Sunday, December 20, 2009

Textbook deconstruction of the Sam Zell owned LA Times PIMPING WARS in Nazi-Goebbels fashion..

As millions of Americans have come to witness over the past year,  (President) Barack Obama is a WHOLLY OWNED CAPTIVE of the Neo-Con predatory, economy-gutting financial machine (Goddamn-Sachs, JPMorgan-Chase, Citi bank - all three fronts for the Rothschild European/ultra-Likudnik banking cartel,   and a few other major banking houses that haven't yet been devoured by the above three),  and as Americans are slowly coming to understand, THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between the "DEREGULATION, tax-CUTS-for-rich, and BAILOUTS for ONLY mega-bankers"  financial  Neo-Cons, and the "MORE US WARS in MIDEAST & CENTRAL ASIA"  hyper-warmongering Likudnik Neo-Cons.  
   In the persons of "leaders" like RAHM EMANUEL, PAUL WOLFOWITZ,  and BILL KRISTOL, there is NO difference between a Likudnik warmonger, and a Neo-Con  "banker"   economy-looting financial swindler.
    (Rahm Emanuel fancies himself an "investment banker" after "earning" $18 million for being shoe-horned into a lucrative stint at a Chicago Goldman-Sachs allied LBO/M&A house by then (1998) Clinton Treasury Secretary, and former  Goddamn-Sachs Chairman,  Robert Rubin. Like Emanuel, Wolfowitz was put in a major financial position - President of World Bank no less!  - despite having NO prior financial experience... unless then  Undersecretary of Defense Wolfowitz OVERSEEING  Iraq "Viceroy" L. Paul Bremer "LOSING"  NINE BILLION DOLLARS of CASH in Iraq in the first  few weeks of the Iraq occupation  counts as "experience." (And among these gangsters, it certainly does.)
   And Bill Kristol figures himself a the guru of record  on ALL topics war, politics, or economics, as the founding chairman of  Wolfowitz -Cheney's  PNAC  war-lobby,  and as the  relentless  overseer of the "free enterprise"  American slave plantation.) 
  Well, the American public is SLOWLY figuring out that there is NO difference between the "financial" Neo-Cons like Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers, and Obama's other "economics" experts; and the "MORE WARS NOW!"  cabal that OWNS the US press & media.
 (Including the NY Times, the Neo-Con  Washington Post and Newsweek; Time magazine, CNN, and HBO,  all  owned by Time/WARNER co.; and the Sam Zell LA Times, Chicago Tribune, and Florida -Sentinel papers, among many other powerful media outlets.)

  bonus:  AIPAC PROUDLY CHEERS for then Vice President Dick Cheney's  "BOMB IRAN NOW!"  speech... in MAY of 2007!

 NEXT UP:  a huge KILLER FLEET of US remote control drones, to  ATTACK  and BOMB IRAN to hell, with NO  contratry reporting allowed  ANYWHERE in the media of  Neo-Con SLAVE PLANTATION America... PRAISE JESUS, MOSES, DAVID, and SAMUEL, and ALL WEALTH AND RICHES to Israel and Goddamn-Sachs!  

Obama’s Preferred Killing Machines: Drones, drones, and more drone attacks.
 Guest Blogged by Sibel Edmonds,
December 19,  2009 

Here are a few excerpts from L.A. Times reporting on this:  
“Senior U.S. officials are pushing to expand CIA drone strikes beyond Pakistan’s tribal region and into a major city in an attempt to pressure the Pakistani government to pursue Taliban leaders based in Quetta.”
   Okay, so that’s the introduction. They sanitize the real purpose with key words: Taliban Leaders. They want the reader to take that as the purpose. Next is this:
“The proposal has opened a contentious new front in the clandestine war. The prospect of Predator aircraft strikes in Quetta, a sprawling city, signals a new U.S. resolve to decapitate the Taliban. But it also risks rupturing Washington’s relationship with Islamabad.” 
 As you can see, it is indirectly, but not very subtly, JUSTIFYING and CHEERING  the drone attacks. Pay special attention to the following: ‘A new U.S. Resolve’- as in a strong, determined new administration, and ‘decapitate the Taliban’- as in wiping out the big bad evil shalvars-wearing curly-bearded cavemen who have been somehow declared, without technically being declared, as the terrorists and culprits in 9/11.
The side effect, the only tiny side effect, aka risk, cited is: oh, it may put a little dent in our relationship with Pakistan.

The PROPGANDA PIECE [published by the (Neo-Con WARMONGER]   STENOGRAPHERS at LA Times first offers the mike [microphone]   to the PROPONENTS of upping the killing machines: 
“The concern has created tension among Obama administration officials over whether unmanned aircraft strikes in a city of 850,000 are a realistic option. Proponents, including some military leaders, argue that attacking the Taliban in Quetta — or at least threatening to do so — is critical to the success of the revised war strategy President Obama unveiled last week.” 
  As for the opponents, they only site the possibility of some dents on our relationship with Pakistan:
 [our comment:  This is the CLASSIC  NAZI PROPAGANDA tactic:  the REAL opponents of State Propaganda DO NOT EXIST, at least in the framework of "legitimate" or "proper"   state channels of communication within the nation.     So they create  straw-man  FAKE "opponents" to the regime's talking points,  in this case the ONLY drawback to the call for  basically UNLIMITED US MURDERS from the skies,  in YET ANOTHER  FOREIGN COUNTRY,  is the petty 'feelings' of those oposed to that US murder-from-skies "policy"  in that foreign  country.] 
“But others, including high-ranking U.S. intelligence officials, have been more skeptical of employing drone attacks in a place that Pakistanis see as part of their country’s core. Pakistani officials have warned that the fallout would be severe.

‘We are not a banana republic,’ said a senior Pakistani official involved in discussions of security issues with the Obama administration. If the United States follows through, the official said, ‘this might be the end of the road.’
And finally, the stenographers continue with this glowing report on this now widely popular war machine strategy, albeit stating a false and unproven success record: 
“The CIA has carried out dozens of Predator strikes in Pakistan’s tribal belt over the last two years, relying extensively on information provided by informant networks run by Pakistan’s spy service, Inter-Services Intelligence.

“The campaign is CREDITED with killing at least 10 senior Al Qaeda operatives since the pace of the strikes was accelerated in August 2008, but has enraged many Pakistanis because of civilian casualties.”
The so-called report conveniently omits the number of civilian casualties, the ratio between the actual targets hit and the innocents murdered, the real cost, and the implications when it comes to probable violation of sections 4 and 5 of Article 51, which prohibits attacks that treat military and civilian objects as one and the same. Yep, as always, the establishment media provides zip, zilch, nada on all the important facts and issues that really matter. Next, please read this propaganda trash that is being marketed by not only the L.A. Times stenographers, but almost all the other establishment propaganda machines collectively referred to as the US Media.
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