Saturday, January 23, 2010

Washington Whore Post pimps a Billionaire Ideologue "shaft taxpayers with BANKERS BAILOUTS _DEBT_" paper as a W.P. written "news" story..

Here's how they do it: Here's how the MURDEROUSLY  ENTITLED  Neo-Con TRAITORS at the Washington Post, PIMP their DESTRUCTION of the American economy, by pimping the RELENTLESS TRANSFER,  FROM American consumers and taxpayers, to the hyper-wealthy, of billions upon trillions of dollars of  American household extorted from taxpayers by "bailouts."  
  In this particular case (and see our previous example in our previous post),  the Washington Post EDITORS and PUBLISHER  take a STOCK RIGHT-WING POLICY PAPER... and print it in the pages of the Washington Post as a "news" story! 
  And the essence of this Post article  is simplicity itself (our paraphrase):
  "The Big Banks, being TO BIG TO FAIL [TBTF],  MUST BE  **BAILED OUT** by taxpayers.... even if it cost over twenty trillion dollars,  TWENTY+ TRILLION DOLLARS.
(Nearly 2x the entire annual US GDP, or entire annual economic production of all Americans put together). 
And now that the bankers have TRANSFERED THEIR LOSSES, via Congress, White House, and Bernanke's Federal Reserve  into DEBT on the American taxpayers' backs, AMERICAN TAXPAYERS must now take  AUSTERITY CUTS in pay, benefits, and salary, and take SLASHINGS of the social safety net it has taken America 100+ years to create."
  This is, needless to say, the ECONOMIC LOOTING of America... PRECISELY the  MONOPOLY PROFITS for the wealthy lords of the  East India Tea Company, directly connected to England's ROYAL GOVERNMENT and Royal Army, that American Patriots REBELLED AGAINST to start the American Revolution in 1775 and 1776.   
  Group Asks to Meet with Washington Post Company Chair Donald Graham
Policy Experts Call on Washington Post to Stop Printing Biased 'News' Articles by Billionaire Ideologue, Peter G. Peterson
Graham's  Washington Post  runs a "News" Story by Peterson-Funded Fiscal Times About Conrad Deficit Commission,   Quoting Groups Funded by Peterson.
   Jan. 5, 2010 
The Washington Post's decision to publish special-interest-funded propaganda as a "news" story on New Year's Eve could signal the death of the daily newspaper as an independent and objective news source, according to a group of 21 policy experts who protested in a Jan. 1 letter to the Post's ombudsman. Having received no response, [from THE MEDIA WHORES at the Washington Post]  the group sent a new letter to The Washington Post Company chairman Donald Graham today demanding to meet with him. Campaign for America's Future co-director Roger Hickey signed both letters. 
The Washington Post Dec. 31 article, entitled "Support grows for tackling nation's debt," was NOT written by the newspaper's reporters. It was written by a new organization called The Fiscal Times, whose founder and major backer, Peter G. Peterson, has a long-term ideological commitment to cutting public programs like Social Security and Medicare over public investment and progressive taxation as a way to reduce deficits. This explains why the article was rife with factual errors, important omissions and significant distortions that favored Peterson's position. 
  THIS is how the WHORE Washington Post  pimps the ECONOMIC ENSLAVEMENT of America:   The Big Banks ["TBTF" = To Big To Fail banks]  that OWN the U.S. Federal Reserve, instruct  Fed Reserve Chairman BEN BERNANKE to PRINT UP BILLIONS (upon TRILLIONS) of  fait "created out of thin air" dollars, which wind up in member banks vaults.    As if this TREMENDOUS ADVANTAGE - having "FREE MONEY" land in your bank vault, which other Americans MUST  borrow at interest - wasn't enough for the Goddamn-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase, & Citi-bank (et al) mega bank hedge-funds,  they PROCEEDED TO LOSE TRILLIONS of dollars by their own self-inflicted "Credit Default Swaps" and other FRAUDULENT "derivatives" sales to unsuspecting investors and PENSION funds....
...and here's the truly  despicable part, having ABUSED their advantage, of member/OWNERS ACESS  to the FREE MONEY  of  MONEY CREATION  at the Federal Reserve Banks,  those bankers drove their OWN companies into BANKRUPTCY and failure....   then the  GS/JPM/Citi/BoA/NYMellon (et al) banks next  run crying, screaming, whining, and wailing to Congress... where they proceed to EXTORT  TWENTY+ TRILLION dollars in "BAILOUTS" -  "bailout" from Congress and the White House,  billions (trillions)  that OBLIGATE Taxpayers to make good on! 
 THIS  Washington Post economic HIT PIECE, MASQUERADING as "news reporting" - advocates  POVERTY and AUSTERITY MEASURES for the American public,  because  the TBTF  bankers - ALLIED WITH the BIG MEDIA  Washington Post - have TRANSFERRED THEIR billions of dollars of LOSSES and bankruptcy, on to the backs of AMERICAN households! 
  AND WHAT are these great "American" billionaires DOING WITH ALL THEIR STOLEN LOOT?   WHY are they SO INSANELY GREEDY to add NEW  billions to their kleptocratic vaults,  as they push for the WAGE ENSLAVEMENT,   3rd world "Banana Republic" poverty conditions in America, while they offer America NO TANGIBLE IMPROVEMENTS in our national infrastructure or economic stability?!
  BECAUSE THEY - the billionaire right-wing ideologues and Washington Post editors and publishers -  ARE INSANELY GREEDY  TRAITORS  to the notion of a free, independent, and democratic United States of America.
     Here's the Post's own "news" story,  actually RIGHT-WING ECONOMIC PREDATION PROPAGANDA by the very "Israel uber alles" Neo-Con Washington Post, MASQUERADING as "American news":  
Support grows for tackling nation's debt
  By Elaine S. Povich and Eric Pianin, The Fiscal Times 
And STILL posted on THE WASHINGTON POST's website!]
Thursday, December 31, 2009   Senate action late last week that increased the limit on the government's credit card to a record $12.4 trillion gave a significant boost to a proposal to appoint a special commission to make the tough decisions that will be required to dig the nation out of debt.
  Note how the above is an implicit ADMISSION that the BAILOUTS __HAVE NOT__ been paid back by the Big Banks,  thousands of lying Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Time, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, and other American "news" organizations "reporting" that the Big Banks HAVE PAID BACK their bailouts notwithstanding. 
THE FAR EASIER, and infinitely more "just" means of PAYING DOWN THE U.S. DEFICITS, would be to "CLAW BACK" from the Big Banks  the BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of dollars American taxpayers have been FORCED - EXTORTED by Congress, the Fed, and BOTH the Bush & Obama White Houses - to GIVE to the TBTF banks in the form of "bailouts".  

