Monday, September 11, 2006

Disney/ABC whores their 9-11 propaganda "docu-drama" movie on behalf of Bush-Cheney-Rove Republicans...

- Last night Disney corp, sole owners of ABC, ran their production of a 9-11 movie as a "docu-drama," with the obligatory disclaimer that the movie was not based entirely on facts, but was written for "drama content" as well.

The long and short of it is that Disney pimped out the production of their 9-11 movie to a known Hate-Clinton Right-Wing pro-Bush producer; that Disney then refused to supervise the production; and recently when the movie was finally completed, the producers shipped the DVD to friendly Right-Wing media allies and commentators, WHILE REFUSING to ship the DVD to interested Democratic parties, including the FORMER PRESIDENT (Clinton) and SECRETARY of STATE Madeline Albright!

THIS clear and present PROPAGANDA EFFORTS on behalf of the Right-WIng administration is now the unstated but official policy of the Disney Mouse!

The movie as written portrays Clinton, Albright, and National Security Advisor SANDY BERGER as being at the heart of Osama's successful run of a decade spent attacking America... DESPITE THE FACT that it was the CLINTON National Security team that salvoed CRUISE MISSILES against Bin Laden, and it was REPUBLICANS in Congress who shouted "WAG THE DOG!", as if investigating Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky was more important than responding to bin Laden's Al Qaida murderous ATTACKS ON AMERICAN EMBASSIES and military personel!

Thus it is that the DISNEY movie portrays THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION as TO BLAME for 9-11 - even though it was George W. Bush who, despite being WARNED by the outgoing Clinton administration that "AL QAIDA TERROR will be America's NUMBER ONE SECURITY THREAT in the coming decade," (it was President Bush who) TOOK A ONE MONTH VACATION in August of 2001, a full 8 months after taking office, and on that vacation Mr. Bush put CLEARING BRUSH, fishing, and talking about his dog CHASING ARMADILLOS as a HIGHER PRIORITY than doing ANYTHING about the CIA dossier he was personally briefed on, "Bin Laden DETERMINED_TO_ATTACK_in_AMERICA."

This glaring, criminal negligence and DERELICTION_of_DUTY on the part of President Bush is made ALL THE WORSE when one reads THIS CNN puff piece from January of that year (2001), not only lauding Bush for taking the time to meet with his CIA briefers "FACE TO FACE," but snidely comparing Bush to Clinton in a way that makes Clinton look derelict for "only meeting with his CIA briefers every other day"!

Bush prefers CIA intelligence briefings face to face
Clinton liked written summaries
From David Ensor
CNN National Security Correspondent
January 18, 2001

THANK YOU, DISNEY/ABC, for exposing yourselves as Republican Propaganda THUGS.
You care far more for your corporate TAX BREAKS and Florida tax breaks (from the Florida Republican-dominated state house and governor's office) than HONESTLY portraying the events that lead up to America's massive security failure before 9-11.

(And a genuine "Thanks!" to E&P editors and staff, a real exception to the trend of the WHORING of America's press and media.)


ABC Airs 9/11 Film -- Contested Scenes Remain
By E&P Staff
September 10, 2006

NEW YORK The first part of the controversial "The Path to 9/11" movie aired as scheduled on ABC on Sunday -- despite pleas that it be halted by several top officials in the Clinton administraton, among others -- and while several last-minute cuts were made, the key scenes that enraged many liberals remained essentially intact.

E&P had seen a review copy earlier this week. After the edits, the finalized first half of the film (at two hours and forty minutes) was, at most, only about a minute shorter than the review copy.

The final film revealed trims at certain points, and some new dialogue, but key scenes extremely critical of former Clinton national security advisor Sandy Berger and Secretary of State Madeline Albright retained most of their bite.

As ABC had promised, the film included a kind of disclaimer, shown on the screen (though only about three times), noting that the film is "not a documentary" and includes "fictonalized scenes," "representative characters" and "time compression." It also de-emphasized its earlier claims that it was mainly based on the official 9/11 Commission Report.

Many critics, including some conservatives, had stated that they objected to any fictonaliizing of 9/11. At the same time, many conservatives were also monitoring the edits as the movie aired, concerned about ABC caving in to liberals' demands.

The two scenes that received the most attention this week involved, first, a near-attack on bin Laden's camp in Afghanistan called off by Clinton aide Sandy Berger; and another in which Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was fingered for tipping off bin Laden about a missile attack by notifying Pakistan in advance.

The Berger scene, after some trims, remained largely intact, as he rebuffs pleas by CIA to order the kidnapping of bin Laden when a "snatch" team is nearby -- but it no longer shows him ending the conversation by suddenly cutting the phone call. The filmmakers did edit out many of the shots from Afghanistan that underscored how close we allegedly were to bin Laden's camp. (That may be because, according to the 9/11 Commission, this specific episode did not take place.) But that scene still cut directly to our ally, Afghan rebel Massood, calling Americans back in Washington "cowards."

The Albright scene has new dialogue, and some old dialogue cut, but still indicted her for telling Pakistan about the later missile attack on bid Laden. She claims in the film that she had to do this since cruise missiles had to fly over Pakistani territory and might have set off nuclear fears, but she remains the heavy.

Another key scene, in which a composite CIA agent named "Kirk" complains about Clinton's lack of action, is now softened somewhat. But the star of the film, Harvey Keitel, as a top FBI agent, still utters a sharp line about the administration viewing terrorism as just a "law and order problem."

And that scene still cuts (another sore point from the Clinton officials' point of view) to the president's famous assertion that he did not have "sexual relations" with Monica Lewinsky. In the new edit, however, Richard Clarke, the terror expert, now says that Clinton's people had assured him that the president was not distracted from terrorism by the sex scandal.

It edits out the FBI agent's reference to Clinton being afraid to move against bin Laden because of the impeachment climate -- but leaves in his description of the Clinton paralysis as "pathetic."

One brief scene in the review copy that showed Clinton testifying in the Lewinsky matter was cut from this version.

A Nightline special followed the movie, focusing on some of the same subject matter and same time frame, in examining whether bin Laden could have been halted.

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