Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Treacherous Media ENABLES the TRAITOROUS Right-Wing's support of Bush-Rove-Cheney's incompetence and corruption in wartime....

Max Blumenthal deconstructs the Right-Wing's TRAITOROUS use of "the war on terror," and national security as a means to SMEAR their opponents and boost the corrupt, counter-productive, and serially incompetent Bush-Cheney-Rove administration.

In this particular case, Blumenthal points out the role that Lt Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson played in SMEARING the Clinton White House on "national security" concerns shortly after Patterson was given the military position of "carrying the football" as it is called; that is, the military officer in constant attendance to the president who carries the briefcase full of nuclear launch codes that would allow the President of the United States to launch a nuclear attack in response to some foreign threat, no matter where that president was or what he was doing. That is, "the football" is the mobile link and launch codes that allow the president to command the US nuclear-armed missiles.

Lt. Col Patteson took advantage of his brief stint in the Clinton White House as this mobile link and launch-codes officer to write a TELL-ALL book entitled "DERELICTION OF DUTY- The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security."

Yet the traitorous Right REFUSES to aknowledge that the Clinton White House PREVENTED the MILLENIUM BOMB PLOT, by publicizing and preparing for the threat, and (as Air-America radio host Randi Rhodes points out) MANNING THE BATTLE STATIONS CONTINUOUSLY, COORDINATING the counter-terror response, on the eve of the millenium New Year's celebrations nationwide. It was this VIGILANCE and ATTENTION TO DETAIL that led a US Customs border guard to CAREFULLY and THOROUGHLY INSPECT a car coming across the Canadian border, and in that inspection the guard found some bomb-making materials, and arrested the car's driver.

George W. Bush on the other hand, after BRAGGING about "meeting with his CIA breifers FACE-to-FACE" in early January of 2001, then IGNORED the CIA briefing "bin Laden DETERMINED TO ATTACK IN AMERICA" (among only DOZENS of other similar advisaries, warnings, and intel estimates that Al Qiada sought to attack in America), REFUSED TO DO ANYTHING about the Al Qaida threat... In fact, Mr. Bush REFUSED to do ANYTHING about the SUCCESSFUL_AL_QAIDA_BOMBING of the USS Cole in a Yemen harbor in October of 2000, an ATTACk on the UNITED STATES that occurred WHILE Mr.Bush WAS ON THE LAST WEEKS of his 2000 presidential race CAMPAIGN TRAIL, surrounded by all the NATIONAL SECURITY advisors of his own choosing... including FORMER SECRETARIES of DEFENSE Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, and FORMER Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff COLIN POWELL, and FUTURE National Security Advisor CONDOLEEZA RICE.

Rice, Powell, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld: THIS is the team that IGNORED the AL QAIDA ATTACK on the USS Cole in Yemen in October of 2000, yet the Righty HATE-CLINTON/pro-Bush media WILL INVERT THE TRUTH to boost the powers of the Bush administration, and thereby WEAKEN GENUINE NATIONAL SECURITY in favor of a demagogic, secretive, corrupt, and unethical administration in time of war.

(note: for working links, see the original article at, URL below headline:)


The Swift Boat Connection to ABC's 9/11 Deception  
by Max Blumenthal

Under pressure about his institutional ties to the conservative movement (see here), The Path to 9/11 screenwriter Cyrus Nowrasteh now claims, the film he wrote had no political agenda. "This project was generated at ABC at the highest network levels," and brought together people from "broadly different backgrounds," Nowrasteh told the right-wing evangelical publication WorldNetDaily.
Two ABC flacks, meanwhile, told the New York Times that Nowrasteh's politlcal affiliations had nothing to do with The Path to 9/11's content.

But ABC and Nowrasteh have yet to answer for the admission by Lt Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson that significant portions of his anti-Clinton attack books were incorporated into Nowrasteh's script.

Who is Patterson? He is a former military aide to President Bill Clinton who exploited his brief, low-level experience in the White House to ingratiate himself with the far-right. In 2003, Patterson wrote "Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security," a polemic rife with distortions about Clinton's record in combating terrorism. A year later, he pumped out "Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security," a book that claimed without basis that terrorists wanted the Democrats to win the 2004 presidential election. Both books were produced by the right-wing publishing house, Regnery.

During the 2004 election, Patterson's second book became a centerpiece of the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's campaign to undermine Sen. John Kerry's military record in Vietnam. The book dubiously asserted that after Kerry charged a Vietcong position, he returned from the battle "armed with a Super 8 video camera he had purchased at the post exchange at Cam Ranh Bay, and reenacted the skirmish on film."

Today, Patterson is a board member of Move America Forward, a right-wing group that mounted a PR campaign claiming that Saddam Hussein did indeed have WMD's, and falsely claimed a photograph that was later revealed to have been taken in Turkey was a snapshot of a Baghdad pacified by US military forces.

On September 1, while Nowrasteh endured scathing criticism of his falsehood-laden script, he called Patterson at home to tell him that he used his book, "Dereliction of Duty" as a source for the film that was about to air. Later that day, Nowrasteh hosted Patterson at his home for a private screening of The Path to 9/11. Patterson told WorldNetDaily a week after meeting with Nowrasteh that he received a personal phone call from ABC senior vice president Quinn Taylor.

When The Path to 9/11 finally aired with only 70 seconds of falsified footage missing, Nowrasteh declared triumph. "To lose only a minute is a success, is a victory," Nowrasteh told WorldNetDaily. "I think ABC stood tall."

Patterson, for his part, will be a headline speaker at David Horowitz's Renaissance Weekend this year.

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