Thursday, December 17, 2009

TEXTBOOK example of NY Times SELLING LIES: Sheryl Stolberg & Robert Pear "WE'RE SO SMART!" "process" article, FAILS TO NOTE THE MOST BASIC FACTS of health care reform...

 new:  VIDEO of Senator Lieberman SUPPORTING  "Public Option" health-care reform in 2004 and 2006. 
   WHITEWASHING and COVERING UP the grotesque lies and FLIP-FLOPS of senators who  PLEDGED MEANINGFUL health care reform when they SOUGHT  voter support while running for elections, but now OBSTRUCT the will of the CLEAR MAJORITY of their  constituents now that they are establishment bought-and-ownedpower-mongers and industry BRIBED OBSTRUCTIONISTS,      IS WHAT the ATROCIOUS  New York Times (and Washington Post) Media Whores DO!

 Needless to say,  trying to run a blog like "Media Whores USA" is  like working in a sewer or garbage dump - you will be innundated and surrounded by garbage and sewage.

  So it is with the  "media leaders" the New  York Times &  Washington Post's HORRENDOUS, APPALLING 'reporting' on the crisis in America's health care, and the attempts by (some)   Democrats to provide some sort of health care reform. 
 In this article,
 "Obama Health Care Meeting Aims to Rally Senators"
NY Times "reporters"  SHERYL GAY STOLBERG and ROBERT PEAR  _SATURATE_ their reporting with their  "WE'RE SO CLEVER and informed,  we know EVERY INSIDE DETAIL!" theme, in their "PROCESS"  'reporting'   of the botched, pathetic  health care reform bill that President Obama is trying to shove down America's throat, in this case of   President Obama stupidly calling several  Democrat Senators to the White House, to FORMALIZE  his, Obama's   CEDING  OF POWER on the vital HCR issue (that was a CORE PROMISE of his 2008 campaign) - to TRAITOR JOE LIEBERMAN, the Right-Wing warmongering & tax-cuts-for-rich Senator  MASQUERADING as a 'moderate' Independent...  an "Independent" senator who CAMPAIGNED for then Senator Obama's  2008 presidential opponent, Republican Senator John McCain!  
   You read that correctly:  President Barack Obama, who was swept into office on a TIDE of MILLIONS of  Democratic and  Independent  voters DEMANDING  "real" CHANGE,   is trying to HAND  his mandate,  his  legislative powers, and his  health care 'reform'  moral authority,  to a guy (Senator Lieberman)  who campaigned for the LOSING  presidential candidate! 

 (Here's Arianna Huffington, in a classic case of her  Cambridge understatement,   saying it is "ABSURD" for Pres. Obama to CEDE  his power and authority to well known OBSTRUCTIONIST  and  TRAITOR-to-Democrats  Senator  Lieberman, on such a vital issue as HCR  that was, Hello? a _core issue_  of  candidate Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.)

So, WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT POINTS of  Health Care reform that  The Times' Ms. Stolberg & Mr. Pear and their editors PRETEND NOT TO NOTICE..???

answer:  That BOTH Obama's  blood-drenched Rasputin,  White House Chief of Staff  Rahm Emanuel, AND   'the great' Senator Lieberman, once SUPPORTED  EXPANDED MEDICARE, or a PUBLIC OPTION,  _before_ they are NOW AGAINST  either!  (WP op-ed co-written by then Illinois Congressman, and DCCC Chairman, Rahm Emanuel)    Or that nearly 60%,  SIXTY PERCENT  of American voters WANT  _SOME SORT_  of  government  insurance health care, whether expanded Medicare coverage or a "public option,"     and that  Senator Lieberman,  Senator Baucus, Senator Lincoln,  and all the other "Yellow Dog" Democrats at Obama's  FORMAL SURRENDER  MEETING yesterday,  are all BRIBED WHORES and OBSTRUCTIONISTS,  taking INDUSTRY BRIBE MONEY ("campaign donations")  to OBSTRUCT THE WILL of the CLEAR majority of  American voters,  much less the families who will SEE LOVED ONES DIE in the coming months, from  MEDICAL NEGLECT - 17,000 _AMERICAN CHILDREN  WILL DIE _this_ year,  as Mr. Pear & Ms. Stolberg congratulate themselves on a their pathetic little White House  HCR "reporting,"  published in the SERIALLY LYING New York Times.
We can ease the cost crunch for both by giving employers and unions a new option: buying Medicare coverage for retirees ages 55 to 64. Retirees would get quality care from a program they can trust. Employers would get to buy affordable insurance and take spiraling health costs off their books

How's it feel,  Mr. Pear and Ms. Stolberg,   to be "SO SMART" in your "we're insiders!"  "reporting,"  that you IGNORE the MOST BASIC issues  of this entire Health Care debate,  that you are helping the  Financial Swindlers & banking cabal  EXTORT  more than TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in "bailouts"   from American households and families (via a corrupt and cowardly Congress),  while you  HELP Senators  Joe Lieberman, Max Baucus, Bill Nelson, the other "Democrat" OBSTRUCTIONIST senators, and the Republican Party,  try to  KEEP  American families from getting any  more than
 the most  INSULTING  of CRUMBS  (MANDATED private insurance!)   in the way of health care 'reform'?  
  And that you help "the establishment" industry  & Congress Health Care EXTORTIONISTS,   HIDE  and COVER UP the  VERY BASIC, VERY CLEAR,  Public Option and  Expanded Medicare  proposals, by the very power-brokers in the White House and Senate, who now OBSTRUCT their own pledges to voters from  just a year or two ago!

Arianna Huffington:  It is "ABSURD" for a president who won an OVERWHELMING  election mandate in 2008, in no small part due to  pledges of MEANINGFUL  Health Care REFORM, to CEDE  his  LEGISLATIVE 'leadership'  to a TRAITOR  (former) 'Democrat' Senator Joe Lieberman, who CAMPAIGNED FOR President Obama's  LOSING presidential  opponent, Senator John McCain! -

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