Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Media Whores CAUGHT IN THE ACT: Video of Bill Clinton saying "You ask ME why *I* LET bin Laden get away? WHY DON'T YOU ASK BUSH what HE did pre-9-11?"

Our headline (link) takes you to the NewsHounds.US site, which has three YouTube videos of the entire Chris Wallace interview of President Clinton. As President Clinton states, "YOU FALSELY ACCUSE ME OF GIVING AID and COMFORT to Al Qaida by not killing or capturing him. WHY HAVEN'T YOU ASKED THAT SAME QUESTION of anyone in the Bush administration, President Bush DID NOTHING for EIGHT MONTHS to get bin Laden. I TRIED and failed, but at least I tried." Whereas THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION DID NOT TRY - "They had THREE TIMES AS MUCH TIME TO GET bin LADEN AS I DID, and they DIDN'T EVEN TRY."

Here's MORE of the Media WHORING for insane, incomptent, corrupt, and grossly negligent Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld 'leadership" in Iraq and Afghan wars, and re countering terror here in America:

[That is, THESE headlines are accurate, but demonstrate how far the press/media has allowed the Bush-Rove-Cheney-Rumsfeld propaganda to drown out the credible facts from generals, national security analysts, and experts in the field]:

#1. Retired Military Officers Take Aim at Rumsfeld
WASHINGTON (Sept. 26) - Retired military officers on Monday bluntly accused Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld of bungling the war in Iraq, saying U.S. troops were sent to fight without the best equipment and that critical facts were hidden from the public.


#2l [headline SHOULD read: "Bush SLASHES Anti-Terror funding for Protecting California Ports"]

Anti-terror funds to protect big California ports decreasing
By JEREMIAH MARQUEZ, Associated Press Writer
Monday, September 25, 2006


#3. Note: In this article Condoleeza Rice says "what we did against Al Qaida was AT LEAST AS AGRESSIVE as what Clinton did.."

BUT SHE WON'T or CAN'T point to ONE SINGLE THING! SHE or President Bush did!**

Rice Challenges Clinton on Terror Record
AP news
26 Sept. 2006

NEW YORK - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice challenged former President Clinton's claim that he did more than many of his conservative critics to pursue Osama bin Laden, and she accused President Bush's predecessor of leaving no comprehensive plan to fight al-Qaida.
"What we did in the eight months was at least as aggressive as what the Clinton administration did in the preceding years," Rice said Monday during a meeting with editors and reporters at the New York Post.

[Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rumsfeld DID NOTHING about bin Laden in the early months of 2001....BESIDES DEMOTE Richard Clarke from the HEAD of the US Counter Terror program, thereby taking the wind OUT of his efforts to catch/kill bin Laden. Stopping/killing/bringing to justice Osama bin Laden after the October 2000 al Qaida attack on the USS Cole SHOULD HAVE BEEN *NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR* Condoleeza Rice's NUMBER ONE PRIORITY, and now she, in cowardly fashion, tries to duck, dodge and avoid responsibility, and instead SHIFT it on to those UNDER her authority... people that SHE_PREVENTED_FROM_DOING_MORE to get bin Laden.]

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