Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Gingrich-Bolton-UJC connection to Bush-Rove-Cheney wars....

To see how America got into the morass of ONE PARTY dictatorial Republican rule of the House, Senate, White House, federal judiciary, executive agencies of the US government (such as the EPA, which nominally are supposed to enforce laws regardless of who is in the White House), and the press/media "4th Estate," one need look no farther than at the appearances of NEWT GINGRICH and JOHN BOLTON before the cameras this week.

NEWT GINGRICH is out there banging the drums for ever-expanding war, in fact, his current claim to fame (besides having the audacity to present himself as a "MORAL VALUES" Rethuglican despite his three different marriages, including presenting his first wife with divorce papers while she was prostate in a hospital bed recovering from a cancer treatment while he was having an affair with the woman who would become his second wife) is that America is ALREADY IN World War III... yet Gingrich IS NOT leading the call for a RENEWED DRAFT, much less a suspension of TAX CUTS FOR THE HYPER-WEALTHY to finance Mr. Gingrich's vision of a war on one billion non-white non-Americans.

It would be quite impossible to come up with a CARICATURE more grotesque than Newt "draft dodger" Gingrich presuming to "LEAD" America into WORLD WAR THREE, without calling for any sacrifice or exertion on the part of voters, citizens, and heavens-forbid the wealthy who comprise the core of the Republican Party, but there he is all over the media, the Media's "Great Pasty-Faced Hope" of a 'senior statesman'!

Just to prove that Newt Gingrich - moral values hypocrite, moral values scold, WWIII scold, and luxury-and-profiteering in time of war hypocrite - isn't entirely an anomaly in this post-stolen election 2000 world, there was JOHN BOLTON at the UJC United Jewish Conference before 1,500 Jewish women voters and donors.

The UJC's "Lions of Judah" conference echoed Newt Gingrich's "WORLD WAR III is HERE!" talking points when Israel Ambassador to the UN DAN GILLERMAN opened the conference addressing the women: "the cease fire between Isreal and Hezbollah is NOT THE END OF THE WAR...[it] may well be JUST THE BEGINNNING."

<< The cease fire between Israel and Hezbollah enacted last month “is not the end of the war, this may be very well be just the beginning,” Gillerman said. “What we saw was just a preview of things to come. The Hezbollah was not just fighting Israel and it was not just the fingers of Hezbollah or the arms of Hezbollah that kidnapped our soldiers and shelled our cities. The Hezbollah is just a proxy, a hired killer, of a far more evil power in the world, and that is Iran. >>

Well, BOY HOWDY! JUST WHAT the hell Does Israel, the UJC, the AIPAC lobby, Mr. Gillerman, and the neo-con/Likud wing of the US government want in South Lebanon - maybe a WARSAW GHETTO style South Lebanon occupation (or even ethnic-cleansing?), embargoed by US/Israeli forces, with SS (er, IDF) troops patrolling the entire region for the next 10,000 years?

Again, just to prove that Mr. Gillerman's opening comments are hardly an anomaly, UN Ambassador (recess appointment) to UN JOHN BOLTON was also given a prominent speakers post at the UJC "LIONS of JUDAH" women's conference, where Bolton advocated "OTHER MEANS" to 'stop Iran's nuclear program' should the United Nations fail to impose sanctions on Iran.

Again, we must ask... WHY is Israel "PERMITTED" to maintain a VAST nuclear arsenal - built in cooperation with the apartheid, dictatorial, rogue (former) South African government - while Iran is "not to be permitted" to conduct nuclear research that even signatories to the NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION PACT **ARE** permitted to conduct?

Oh, excuse us.. that is a VERBOTTEN! question, FORBIDDEN in the pages or airwaves of the American 'news' and media.

Speaking of "NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION PACT," the non-proliferation pact is almost certainly ITEM #1 of the Republican JIHAD ***AGAINST*** international law - so completely beaten, bloodied, and left-for-dead, that the American 'news' media no longer even comments on it, although the US 'news' industry does still mention global warming treaties ("the Kyoto Protocols") and THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS from time to time. (As Harvard university prof. and Human Rights hypocrite Alan Dershowitz says of the Geneva conventions (paraphrasing) "Now that we got more nuclear weapons than anyone else, who needs the stinkin' Geneva Conventions against torture and summary, mass-arrest and detention powers?")

