Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Human garbage Rush Limbaugh tries to blame Congressman Foley cruising for teenage pages.... on Democrats.

Are there NO DEPTHS to which the cowardly, lying human scum RUSH LIMBAUGH won't go?

The man who has made a career out of blasting Democrats as the party of "NO responsibility" and "permissive social standards" that have led to the "DEGENERATION and CORRUPTION OF AMERICAN SOCIETY" - is repeating the basic premise of Nazi propaganda, and the culture of America's slavery-based society, "IT's the VICTIM's FAULT!"


There are now, as we speak, THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of Americans ROTTING IN PRISON for LIFE TERMS for drug offenses far less than Limbaugh was accused AND CONVICTED off. In some harsh states like Georgia and Alabama, possession of more than a few ounces of marijuana will get you a LIFE PRISON SENTENCE in America's drug-war gulag. Yet not only did Rush Limbaugh spend thousands of dollars on his illegal Oxycotin "synthetic heroin" addiction.... BUT HE SENT HIS MAID OUT TO BUY IT FOR HIM!


On the part of a tough-talking macho blabbermouth millionaire, THAT'S COWARDICE!

And, what exactly was Mr. Limbaugh doing with those 100 tablets of male stimulant VIAGRA, again cowardly purchased on some one else's name, on his guys-only trip to Dominican Republic, a destination infamous for fulfilling American tourist's sexual fantasies at the expense of Dominican children and young men and women. (That is, notorious for its sex trade.)

Count on a HYPOCRITE, LIAR, DRUG ADDICT, and possibly sexual 'freelancer' RUSH LIMBAUGH, to BLAME DEMOCRATS for the atrocious behavior of one of the hyper-powerful white males in his own circle of Republican thugs, abusers and predators.


Limbaugh: Pages Were Probably Paid or Threatened by Dems to ‘Titillate’ Foley
Posted by Jon Ponder | Oct. 3, 2006, 10:28 am

“[To the liberal media and the Democrats,] there is not even any real problem with what Foley did, as we’ve discussed. In their hearts and minds and their crotches, they don’t have any problem with what Foley did. They’ve defended it over the — over the years.”
– Comedian Rush Limbaugh
Comedian Rush Limbaugh weighs in (that’s a bad word) on the Foley sex scandal:

LIMBAUGH: I’m just thinking out loud here. What if somebody got to the page and said, you know, we want you to set Foley up. We need to do a little titillating thing here. Keep it and save it and so forth. How would you get a kid to do that? Yeah, who knows? You threaten him or pay him. There’s any number of ways given the kind of people that we’re dealing with and talking about here.

Now, folks, I don’t want to be misunderstood here. I’m not trying to mount any kind of a defense. That’s a bad word. I’m not trying to get into a defense of what Mark Foley did. Please don’t misunderstand. I’m just telling you that the — the — the orgy and the orgasm that has been taking place in the media since Friday and with the Democrats is — it’s all coordinated, and it’s all — it’s all oriented toward the election. There’s no concern about the kid — no concern about the children.

There is — there is — there’s not even any real problem with what Foley did, as we’ve discussed. In their hearts and minds and their crotches, they don’t have any problem with what Foley did. They’ve defended it over the — over the years.

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