Monday, October 23, 2006

Now we're getting somewhere! Melanie Morgan calls for WWII style "blitz" of Iraq. Maybe she's referring to the firebombings of Hamburg & Dresden?

Great catch and commentary by C&L (

<< Morgan is the typical warmonger who believes we should "kill'em all."–vaporize every living person without regard to human life—even though Iraq never attacked us. (She's also quite comfortable with torture,) Morgan has no idea how many casualties there are in Iraq because she doesn't want to know. >>

The truth is, most of those Americans who are hard-core supporters of the war, despite all the horrifying news of how it is run and of the gross, blatant corruption of the leadership and companies which are spending millions of American TAX DOLLARS there every day - WOULD LIKE TO DO TO IRAQ what American pioneers, settlers, and homesteaders did to the American Indians: DRIVE 'em OFF THE LAND entirely, and TAKE the resources that were there. As in the land rush in Oklahoma, the Dakotas (where WIld Bill Hickock met his fate in a mining boom town that, being in "illegal" or Indian territory, was beyond the jurisdiction of American law), California, not to omit mention of the Carolinas and New England and Kentucky Valley (etc).

Today, Chris Mathews and Hardball are giving the Right-Wing commentators such as Melanie Morgan the vehicle to broadcast their desires for "HAMBURG!" and "DRESDEN!" treatment for Iraqi towns and cities, those commentators having failed to appreciate that the United States has already pulled a "Guernica" on Fallujah.

("Blitz-kreig" is German for "Lighting-war" and meant what is today called "Combined Arms" warfare; particularily using air power - bombings - to support traditional infantry, artillery, and armor attacks on tactical targets. The "London Blitz" in particular referred to the wholesale bombings of cities by the German Luftwaffe, a treatment they first used on Guernica, Spain, in support of Franco's Civil War there in the late 1930s, a "treatment" that was extended to dozens of other European cities including Coventry, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam, the later pounded by a barrage of over 2,000 German V-1 buzz-bombs and V-2 ballistic missiles.)

IF the US war in Iraq gets any more efficient at killing Iraqis, it will be entering "ANFAL" territory: the **US backed, supported, and FINANCED** campaign by the Saddam regime to CONDUCT MASS MURDER and GENOCIDE on Kurdish towns and villages, a campaign marked by bulldozers leveling hundreds of towns and villages, and pushing corpses into mass graves - with the full knowledge, if not approval, of the US goverment under President George H.W. Bush (sr.) in the late 1980s. ( See chapter two of Galbraith's "The End of Iraq.")

MORGAN: I think that…yeah, we should have a lot more troops in the beginning. Look, I’m not a cheerleader for the President of the United States. Um, I…I believe that he made the right decision and he did it for the right reasons. I don’t agree with all of the way the war has been prosecuted. I think we should have gone in and just blitzed Iraq. We haven’t had a, a serious war, really, since WWII. We’ve had…

MATTHEWS: What would that mean, blitz?

MORGAN: It would have…it means that we should have gone in and be prepared to win it, not just to do…to avoid collateral damage. And I think that’s one of the mistakes that uh, this administration has made…

See C&L for their complete editorial and links to the MSNBC "Hardball" transcript.

And remember: Chris Mathews and "Hardball" got their great start in cable "news" by muckracking, churning, and broadcasting the "Monica!" scandal 24-7-365. After spending $70 million in government, taxpayer monies first investigating "Whitewater" (a financial investigation in which Ken Starr was completely unable to indict the Clintons for any of the thousands of allegations that were thrown against them) the Ken Starr Republican investigation finally had to settle on the "Monica" affair as means to impeach President Clinton, an impeachment that failed.

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