Saturday, August 08, 2009

Right-Wing Media Whores OPENLY CALLING for ASSASSINATION of Dem leaders & "Liberal" Activists!!

In our previous post, we called uber- Jewish Neo-Con warmonger JOHN BOLTON a "Jewish Nazi" for his lifetime career of ADVOCATING expanding WARS, TORTURE, anti-democracy COUPS, death-squads, tax-cuts for rich, SECRECY in US government dealings (under the blanket of "state security uber alles") and all the other policies which are IDENTICAL with the national & strategic process by which the German Nazi Party came to power, and executed & justified its wars of conquest & expansion.

We also pointed out that JEWISH LAWYERS Josh Bolton and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, as President Bush's Chief of Staff & VP Cheney's Chief of Staff (respectively), were AT THE VERY CORE of Bush & Cheney's SECRET WARS, assaults on the US Constitution, and financial and abuse-of-powers corruptions.

Today, we sadly point out that there are REAMS of evidence that show that the REPUBLICAN PARTY does see the LYNCH-MOB, demagogue INCITING of VIOLENCE and HATE as a LEGITIMATE political process & political tool.

Rachel Maddow, as captured by media watchdog, explains
that THE SUBTEXT of ASSASSINATION has "now BUBBLED TO THE SURFACE" of Right-Wing media conversation...
- that there is now a CONSISTENT, PERSISTENT effort by the Right-Wing Republicans & their media operatives to INSTILL A CLIMATE of HATRED, and even a casual, mocking acceptance of ASSASSINATIONS & murder, as necessary tools to eliminate what they allege is "Democrat treason" against America.

Ironically, the Right-Wing mobbers BRANDISH hand-made signs labelling Obama and the Democrats as "NAZI", even as the mobbers APE & MIMIC Nazi Brown-Shirt INTIMIDATION & terror tactics!!

And even more ironically, the Obama White House is no longer genuinely "democratic" or even "liberal" - they, too, now have a neo-con, PRO-CORPORATE, PRO-SECRECY, pro- TAX-CUTS-for-RICH (bailouts for billionaire bankers), PRO-INSURANCE MONOPOLY over health-care agenda, with the Emanuel/Goldman-Sachs elements of the Obama White House ACTUALLY IN AGREEMENT with the REPUBLICAN mobbers whipped-to-hatred -
- the Emanuel/Goldman-Sachs/obama White House AGREEING with the Insurance Industry, lobbyists, Republicans, and protest-mobs, that Americans DO NOT DESERVE to know where their tax-dollars have gone in the BAILOUTS of fraudulent banks, nor do Americans deserve a health-care system like the rest of the industrialized world (INCLUDING ISRAEL, whose economy of course IS SUBSIDIZED by BILLIONS of American taxpayer dollars) has!

This of course is SHEER Neo-Con TREACHERY, MASQUERADING as "Liberal" and "Democratic," on the part of the Obama White House!

So the awful bottom line: in SABOTAGING Health Care reform and financial "bailouts" accountability, the OBAMA White House is actually ENABLING the PROTEST MOBS, and their GLENN BECK, RUSH LIMBAUGH, and Republican violence-inciting demagogue radio, TV, congressional, & talk-show hosts - AND thus the so-called "Democrat" obama administration ENABLES the Right-Wing media corporations (example, Murdoch's Fox 'news') that profit from those very RIGHT-WING policies!


President Obama DOES NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!! to SPEAK OUT FOR AMERICAN FAMILIES DRIVEN IN TO BANKRUPTCY by the cruelty of the American "health care" system... and, as a result of that "BULLY PULPIT" media vacuum, the RIGHT-WING DEMAGOGUES are ENABLED to WHIP UP A CLIMATE of HATE, FEAR, PARANOIA... and even outright appeals to ASSASSINATION!!

FOR SHAME, President Obama!!

YOUR TREACHERY could not only get more "abortion doctors" and "liberal activists" killed - YOU DO NOTHING, as GLENN BECK makes a comedy skit about POISONING your political ally, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi!

THE RAHM-EMNANUEL/Goldamn-Sachs neo-con TREACHERY Administration MAY YET BE THE DEATH of American democracy!!

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