(SECRECY in TRILLION-DOLLAR taxpayer extorted BAILOUTS, AS Godamn-Sachs & other Wall Street bankster-gangsters FORECLOSE on American homeowners, and DENY CLAIMS & COVERAGE for American families in desperate need of health care),
the American public is growing more and more disgusted with the Right-Wing HATE-MONGERS & corporate funded propaganda meisters, and their lobbyist-incited LYNCH-MOB lites: the very people that the Radical Right-Wing Wall Street big-banks, big-finance, and corporate titans (INCLUDING Mr. Obama's Goldamn-Sachs friends) have been WHIPPING UP these past 2 decades to enable their Right-Wing agenda.
(The old "What's the Matter With Kansas?" syndrome, i.e. "Reagan Democrats" and "Blue Dog" Democrats - EVEN UNION WORKERS - voting FOR radical Right-Wing Republicans, for example "Reagan Democrats" supporting President Reagan, despite Reagan's blatantly ANTI-UNION jihad, "trash P.A.T.C.O." strike-breaking agenda.)
Right-Wing and CORPORATE-LOBBYIST funded Wing-Nuts have now become SO INSANE, that SENIORS who are THE BIGGEST BENEFICIARIES of a HALF-CENTURY of "BIG GOVERNMENT SOCIALIZED PROGRAMS" - like SOCIAL SECURITY, Medicare, the GI Bill, FDIC & SEC oversight of their pensions, savings, and investments (not to mention which, the generation BENEFITTED FROM UNION-SCALE wages, pensions, health-care, and job security in the first place!) -
- SENIORS who ARE ON MEDICARE (and RECEIVE SOCIAL SECURITY), are the Wing-Nuts who are most loudly COMPLAINING about "SOCIALIZED health care" !!!!!!!
(and the Obama Goddamn-Sachs crew are STILL TOO COMPLICIT, CONFLICTED, and CORRUPTED to POINT THIS SIMPLE factoid out!)
Talk Radio Gets Angrier as its Revenues DropAnd hat-tip to Gawker.com for putting the above info in to visual form -
by Tim Mak
August 6th, 2009
Conservative talk radio has never been more angry and extreme than today. You might think that’s a response to the Obama presidency. But even more, conservative talkers are responding to a collapse in advertising revenues.
According to Scott Fybush, the proprietor of North East Radio Watch, talk radio has lost 30-40% of its ad revenues over the past two years.

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