LGBT community from killing themselves amounts to political "exploitation," which is obviously much more terrible than teenage suicide.
   See, the Post is just diligently exploring both sides of the issue! You did know that there are two completely rational sides to the debate over teens committing suicide because of homophobic bullying, didn't you? On the one hand, Dan Savage wants such teenagers to know that "it gets better." But on the other hand, should it get better? Maybe it should get worse! Maybe more teenagers should kill themselves! The Washington Post hopes to figure this out, someday. 
 Sadly, Mr. Linkin's attention to the utter hypocricies, lies, and murderous  right-wing propaganda of the "Pravda Commissars on the Potomac"  Washington Post will become   increasingly rare at the HuffingtonPost, as, having finally started earning money (on the backs of its unpaid moderators),  the HuffPost is... morphing into just another full-on WAR, TAX-CUTS FOR RICH,  ENSLAVE THE PEONS  Neo-Con rag, just like the Meyer/Graham Washington Post and Sulzberger New York Slimes before it.
     Don't believe us?
    Tonight's HuffPost features another story - with a higher headline lede than Jason's far more insightful catch - from uber- WashPost Neo-Con Media Lying Whore HOWARD FINEMAN.    It doesn't matter if Fineman has appeared on Keith Olbermann's so-called "liberal" MSNBC show or not - Fineman is a TEXTBOOK WashPost gasbag Right-Wing reactionary Neo-Con media whore,  if he's not AN APOLOGIST for TAX-CUTS FOR RICH,  Neo-Con "war on terror" POLICE STATE dictatorship rules, and UNLIMITED FRAUD for Goddamn-Sachs Wall Street swindlers in America's critical financial markets,  then he (Fineman), like everyone else at the Post, is PRETENDING NOT TO NOTICE.

   Indeed,  Fineman "won" the "MEDIA WHORES OF THE YEAR" award from the old website, "" - two or more years running (2001 & 2002?), against some serious Media Whores competition!
  Obviously, we here at ""  take after the original "Media Horse" (as it was fondly known)  that came long ago before us - but we must admit, our powers of irony and rapier wit are insignificant (bordering on appalling) compared to the original "Horse."  Suffice it for us to say, that Howard Fineman richly deserved his "MEDIA WHORE OF THE YEAR" "award" the MWO bestowed on him, for being an all too typical Neo-Con lying hypocrite warmonger, treasury-looter, and democracy killer. 
   Make no mistake - that old WashPost & NY Slimes agenda, is now THE Agenda at the Huffington Post, although (like the Post and Times) they will occassionally post "liberal" articles, like Mr. Jenkins' above...

Friday, October 08, 2010

Neo--Con Media Whores, Washington Post Editors Dismiss Teacher Layoff Crisis as "Liberal bleeding Heart imaginings" - On Same Day Massive Teacher Layoffs Are Reported

Make no mistake: The editors of the Washington Post are SERIAL LIARS, whose JOB is to DECEIVE and LIE TO American households, voters, citizens, and taxpayers, in order to facilitate the Neo-Con looting of the American economy and Treasury, and to faciltate the ECONOMIC DESTRUCTION of whole swaths of American society those predatory financial policies of the Neo-Con elites & their economic larceny entails.
 TYPICAL case in point:  AS the New York, Wall Street, City-of-London, and "multi-national" banksters WALLOW in their TRILLIONS of  no-oversight "bailouts" dollars EXTORTED from American taxpayers (by the insanely corrupt Nancy Pelosi 110th &111th Congresses and Bush & Obama presidencies),  the despicable Washington Post editors pretend that there is NO  education  or employment crisis for American teachers - or for  the students dependent on those teachers for a quality education.    

  In this case,  Huffington Post reporter Jason Linkins contrasts the Washington Post's  SNEERING, DISMISSIVE "reporting"  with the real facts of  A NEW ROUND of   teacher layoffs - 58,000 in September alone,  by Linkins' account. 
    We have been enraged & disgusted  by the despicable,  ENTITLED  Neo-Con PROPAGANDA LIARS at the despicable  "PRAVDA ON THE POTOMAC"  Washington Post for so long - nearly two decades of horrific "reporting" -   that we can't even summon the energy to address how INSIDIOUSLY DESPICABLE those serial liars and nation-gutting Neo-Cons propagandists at the Post are, but they are nearly as efficient as the WWII  Nazi media, in making  the victims of their Neo-Con economic larceny  DISAPPEAR - in this case, all but writing 58,000 laid off American teachers right out of the  "news."  
Washington Post Editors DISMISS Teacher Layoff Crisis  [as "Liberal" entitlement spendning]
 On Same Day Massive Teacher Layoffs Are Reported
by Jason Linkins,
October 8, 2010,
  Washington Post "reports"  [our highlights]:
So urgent was the supposed need for Congress to forestall a catastrophic loss of teacher jobs that the House was called back from its summer recess and money looted from the food stamp program. That money is now flowing to the states, but since, for many, the crisis was less dramatic than had been described, local school districts are now looking for creative ways to use the money.
  Jason Linkins, Huffington Post, responds: Oh? The "crisis was less dramatic than had been described?" Do tell! And could you maybe be a little sneering in your self-absorbed certainty?
Congress, egged on  [snearing, demeaning term] by its Democratic leaders and the Obama administration, approved $10 billion in new education spending, ostensibly to save hundreds of thousands of imperiled teacher jobs. With schools in session, it's even clearer now than it was then that the numbers were exaggerated and that the measure was in no small part intended to motivate the powerful teachers unions for this fall's midterm elections.
   Linkins:   So, what to do? Could we maybe loosen up some scrilla to give deserving teachers compensatory raises? No, say the editors! That would be crazy, because it "would be foolish to use these one-time funds for a pay raise that will be baked into all future budgets." So, what, then? The editors suggest that everyone follow in the footsteps of Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley and just sit on the money and save it for a rainy day?
Speaking of! Let's check the weather today, shall we?
State and local governments laid off nearly 58,000 teachers in September, the government announced on Friday. The layoffs happened even though some have said the $26 billion bill passed by Congress in August was nothing but a sop for teacher unions.  (cont'd)
  DECONSTRUCTING the  SERIAL LIES of the  CHRONIC, entitled, despicable  LIARS at the Meyer/Graham Washington Post in this manner is CHILD's PLAY,  except that ENTIRE SWATHS of American press, media, academia, and political "leaders" are IN on the NEO-CON LOOTING of America, making articles like Mr. Linkins' the exception.