   Here's the Washington Post's "CORRECTION" for publishing a BLATANTLY RIGHT-WING  article advocating ECONOMIC SLAVERY , under the Post's banner.  Note how the Post even fudges their "Correction" - it focuses on a single statement in the article - instead of the fact that the Post was trying to blatantly pass of RIGHT-WING "think tank" PROPAGANDA as their own "news" article:     
Correction to This Article

The article by the Fiscal Times, about growing congressional support for a bipartisan commission to address the nation's debt, contained a statement supporting the concept by Robert L. Bixby, the executive director of the Concord Coalition. The article should have noted that the Concord Coalition receives funding from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Peterson, but not his foundation, also funds the Fiscal Times, the independent news service that prepared the article

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Washington Post whores "Ordinary Americans lack the power to hurt the big banks" "resign yourself to ecnomic poverty" story...

This commentary here at MediaWhoresUSA marks the start a trio or more of New York Times and Washington Post stories that BLATANTLY TOUT the ECONOMIC DISENFRANCHISEMENT and wage-slave ASSAULT on America by Big Finance and Big Media: articles touting slave-wages wage slavery and INDEBTEDNESS of American taxpayers, via their bought & owned U.S. Congress, to the BANKERS who have PILED TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF "bailouts"  DEBT on American taxpayer backs... but only after those same bankers, under Fed Reserve Chairman BEN BERNANKE and his (then) puppet NY Fed Bank President  TIM GEITHNER made FOURTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS of American household wealth DISAPPEAR into thin air over the past two years,

as the Fed gave big banks and hedge-funds the CHEAP MONEY - billions upon trillions of fiat, "created out of thin air" Fed reserve  "money" - to both relentlessly and continually "pump and dump" individual stocks,  and using a similar "pump, and bust" bubble in credit billions,  to "pump and dump" the ENTIRE  US (and world) ECONOMIES. 
  Behold,  the DECEITFUL, treacherous, and predatory process by which the LYING  editors and writers of the New York Times, and Washington Post - America's undisputed "news" "leaders" -   pimp the BIG FINANCE TAKEOVER of America's government and economy, what some have referred to as the "GOLDDAMN-SACHS & JP Morgan engineered BAILOUTS KLEPTOCRACY  COUP in America."

  Below, WashPost media whore Martha C. White seems to never have heard about that old "American colonial patriots take on the world's biggest, most powerful  empire" story. (The whole  "irate American colonials throw East India Company tea into Boston harbor" story; or the "Declaration of Independence" and "outgunned Patriots at Lexington & Concorde refuse to disband before the Royal Army, start the American Revolution,  and go on to defeat that empire, and establish the United States of America" stories.)
  Or the "from the graveyard of American ships at Pear Harbor on December 7, 1941, America's fighting men, at great cost in lives and national treasury, set out to lift the Nazi bootheel from Europe, and Japan's mass-murderous conquest of much of Asia" story.
  Or even that old bible "DAVID & GOLIATH" story.

