Friday, October 06, 2006

David Sirota- POPULISM WORKS! in getting candidates elected. The Media is SO damn WHORE-IFFIC, that this simple message is effectively CENSORED...

Just in the last couple of days, David Sirota sent out an e-mail comparing the WALL St. JOURNAL's latest frothing diatribe against economic populism.... with a comment, buried 7 paragraphs from the lede, that Clinton's Economic Populism WORKED as a WINNING ISSUE in his 1992 campaign!

Trying to find the 'net posting of that e-mail, we stumbled on this David Sirota editorial about how economic populism WORKS as a campaign issue and theme... from 2001!

At least Sirota is consistent!

But what is AMAZING about Sirota's two very good articles.. from 2001 and from just a day or two past... is how THOROUGHLY, EFFECTIVELY, COMPLETELY, and TOTALLY the message and theme of Economic Populism has been ALL BUT ERADICATED from "The Mainstream Media."

This sad, awful truth.. that the corporate Media NO LONGER TALKS ABOUT economic fairness or justice - is at the root and heart of the Repuglican MONOPOLY CONTROL OVER THE US MEDIA.

For an example, just go to AOL's sign-on screen ( to see what THEY are dishing out as "NEWS" today in their HEADLINES... there's an article on a brave heroine from the Amish school shooting, and an article about... Ellen Degenerass (sp?).....
..... AND OTHER articles that have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE IMPORTANT ISSUES just 4 weeks out from a HUGE NATIONAL ELECTION!

Including, of course, the Congressman Mark Foley soliciting sex from teenage pages SCANDAL!

I thought that "MONICA-gate" and the impeachment "proved" that the American Media LOVES A SEX SCANDAL!

Oops! Wrong about that... the American WHORE MEDIA loves a sex scandal ONLY when it is against DEMOCRATS!

The editors and publishers of AOL "news" are SOULESS CRETINS who care NOTHING about their country, and care ONLY about MAXIMIZING PROFITS by publishing consumerism and "buy this" material addications, and/or political LIES and biased PROPAGANDA.

Here is Sirota's column "POPULISM WORKS!" in campaigns and elections.... from 2001.
. (or click on our headline-link)

Later we will post his latest version, deconstructing THE MISLEADING PROPAGANDA (bordering on ABJECT LIES) of the WALL St. JOURNAL, headlining one thing, and writing the complete, diametrical opposite.


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