Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Media Whores try to CENSOR Bernanke's ATROCIOUS RECORD as Fed Chairman - YES, the ECONOMIC CRISIS __IS__ Bernanke's fault!!

YES!  The   ECONOMIC CRISIS, the Bush-II/Obama RECESSION,  __IS__ Ben Bernanke's fault!

   Look how INSANELY CORRUPT  America's  MEDIA WHORES  are!

 They gloated and laughed and "reported" on Martha Stewart being lynch-mob arrested, indicted, tried, convicted, sentenced, and SENT TO PRISON for "dumping" a lousy $55,000 of ImClone stock  SHE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO SELL, having  NO, NO, NO  FIDUCIARY CONNECTION to ImClone...
 (in fact, Ms. Stewart was convicted of... "lying" to federal officials,"  BY WHICH STANDARD the Obama SEC & DoJ  could have EVERY TWO-BIT PIMP & financial fraudster on Wall Street either spilling their guts, or  doing the Gitmo dance.)

 ... but when it comes to the CAUSES of an Economic crisis which has WIPED OUT  $14 trillion,  FOURTEEN-TRILLION-DOLLARS of American household wealth,  the GOD-DAMNED Media Whores  try to say "NO ONE is responsible... especially not the guy  who is placed IN CHARGE of the ENTIRE  FINANCIAL SYSTEM!

   America's  GOD DAMNED  media whores DESERVE TO SPEND  double, triple, quadruple  the time that Martha Stewart had to spend in prison, for ABJECT,  NATION-GUTTING  financial and journalistic  FRAUD!!     
Yes, Virginia, It Is Bernanke's Fault
Dean Baker,    Co-Director of the Center for Economic & Policy Research
December 7, 2009
The Fed has a large arsenal with which to attack a housing bubble, but the first weapon is simply talk. If Greenspan and Bernanke had used their platform at the Fed to educate Congress, the financial industry, and the public at large about the existence of the housing bubble and the risks it posed, this likely would have been sufficient to rein it....
  This is not about mumbling "irrational exuberance." It's a question of using the Fed's full research capacities to document the existence of a housing bubble (they actually did the opposite) and then disseminating this research as widely as possible. If this proved inadequate, the Fed also had substantial regulatory powers to curb the deceptive subprime loans that helped inflate the bubble in its later stages
  Bernanke and his sidekick, Greenspan, chose to take none of these measures. Instead they insisted everything was fine the whole time. Things were not fine and the country is paying the price. And yes, it is very much Bernanke's fault.

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