Friday, January 08, 2010

MEDIA WHORE George Stephanopoulos ALLOWS Rudy Guiliani to declare "NO TERRORIST ATTACKS ON America DURING George W. Bush's term"

 George Stephanopolous gives it the old college try, vying with fellow former "Democrat," now fellow  DC multi-millionaire insider  talking-head Chris Mathews, for the position of "Most accomplished  RIGHT-WING TOADY, APLOGIST, WHITEWASHER, and paid professional liar"  and for the honor of   carrying the most  water for the NY/DC Neo-Con American economy  wrecking "establishment."
   In this case, Stepanopolous  has become SO GOOD at his REAL job of "CRUSHING the REAL news" - for example, 
  • FAILING TO CONNECT "DEREGULATION with VAST FINANCIAL FRAUD" (which Enron _x_  1,000,000 fraud,  indeed, is WHITEWASHED RIGHT OUT of Stephanopolous' show), or
that in TYPICAL MEDIA WHORE fashion,  Stephanopolous JUST SAT THERE, MUTE, IGNORANT, STUPID, and TOADYING, as    9-11 terror-attack-milking former NYC  Mayor, Rudy Giuliani,  claimed that President Bush HAD NEVER HAD A TERRORIST ATTACK occur in America while  (George W.)  Bush was president!

    The shame is NOT that CORPORATE TOADY Stephanopolus SAT MUTE as Giuliani did his STALINIST HISTORICAL REVISION routine, trying to SCRUB  President Bush's CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE and DERELICTION of DUTY leading up to the 9-11 terror attacks from recent political history....
   ...the shame is that EVERY  George Stephanopolous ABC "news"  show is MARKED BY  1,000  tough questions, & especially follow up questions, that Mr. Stephanopolus DOES NOT ASK.
   LIKE ALLL THE OTHER  OVERPAID  DC MEDIA WHORES,  Stephanopolous COULD NOT TELL YOU  how many BILLIONS of dollars have been EXTORTED out of taxpayers and transfered over to Wall Street bankers in the form of "BAILOUTS" -   (TARP oversight inspector Barofsky pegged the number as north of  TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS, and counting, as of a half year ago) 
 - because like other Media Whores, Stephanopolous' job is to NOT  inform his viewers about the REAL news,  the  real news  that the cabal of American banksters &  wealthy elites are TRYING to destroy the US economy, so they can purchase the pieces for pennies on the dollar. 
 Read it and weep, America:   a MISSED follow-up question, one of MILLIONS over the past 10 years,  SO EGREGIOUS,  that even ABC 'news' and Washington's MEDIA WHORES are forced to notice:   

‘GMA’ Interview With Giuliani Draws Criticism
[ABC's "Good Morning America Anchor George Stephanopolous Draws Criticism]
By Brian Stelter,  NY Times
January 8, 2010 

It was a moment that positively cried out for a follow-up question.
On Friday’s “Good Morning America” on ABC, the former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani claimed - -  “we had no domestic attacks under Bush — we’ve had one under Obama.”
The misstatementwhich seemed to omit the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, which occurred nearly eight months after President Bush took office — was roundly criticized after the fact, even by some of ABC’s own correspondents. “Even if you assume he meant post-9/11 this is hard to justify,” Rick Klein, the primary author of ABC’s political memo The Note, wrote on Twitter.
But at the time, the interviewer, George Stephanopoulos, did not challenge Mr. Giuliani’s assertion. The segment ended a minute later with a joke about the snowfall in New York City.

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