Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dylan Ratigan, MSNBC's outspoken "Bailouts must be examined for FRAUD!" anchor, FORCED TO APOLOGIZE to GODDAMN-SACHS WHORE Debbie Wasserman Schultz...

Well, WE KNEW it would happen... WE KNEW  that  fighting, outspoken  MSNBC morning news show anchor (and former CNBC financial reporter)  DYLAN RATIGAN would be FORCED, by his GE/MS/NBC corporate masters (who own MSNBC), to RETRACT and back-track from his outspoken, accusatory, but  HONESTLY  INSIGHTFUL comments.
Well, sure enough,   DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ was the  ECONOMIC HIT-MAN ("woman" in her case) ASSIGNED by the Goddamn-Sachs cabal - which is to say,
the Rahm Emanuel  chaired  Congressional/GoddamnSachs monopoly Trust - to TAKE DYLAN DOWN.  

  In posting a clip of  the Ratigan vs Wasserman-Schultz confrontation on his video,  Mr. Keiser doesn't even bother to mention that  Debbie is (nominally) an "elected Congress-woman from Florida's 20th District,"  but Mr.Keiser merely  identifies Debbie Wasserman Schultz  as "a lobbyist," and then  (Mr. Keiser) proceeds to DEMOLISH  all the arguments the INSURANCE  LOBBYIST HIT-WOMAN  Wasserman-Shultz makes PRETENDING that the Emanel/Baucus/GoddamnSachs/Lieberman/insurance-industry written "health care"  "reform"  bill
HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH making health care more affordable, more available, or better in America.
  Well, our thanks to both  Mr. Keiser and  Congresswoman insurance industry  economic HIT-WOMAN / lobbyists Debbie Wasserman Schultz -

  Mr. Keiser for reminding us about  what a TREACHEROUS ANTI-democratic WHORE and  Goddamn-Sachs uber alles  ECONOMIC EXTORTIONIST WARMONGER   Debbie Wasserman Schultz  is,
  ....and Mr. Wasserman-Schultz for REMINDING US that  RAHM EMANUEL  is NOT the only Right-Wing, Likudnik, Warmongering,  Republican-ENABLING,  impeachment-hearings quashing,  QUISLING, RIGHT-WING TREACHEROUS, "NO OVERSIGHT BAILOUTS"   "Democrat" out there,  POSING as a "Moderate" (if not "liberal") Democrat to win elections!
  Like her FELLOW Florida   NEO-CON  Congressman   RON KLEIN,  Debbie Wasserman Shultz  RAN for Congress in 2004 (Ron Klein in 2006) on an ANTI-WAR,  anti  tax-cuts-for-rich, anti-Bush agenda; but like  Ron Klein, Rahm Emanuel, and other LIKUDNIK   Neo-Con  "Democrats" in the US  Congress, this entire trio was AGAINST  EVEN THE MOST preliminary of IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS to  INVESTIGATE the CRIMINAL ABUSES OF POWER of either Vice President Dick Cheney or  President George W. Bush....
  ... for the simple reason that the  so-called "Democrat"  Neo-Con Congress-critters (including JANE HARMAN, DIANNE FEINSTEIN,  former "Democrats"  Norm Coleman and Arlen Specter, etc. etc. etc.),   along with the AIPAC  ISRAEL-America lobby, WERE IN LEAGUE with Vice President Cheney's  MOST dictatorial, demagogue, warmongering,   IMPERIAL  WAR PLANS!
 In this 2007 video AIPAC members STAND and   CHEER then VP Cheney's MOST BOMBASTIC "BOMB IRAN NOW!"  speech at the AIPAC  annual,  general member's conferance that March, the American public in the mid-term elections of 2006  RESOUNDINGLY REJECTING the Republicans'  "MORE WAR NOW!" agenda, BE DAMNED!
  THANK YOU, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, for reminding us,  that long before  Barack Obama stupidly invited RAHM EMANUEL and the GODDAMN-SACHS NEO-CONS   to INFEST the new Obama presidency,   YOU, RON KLEIN, and Rahm Emanuel  were SECRETLY  HELPING  Dick Cheney push the Right-Wing  LIKUDNIK  "MORE WARS!"  AND Goddamn-Sachs "DEREGULATE US FINANCIAL MARKETS!" agenda, by both QUASHING  INVESTIGATIONS into Cheney's lies-to-war, illegal surveillance,  torture gulags,  war profitteering, and other crimes,  and, hell, YOU GOD-DAMNED "Democrat" TRAITORS EVEN gave Cheney a FREE PASS for KEEPING his HALLIBURTON STOCK OPTIONS as he awarded billion-dollar NO BID, NO OVERSIGHT contracts to his "former" company,  and even as Cheney tried TO SELL US PORT OPERATIONS to DUBAI, and even though Cheney SUCCESSFULLY moving HALLIBURTON corporate headquarters to that same Dubai!  
 WHOSE SIDE are you Neo-Con "Democrats" ON?!
  The EMANUEL/Ron Klein/Debbie Wasserman Schultz  Neo-Cons (LIKUDNIKS!) are SO  DICK CHENEY and GOLDDAMN-SACHS happy, that they will IDLY STAND BY, as Goddamn-Sachs LOOTS the  entire US economy, and as Rahm Emanuel  preps the Democrats for a  "2010 MASSACRE" (loss of Congressional seats in mid-term elections), SO to bring the DICK CHENEY WARMONGERING  REPUBLICANS  BACK into the presidency, where they will start NEW WARS in the Mideast, doing Israel's dirty work on the American taxpayers'  dime.  (Or hundreds of billions of dollars worth of  US military blood and US taxpayer  dimes.)
 (and the New York Times,  CNN, Time magazine,  Time/Warner/HBO corporation; Newsweek, LA Times,  Chicago Tribune, and other corporate media outlets are also  "ALL IN" on the SABOTAGE of American democracy, congress, economy,  and free press by the insanely TREASONOUS  "Israel first!"  Neo-Cons.)   

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