This is NOT Pulitzer-prize worthy investigative reporting here, folks - the UJC, the AIPAC lobby, the Likud government, and the neo-cons in and out of the US government are on a JIHAD ***AGAINST*** international law, while UNILATERALLY THREATENING nations like Iran with "OTHER MEANS" actions should US/Israel DICTATES not be met!

To prove just how pervasive the BOLTON-GINGRICH-WWIII axis of aggressive saber-rattling is in the US government, press/media, and society, one need look no further than at two of the other speakers at the UJC "LIONS of Judah" conference (is it our imagination, or is the use of "lions" as an icon a representation of power and territorial aggression?): BILL CLINTON and closing speaker MADELINE ALBRIGHT.

When you have two of the HEAVIEST HITTERS in the ENTIRE Democratic Party practically ENDORSING the comments of Ambassador Gillerman and JOHN BOLTON as well, you have a de facto COLLAPSE of an opposition party, as least as far as the Gingrich-Bolton-Bush-Cheney-Rove war-uber-alles agenda is concerned.

Yet more evidence that these linkinages are neither tenouous nor amorphorous were the recent mutterings by HILLARY CLINTON and CHARLES SCHUMER - two of THE MOST IMPORTANT Democrats in the US Senate (Schumer as chairman controls the purse-string millions of the DSCC, the Democrat Senate Campaign Committee, while Hillary is the "smother all opposition" front-runner in the Democratic presidential arms race), TO NOT OPPOSE the John Bolton CONFIRMATION hearings.

To review, HILLARY and SCHUMER were trying to take a page out of the JOE LIEBERMAN play book: while saying that they were "opposed" to Bolton's SECOND ROUND for approval confirmation hearings, both Hillary and Schumer were sending up a trial ballon "WE WILL NOT FILIBUSTER Bolton's confirmation."

Well, we now know why! Hillary, Schumer, Lieberman, and the other AIPAC senators are basically IN ACCORD with John Bolton's UNILATERALIST rantings and threats, and by telegraphing "We will NOT filibuster Bolton's second confirmation hearing" they were signalling APPROVAL of Bolton's confirmation!

The old Lieberman trick, "Have your cake" (mouth some stated opposition to a BushCo policy or outrage), "and eat it too!" (while, behind the scenes, GUTTING opposition to that policy or outrage.)

Fortunately, some of the saner Republicans still extant in Congress were also on-board the OPPOSE BOLTON bandwagon, and Hillary and Schumer's trial ballon was shot full of holes. For now, Bolton will remain a recess Ambassador to the UN.

But, as this past week's UJC Lions of Judah conference illustrates, the "drop-bombs on Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon (and can Saudi Arabia and Pakistan be far behind?)!" agenda is ALIVE AND WELL in the persons of Ambassador Gillerman, (recess) Ambassador Bolton, the Bush-Cheney-Rove eternal war room, the hearts of many AIPAC Americans, FIRMLY embedded in the corporate America major media 'news' rooms.... and, as well, is embedded in the very heart and soul of the Democrat Party, which at one time positioned itself as an "OPPOSITION" party, but now can't even find its voice to exprress outrage - as American bodies go floating down flooded New Orleans streets while FEMA's director, after FIVE DAYS of a catagory 5 hurricane swirling in the Gulf of Mexico, was AWOL, dining in a 5-star Baton Rouge restaurant even though he couldn't provide trucks of potable water to the thousands of refugees isolated in the Superdome hurricane shelter. (Which network news trucks were able to drive up to).


Bolton: U.S. could pursue other options on Iran
13 September 2006

John Bolton said the United States would seek other means to stop Iran’s nuclear program if the U.N. Security Council fails to impose sanctions.
“We will use other steps, other economic activities, we will work with other countries outside the Security Council as well,” the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations told the United Jewish Communities’ Lion of Judah conference Sunday in Washington.

“The Europeans have again asked us if we would give them another opportunity” to press Iran on the matter, he said.


(UJC United Jewish Conference (Women's Conference) features Ambassadors Dan Gillerman, John Bolton, Madeline Albright, and former Pres. Bill Clinton)


UN Ambassadors John Bolton and Dan Gillerman Address Delegates
on Global Threats; Israel Emergency Campaign Highlighted

Lions of Judah, the name given to women philanthropists who give a minimum gift to the UJC annual campaign, donate approximately a quarter of the campaign’s nearly $900 million yearly total, which supports social and humanitarian services, and strengthens Jewish community domestically and worldwide. Besides supporting the UJA Federation Campaign of UJC, Lions of Judah may also exercise their philanthropy through the Spirit of Israel, a campaign of The Jewish Agency, or Keren Heyesod, supporting Jewish communities beyond North America and Israel.