   HERE's HOW THEY DO IT:  here's how the MURDEROUSLY ENTITLED  writers and editors of the  very neo-con Washington Post and New York Times  SNEER, SCORN, DEMEAN, and attempt to diminish ANY efforts by  Americans who are repulsed by the NEO-CON "of, by and for bankers & warmongers"  hijacking  TAKEOVER of America's government and economy:  
  Ordinary Americans lack the power to hurt the big banks  
By Martha C. White, [Washington Post  media _____]
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Arianna Huffington is mad as hell and not going to take it anymore -- or doesn't think you should. The woman behind the Huffington Post recently exhorted Americans to yank their money out of big banks and open accounts at community banks instead. She called out the Big Four -- Bank of America, Citi, J.P. Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo -- by name for their "slap in the face to taxpayers." The crusade includes a link to a new Web site called Move Your Money (, which includes clips from "It's a Wonderful Life" and a tool for finding a new bank courtesy of Institutional Risk Analytics.
This is a great example of populist indignation made practical (HuffPo says it does its banking with a smaller bank that specializes in start-ups). It's also a great example of why populist indignation shouldn't drive policy. We get the outrage: The banks did something bad, so let's spank the banks. But let's also do the math. Would it even be possible for the roughly 72 million American families with checking or savings accounts to appreciably diminish banks' holdings just by closing their accounts?  .... [blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah]
  In sum total,  Ms. White's "advice" to American consumers is  (our paraphrase)
"IF Bank Of America hits you with a 29.99%  interest rate - AT ANY TIME, and for ANY REASON of THEIR choosing - on your credit cards, YOU STUPID AMERICAN PEONS are ONLY WORTH $4,000 liquid cash anyways... so YOU REALLY HAVE NO OPTION, but to put up, and PAY UP!" 
  For that sneering scorn, masquerading as "financial reporting,"  Ms. White easily deserves inclusion into our blog on the ROT that infests and infects American "journalism" and media "reporting."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

America's CRIMINALLY DECEPTIVE Media Whores WHITEWASHING new round of BAILED-OUT banker billion-dollar BONUSES... NY Times edition

    Because LYING, DECEIT,  and ENABLING the Golddamn-Sachs,  Wall Street  LOOTING of America, is what the Neo-Con New York Times and  Neo-Con Washington Post are all about! 

While the below article may be a WSWS - World Socialist web site - article, it contains the most concise outline of this entire past year's "economic policy" coming from the Obama/Emanuel/Golddamn-Sachs White House written anywhere. Notice how Barry Grey's article catches  how the New York Times  _BURIES_ the story of TAXPAYER FUNDED BAILOUTS   deep in the business pages the news that three of the  BIGGEST NEW YORK BANKS -  JPMOrgan-Chase, Morgan-Stanley, and Golddamn-Sachs - are set to dish out nearly $50 BILLION in bonuses to their top executive. 
  Aiding,  abetting, and WHITEWASHING   Wall Street  con-artists and fraudsters in financial CRIMES and  the THEFT,  from American consumers &   taxpayers,  of TRILLIONS of dollars ,  IS WHAT THE ARTHUR SULZBERGER family owned NEW YORK TIMES  is ALL ABOUT.  
Three Top Wall Street Banks to Award $49.5 BILLION in Year-End BONUSES
By Barry Grey
5 January 2010  

The US media has been virtually silent on the colossal year-end bonuses for 2009 that _will shortly_ be handed out by major American banks and financial firms. This is doubtless a deliberate response by the corporate-controlled media to popular anger over the financial gains reaped by Wall Street executives, who have been bailed out at taxpayer expense while working people have been left to face depression levels of unemployment and mounting home foreclosures, hunger and poverty. 
A brief article published on the inside pages of the business section of the January 1 New York Times (“With Bigger Bonuses, An Upside for Banks”) notes in passing that the three top Wall Street banks will pay out an estimated $49.5 billion in cash bonuses and stock awards. 
Those banks—Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley—received a combined $45 billion in cash under the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) passed by Congress in October of 2008. Along with the rest of the banks, they have benefitted from trillions of dollars in nearly interest-free loans, debt guarantees, securities purchases and other subsidies from the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board.
The government has further underwritten bank profits and surging bonuses by keeping interest rates at near-zero and pumping trillions of dollars of cheap credit into the financial markets, while placing no restrictions on the ability of the banks to resume the speculative practices that precipitated the financial crash of 2008. Meanwhile, the American people have lost $11 trillion in wealth, primarily through the collapse of home values. For their part, the banks have sharply curtailed lending over the past 15 months, draining more than $3 trillion of credit from the economy  
  (And this week's  remarkable Frank Rich NY Times op-ed column, below,   provides solid CONFIRMATION of the INTENTIONAL, premeditated  SABOTAGE "wreckage" of America's economy.... but,   in typical NY Times fashion, the Times reluctantly, belatedly  publishes the REAL story  (usually written by one of their two token "liberal" columnists, Frank Rich or Paul Krugman) -  but it is BURIED DEEP in the editorial pages, and rarely, if ever, makes the front pages of the awful Sulzberger "partners in financial  crime" Times.

