Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More on the Cowardly, Lying, Traitorous WASHINGTON POST editors and publishers LYING to polish Bush's boots....

In just one or two posts previously, we here at MediaWhoresUSA.blogspot.com documented the WASHINGTON POST's *CENTRAL* role in the current decline of American democracy ('small d' 'democracy").

For almost two decades, your humble editor(s) & writer(s) here at MediaWhoresUSA.com have realized that the Post is on a corporate JIHAD against 'small d' democracy, a Jihad actually starting in the late 1980's with the Post helping Republican crooks, liars, and thugs whitewash and cover-up their misdeeds. See Robert Parry's historical reporting on the Iran-Contra and related scandals which Newsweek, the Washington Post, and other 'news' organizations DOWNPLAYED to the point of abjectly lying and covering-up the reporting of well known and widely reported facts.

(A summary of which is contained in chapter 1. of Parry's book, "Secrecy and Privilege" available at ConsortiumNews.com. See also dozens of other books on the topic(s), including "Inside Job- The Looting of America's Savings & Loans" by Puzzo et al,
and "Spider's Web: The Secrety History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq"by Alan Friedman
and other books on (#1.) the BCCI scandal; (#2.) the S&L scandal; (#3.) the illegal arming of Iraq; (#4.) the "October surprise" by which Republican out-of-official-government foreign policy officials (up to and including George H.W. Bush and Henry Kissinger) may have offered Iran's revolutionary authorities "A DEAL" for them to hold on to US hostages past the 1980 US presidential elections in return for future weapons shipments, thereby ensuring President Carter's defeat and Reagan/Bush Sr's victory in that election); and of course (#5.) the Iran-Contra scandal itself, the most well-known of all these scandals.)

The fact that the Iran-Contra and S&L scandals are fading into our (America's) collective memory, and that "October surprise," Iraq-gate, BCCI, and other scandals are already almost forgotten or unknown to much of America, is in itself PRIMAE FACIA evidence that the Washington Post and other 'news' organization opinion-makers have placed FAR MORE EMPHASIS on the Clinton era "Whitewater scandal" and Lewinsky scandal (and the ENTIRELY CONTRIVED, made-up, manufactured "Travel-gate," "Lincoln bedroom," and "White House trashing" "scandals") than on prosecuting and investigating GENUINE CRIMES committed by Republicans in power, including the theft of election 2000, the disenfranchisement of thousands of voters in Florida in that election, the Dieboldization of America's voting process using imminently corrupt and hackable voting software that is, beyond doubt, able to "switch" election results from the winning candidate to the losing candidate; the disenfranchisement of tens of thousands more voters in the 2004 election, the close links between the Bush White House and ENRON, the close links between Vice President Cheney and Halliburton's no-bid, no-contract, no-oversight, law-unto-itself contracts; the Cheney "SECRET ENERGY POLICY" that withing two years led to the Iraq war, etc. etc. etc.

Well, JUST KEEPING UP WITH Washingtonton Post's MENDACITY and COVER-UPS quickly turns into a book-length exposition, if only because the cowardly, lying editors of the Post have been turning Democrat non-scandals (such as "Travel-gate" and "Lincoln bedroom scandal," and "White House trashing scandal") into CRIMES, while giving Republican authorities' crimes, INCOMPETENCE, and in-your-face CORRUPTION short shrift.

So herewith, another page of DOCUMENTATION of the LIES, COMPLICITY, and treacherous, lying CORRUPTION of the EDITORS, PUBLISHERS, and WRITERS of the Washington Post:

PS - NO, the excuse "the Democrats did it too!" is NOT an excuse for the Post's WHOREIFFIC reporting over the past two decades. The FACTS of the BCCI, Iraqate, Iran-Contra, S&L, Diebold, torture, 9-11 dereliction of duty; and lies-to-war scandals stand over and above the 'he said, she said" narrative that the POST and other Washington 'news' writers prefer to write in selling blaring headlines to readers. For example, Democratic Senator John Glenn was a member of the "Keating 7," senators accused of assisting Charles Keating's Lincoln Savings & Loan avoiding scrutiny and the intensive audits that Lincoln's books demanded. The fact that some Democrats were on-board for the whitewash and corruption of the above crimes, DOES NOT MEAN that the Washington Post had an EXCUSE to MISREPORT, COVER-UP, and WHITEWASH those crimes, corruptions, and official negligence in the first place... and all through the 1980s, it was REPUBLICANs who ran the United States government executive branch.