Significant too is the support of woman philanthropists to the UJC Israel Emergency Campaign, which to date has raised $284 million for humanitarian, social service and economic needs of Israelis in the short- and long-term aftermath of Israel’s recent defensive war, and to Operation Promise, which has so far raised approximately $70 million to support Falas Mura émigrés to Israel, the elderly in the former Soviet Union and Jewish community building initiatives there.

In opening addresses on Sunday, Ambassador Dan Gillerman, Israeli representative to the United Nations, and Ambassador John Bolton, American representative, drew attention to threats facing Israelis, Americans and others, and the responsibility of the world community to address these threats.

The cease fire between Israel and Hezbollah enacted last month “is not the end of the war, this may be very well be just the beginning,” Gillerman said. “What we saw was just a preview of things to come. The Hezbollah was not just fighting Israel and it was not just the fingers of Hezbollah or the arms of Hezbollah that kidnapped our soldiers and shelled our cities. The Hezbollah is just a proxy, a hired killer, of a far more evil power in the world, and that is Iran.

“The Hezbollah is only the bloody fingers at the end of the long arm and twisted minds of a president who denies the Holocaust while he very diligently prepares the next one and is continuing on his urgent quest for nuclear weapons,” Gillerman continued, referring to Iranian president Maumoud Ahmadinejad. “The world is still standing by watching as they make progress toward that horrible end which will allow them to be able to carry out what he claims to be his desire, and that is to wipe Israel off the face of the map.”

Howard Rieger, UJC president and chief executive officer, referred to the war on Israel this summer, the attack on the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle in July, Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, needs of the Falas Mura and the elderly in the former Soviet Union and other challenges that have confronted the Jewish community just within the past year. But he said that the Jewish community, with the support of Lions of Judah, continues to meet them.

“The UJC and Jewish federation system is in its own way stronger than it has ever been,” he said. “Yes, we’ve had challenges, but we’ve demonstrated that we can respond during times of crisis. We demonstrate that we respond on an ongoing basis with an annual campaign that is reaching toward $900 million, a huge part of which comes from each of you.

“Each of you as leaders of your communities sets the very highest standards for yourself. As Lions of Judah you’ve demonstrated that you know what it means to participate. The adrenalin flowing throughout this conference is the best possible barometer of our success. We’ve always faced challenges. Let’s all be energized by our power to act.”

Participants at this year’s conference represent more than 100 Jewish community federations across North America. Delegates from Brazil, Chile, France, Israel, Mexico, and the United Kingdom are also present.

Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to address participants on Monday, Sept. 11. Program information and conference highlights are posted at


Gingrich says it's World War III
Posted by David Postman
July 15, 2006

(You can find a follw-up to this post here.)

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so. In an interview in Bellevue this morning Gingrich said Bush should call a joint session of Congress the first week of September and talk about global military conflicts in much starker terms than have been heard from the president.


Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich Addresses Terrorist Threats
Posted: Wednesday, September 13, 2006
AEI Online AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE press release,pubID.24895/pub_detail.asp

“[T]ime is not on our side. . . .[W]e must confront the reality that we are not where we wanted to be nor where we need to be.”
--Newt Gingrich, 9/11/2006

In a speech given at AEI on the fifth anniversary of the events of September 11, AEI senior fellow Newt Gingrich provided an in-depth analysis of the global threats facing the United States today. The following are excerpts from his remarks:


Newt Gingrich says U.S. leaders should get tough with Iran's Islamic theocracy
AP September 7, 2006

SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says it's time for the United States to get tough with Iran's Islamic theocracy.
Speaking before a conservative public policy group Wednesday, Gingrich said Americans should take Iranian leaders' threats seriously, before they acquire nuclear weapons.

“We have REAL ENEMIES and they would like to KILL US,” said Gingrich, the Georgia Republican who engineered a GOP congressional takeover in 1994.
Gingrich, attending the Maine Heritage Center Policy Center's annual luncheon, said it's time for Americans to “profoundly rethink” their position on Iran and be prepared to take all necessary steps to safeguard the United States.

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