Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Finally some GREAT news: Right-Wing HATE radio LOSING REVENUE, race-baiting Repub Party LOSING POPULARITY !!

Now for some GREAT news: EVEN AS President Obama and his Goldamn-Sachs minions TRY TO RAM the GOLDAMN-SACHS anti-American, "who needs stinkin' democracy?" agenda down American citizens' throats,
(SECRECY in TRILLION-DOLLAR taxpayer extorted BAILOUTS, AS Godamn-Sachs & other Wall Street bankster-gangsters FORECLOSE on American homeowners, and DENY CLAIMS & COVERAGE for American families in desperate need of health care),
the American public is growing more and more disgusted with the Right-Wing HATE-MONGERS & corporate funded propaganda meisters, and their lobbyist-incited LYNCH-MOB lites: the very people that the Radical Right-Wing Wall Street big-banks, big-finance, and corporate titans (INCLUDING Mr. Obama's Goldamn-Sachs friends) have been WHIPPING UP these past 2 decades to enable their Right-Wing agenda.
(The old "What's the Matter With Kansas?" syndrome, i.e. "Reagan Democrats" and "Blue Dog" Democrats - EVEN UNION WORKERS - voting FOR radical Right-Wing Republicans, for example "Reagan Democrats" supporting President Reagan, despite Reagan's blatantly ANTI-UNION jihad, "trash P.A.T.C.O." strike-breaking agenda.)

Right-Wing and CORPORATE-LOBBYIST funded Wing-Nuts have now become SO INSANE, that SENIORS who are THE BIGGEST BENEFICIARIES of a HALF-CENTURY of "BIG GOVERNMENT SOCIALIZED PROGRAMS" - like SOCIAL SECURITY, Medicare, the GI Bill, FDIC & SEC oversight of their pensions, savings, and investments (not to mention which, the generation BENEFITTED FROM UNION-SCALE wages, pensions, health-care, and job security in the first place!) -

- SENIORS who ARE ON MEDICARE (and RECEIVE SOCIAL SECURITY), are the Wing-Nuts who are most loudly COMPLAINING about "SOCIALIZED health care" !!!!!!!
(and the Obama Goddamn-Sachs crew are STILL TOO COMPLICIT, CONFLICTED, and CORRUPTED to POINT THIS SIMPLE factoid out!)
Talk Radio Gets Angrier as its Revenues Drop
by Tim Mak
August 6th, 2009
Conservative talk radio has never been more angry and extreme than today. You might think that’s a response to the Obama presidency. But even more, conservative talkers are responding to a collapse in advertising revenues.

According to Scott Fybush, the proprietor of North East Radio Watch, talk radio has lost 30-40% of its ad revenues over the past two years.
And hat-tip to Gawker.com for putting the above info in to visual form -

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