"The OTHER Plot to WRECK America"
by Frank Rich, New York Times op-ed columnist
Jan. 9, 2010

What we don’t know WILL HURT US, and quite possibly ON A MORE DEVASTATING SCLAE than any Qaeda attack. Americans must be told the full story of how Wall Street GAMED and INFLATED the housing bubble, made out like bandits, and then LEFT MILLIONS of [American] households IN RUINS.

Without that reckoning, there will be no public clamor for serious reform of a financial system that was as cunningly breached as airline security at the Amsterdam airport.
Now that it can count on government bailouts, Wall Street has more incentive than ever to pump up its risks — secure that it can keep the bonanzas while we get stuck with the losses.
The window for change is rapidly closing.

Friday, January 08, 2010

MEDIA WHORE George Stephanopoulos ALLOWS Rudy Guiliani to declare "NO TERRORIST ATTACKS ON America DURING George W. Bush's term"

 George Stephanopolous gives it the old college try, vying with fellow former "Democrat," now fellow  DC multi-millionaire insider  talking-head Chris Mathews, for the position of "Most accomplished  RIGHT-WING TOADY, APLOGIST, WHITEWASHER, and paid professional liar"  and for the honor of   carrying the most  water for the NY/DC Neo-Con American economy  wrecking "establishment."
   In this case, Stepanopolous  has become SO GOOD at his REAL job of "CRUSHING the REAL news" - for example, 
  • FAILING TO CONNECT "DEREGULATION with VAST FINANCIAL FRAUD" (which Enron _x_  1,000,000 fraud,  indeed, is WHITEWASHED RIGHT OUT of Stephanopolous' show), or
that in TYPICAL MEDIA WHORE fashion,  Stephanopolous JUST SAT THERE, MUTE, IGNORANT, STUPID, and TOADYING, as    9-11 terror-attack-milking former NYC  Mayor, Rudy Giuliani,  claimed that President Bush HAD NEVER HAD A TERRORIST ATTACK occur in America while  (George W.)  Bush was president!

    The shame is NOT that CORPORATE TOADY Stephanopolus SAT MUTE as Giuliani did his STALINIST HISTORICAL REVISION routine, trying to SCRUB  President Bush's CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE and DERELICTION of DUTY leading up to the 9-11 terror attacks from recent political history....
   ...the shame is that EVERY  George Stephanopolous ABC "news"  show is MARKED BY  1,000  tough questions, & especially follow up questions, that Mr. Stephanopolus DOES NOT ASK.
   LIKE ALLL THE OTHER  OVERPAID  DC MEDIA WHORES,  Stephanopolous COULD NOT TELL YOU  how many BILLIONS of dollars have been EXTORTED out of taxpayers and transfered over to Wall Street bankers in the form of "BAILOUTS" -   (TARP oversight inspector Barofsky pegged the number as north of  TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS, and counting, as of a half year ago) 
 - because like other Media Whores, Stephanopolous' job is to NOT  inform his viewers about the REAL news,  the  real news  that the cabal of American banksters &  wealthy elites are TRYING to destroy the US economy, so they can purchase the pieces for pennies on the dollar. 
 Read it and weep, America:   a MISSED follow-up question, one of MILLIONS over the past 10 years,  SO EGREGIOUS,  that even ABC 'news' and Washington's MEDIA WHORES are forced to notice:   

‘GMA’ Interview With Giuliani Draws Criticism
[ABC's "Good Morning America Anchor George Stephanopolous Draws Criticism]
By Brian Stelter,  NY Times
January 8, 2010 

It was a moment that positively cried out for a follow-up question.
On Friday’s “Good Morning America” on ABC, the former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani claimed - -  “we had no domestic attacks under Bush — we’ve had one under Obama.”
The misstatementwhich seemed to omit the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, which occurred nearly eight months after President Bush took office — was roundly criticized after the fact, even by some of ABC’s own correspondents. “Even if you assume he meant post-9/11 this is hard to justify,” Rick Klein, the primary author of ABC’s political memo The Note, wrote on Twitter.
But at the time, the interviewer, George Stephanopoulos, did not challenge Mr. Giuliani’s assertion. The segment ended a minute later with a joke about the snowfall in New York City.