Why Did the Washington Post Ignore Its Own Reporting on PlameGate?
[and thereby LIE to DOWNPLAY Republican CRIMINALITY in 'outing' an undercover CIA operative]

September 4, 2006

In response to a recent highly flawed, factually incorrect (as in disproven by the Washington Post's own reporting), and blisteringly dishonest editorial by the Washington Post, LibbyDefenseFund.com and BuzzFlash.com received the following bullet point refutations of the egregiously misleading WP editorial. (The editorial ran in the September 1 edition of the Post, and could have been dictated by Cheney or Rove.)

WP Allegation: It is untrue that the White House orchestrated leak of Plame’s identity to ruin her career and punish Joe Wilson

• According to Washington Post article of 10/12/03: “two top White House officials disclosed Plame’s identity to at least six Washington journalists.” An administration source told the Post: “officials brought up Plame as part of their broader case against Wilson . . . It was unsolicited . . . They were pushing back. They used everything they had.”

• After Novak’s column appeared Rove called Chris Matthews and told him Mr. Wilson’s wife was “fair game” (Newsweek 7/11/05)

• Mr. Fitzgerald, who has long been aware of Mr. Armitage’s role, stated in court filing: “there is ample evidence that multiple officials in the White House discussed [Valerie Wilson’s] employment with reporters prior to (and after) July 14, “ and further that “it is hard to conceive of what evidence there could be that would disprove the existence of White House efforts to ‘punish’ [Mr.] Wilson.” (Washington Post 4/7/06)

WP Allegation: Mr. Wilson’s charge that he had debunked reports of Iraqi uranium-shopping in Niger is false

• The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) Report on the U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Assessment of Iraq describes Mr. Wilson’s role:

• The CIA’s decision to send Mr. Wilson to Niger was part of an effort to obtain responses to questions from the Vice President’s Office and State and Defense on “the alleged Iraq-Niger uranium deal” (p. 39)

• Two CIA staffers debriefed Mr. Wilson upon his return from Niger and wrote a draft intelligence report that was sent to the CIA Director of Operations (“DO”) reports officer. (p. 43)

• The intelligence report based on Mr. Wilson’s trip was disseminated on March 8, 2002, and was “widely distributed.” It did not identify Mr. Wilson by name to protect him as a source, which the CIA had promised Mr. Wilson. (p. 43)

• According to the report, the CIA’s DO gave Mr. Wilson’s information a grade of “good” “which means it added to the IC’s body of understanding on the issue.” (p. 46)

• After Mr. Wilson’s July 6, 2003 New York Times op-ed, the Administration acted as if he had made a major revelation:

• The day after a spokesman for the President told The Washington Post: “the sixteen words [“The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa”] did not rise to the level of inclusion in the State of the Union.” (NY Times 7/8/03)

• On July 11, 2003, CIA Director George Tenet said “These 16 words should never have been included in the text written for the president.” (LA Times 7/12/03).

• According to a Washington Post article, the National Intelligence Council stated in a January 2003 memo that “the Niger story [that Iraq had been caught trying to buy uranium from Niger] was baseless and should be laid to rest.” (Washington Post 4/9/06)

• According to a Vanity Fair article of July 2006, there was a last-minute decision before the President’s State of the Union Address to attribute the Niger uranium deal to British intelligence even though “the CIA had told the White House again and again that it didn’t trust the British reports.”

• On March 7, 2003, Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the IAEA, publicly disclosed that the Niger documents which formed the basis for reports of a Iraq-Niger uranium transaction were false. He stated that “the IAEA has concluded, with the concurrence of outside experts, that these documents . . . are in fact not authentic. We have therefore concluded that these specific allegations are unfounded.”WP Allegation: Mr. Wilson “ought to have expected . . . that the answer [to why he was sent to Niger] would point to his wife.”

• A July 22, 2003 Newsday article cites a senior intelligence officer who confirmed that “she [Valerie Plame] did not recommend her husband to undertake the Niger assignment.”

• Joe Wilson’s July 15, 2005 letter to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence explains that Valerie Wilson was not at the meeting at which the subject of him traveling to Niger was raised for the first time and then only after a discussion of what the participants at the meeting did not did not know about Niger. This is confirmed by SSCI report at p. 40.

For ongoing updates on the PlameGate investigation, please read http://www.buzzflash.com.

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