Thursday, October 26, 2006

Michael J. Fox, dying before our eyes of a cruel disease, as fodder for Limbaugh's sneering hate-filled rant....

RUSH LIMBAUGH, wallowing in rolls of gross HYPOCRISY and ghoulish scorn, mocks Michael J. Fox's appeal for stem-cell research to help millions of other Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ALS, and others subjected to degenerative neural diseases or injury, from having to suffer a similar fate in the future.

Make no mistake: Rush Limbaugh is perhaps the supreme practitioner in America of the Right-Wing politics of HATE. They will sneer and scorn young women and even girls raped and subjected to incest in order to CRIMINALIZE the "morning after pill" and/or abortion counseling and other reproductive health care. They will (some of them to the 'right' of even Limbaugh) show up at Iraq war military funerals and heap condemnation on the grieving families of those who have given their all; they will (in the case of Ann Coulter) sneer and deride 9-11 widows seeking a comprehensive investigation into the 9-11 tragedy as "millionaire celebrities basking in the attention of their husband's deaths, and unduly seeking to influence the political discourse."

("Millionaire celebrity pundits seeking to influence the political discourse" IS, of course, the very DEFINITION of Ann Coulter and other Right-Wing female pundits like her....)

- Right-Wing commentators will engage in all this SCORN and abject HATRED for one reason, and one reason only: TO AMASS POLITICAL POWER, and the wealth that goes with, by DIVIDING America based on a ghoulish, hypocritical, and divisive agenda of (paraphrasing) "WE 'conservatives' are better than they are... they are no more than subhuman criminal scum not worthy of mention in the national news, much less of having political rights or economic enfranchisement."

Limbaugh and the Right-Wing HEAPING SCORN on EVEN those popular and beloved celebrities struck down in the prime of their lives by ALS (Lou Gehrig), spinal cord injury (Christopher Reeves), Parkinsons (Michael J. Fox) or other debilitating diseases for which stem cell research holds out the best hope for a brighter future.

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