Sunday, August 23, 2009

The JEWISH owned NY Times notices: The PNAC Likudnik Neo-Con BOTCHED US occupation of Afghanistan AIN'T SO POPULAR with the locals...

Well, well, well.
The JEWISH OWNED NY Times... which NEVER MISSED AN OPPORTUNITY to help Republicans SMEAR the Clinton White House (the so-called "Lincoln bedroom 'scandal'" the textbook example; Republicans accused the Clintons of "SELLING" overnight stays in the White House to Democrat campaign donors, but, whadda ya know, after George W. Bush & Dick Cheney stole the election of 2000, suddenly the NY Times COULDN'T CARE LESS that CONVICTED Enron FRAUDSTER KEN LAY spent time in the George W. Bush White House, or that CONVICTED BRIBER OF CONGRESS Jewish GANGSTER JACK ABRAMOFF (who, in addition to 'routine' BRIBERY of CONGRESS & wire fraud, may well have been involved in the murder of Sun-Cruise Casino owner Gus Boulis) also SPENT TIME at the Bush White House, or that, after EIGHT LONG YEARS of the NY Times helping Republicans INVESTIGATE (and make, literally, an IMPEACHMENT CASE of) Bill Clinton's extramarital affairs,
suddenly the NY Times is NOT THE LEAST BIT INTERESTED, that President George W. Bush had a 'gay' (homosexual) MALE PROSTITUTE spending LATE NIGHT HOURS at the Bush White House, a man ("Jeff Ganon") who ACTUALLY had an UP-and-RUNNING GAY PROSTITUTE WEB-SITE at the same time he was getting White House PRESS PASSES!!!

Here's the proof of the Times foul treachery & double-standards:
an Times PUBLISHED ARTICLE _condemning_ the Clinton White House for "turning the Lincoln Bedroom into a ROADHOUSE for CONTRIBUTORS" -
but you will search LONG & HARD (and FRUITLESSLY) for some GOOD INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING from the NY Times (or their Neo-Con partners in journalistic crime, the Washington Whore Post) about the CLOSE LINKS, AND VISITS, by JACK ABRAMOFF, KEN LAY, and JEFF GANNON to the George W. Bush White House.

Hell, the TIMES is SO INCOMPETENT (corrupt, complicit, and partisan) that they COULD NOT even find out JUST HOW MANY TIMES Abramoff or Lay visited the Bush White House (much less what they asked for from the Bush-Cheney-Rove White House in return for their mega donations)... or just (juicy, juicy, juicy!) which Secret Service officer was ORDERED to Give Jeff Gannon those LATE NIGHT White House "press" passes, which had to be renewed daily, and by which Bush White House official!!!

WHY would the Jewish owned so-called "Liberal" NY Times HAVE SUCH A GLARING DOUBLE STANDARD, helping Republicans try to CRIMINALIZE (for example) Barbara Streisand (who btw is Jewish) and other celebrities' otherwise routine overnight visits to the Clinton White House,
while the SAME NY Times repeatedly GAVE 'FREE PASSES' to the Bush Republican White House for CRIMINALS (later CONVICTED OF BRIBERY & FRAUD, in cases of Abramoff & Lay) visiting the White House AND SOLICITING GOVERNMENT FAVORS, much less the Times turning their editorial noses up at a JUICY White House SEX SCANDAL, President Bush FORCING his Secret Service to GIVE PRESS PASSES to a man operating UNDER A PSEUDONYM (there's a red-flag for the Secret Service TO IGNORE for you!), with an UP-and-RUNNING HOMOSEXUAL PROSTUTION web-site?!!!

Answer: because, FAR from being a "liberal media" paper, the NEW YORK TIMES is a JEWISH OWNED RADICAL RIGHT-WING Neo-Con Likudnik WAR-MONGERING institution, the Neo-Con agenda being simplicity itself:
#1. to WRAP THE United States up IN ETERNAL WARS IN THE MIDEAST, and EVEN IN CENTRAL ASIA in the very states that were once part of the Soviet Union;
- the Neo-Con agenda of ETERNAL WARS demanding AN ETERNAL WAR INDUSTRY and
#2. an ETERNAL "war on terra" POLICE-STATE, and
#3. the CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH & POWER to those at the apex of the predatory Likudnik police-state, big-finance, & war-state economy,
- even as the US economy is FORCED TO SHED millions of non-war industries,
- even as WAGES and job benefits are SLASHED for American workers;
- even as higher education opportunities are curtailed or made more costly;
- even as families are FORCED IN TO BANKRUPTCY if a member comes down with a dreaded disease,
- even as American families ARE DRIVEN TO BANKRUPTCY by big-finance MANIPULATIONS of the currency supply and the "DEREGULATION" of financial markets, allowing predatory Big Finance to PLUNDER the life savings & pensions of millions of American working-stiff families...
....JUST AS ENRON Ken Lay DID early in 2002 to Enron workers, investors, pensioners, (and ultimately taxpayers put on the hook for Enron's collapse)
the NY Times SO COMPLICIT with & supportive of those FINANCIAL CRIMES, that the Sulzberger family owned NY Times COULD NOT EVEN BOTHER to INVESTIGATE just how many times "Enron Ken" Lay VISITED the Bush-Cheney White House !!!!!

THAT (above) is the PNAC Neo-Con LIKUDNIK Jewish War-lobby agenda FOR AMERICA!

Multiply that SCORN, DERISION, economic BRUTALITY, police-state dictatorship, suspension of civil rights, and WAR AGENDA RUTHLESSNESS the Likudnik NY Times holds for AMERICAN citizens, by the factor of being an Iraqi or Afghan in a region where the US military HAS LICENSE TO KILL, NO QUESTIONS ASKED...

...and, this week, the Neo-Con, warmongering, deceitful, predatory, election-theft whitewashing, treasury-looting & financial plundering enabling, Likudnik warmonering & pro- Gestapo Torture Times wonders,
"WHY WON'T THE LOCALS HELP THE US MARINES on their SEARCH-and-KILL missions in Afghanistan?"

Marines Fight Taliban With Little Aid From Afghans

(the title says it all, we won't even post a clip.)

Just to drive the point home, here is the Times doing what they do best: LYING THEIR FOUL tails off, using wishy-washy NY establishment big-govt. bureaucrateeze to BLAME OBAMA for the "going no-where but to hell" open-ended, unlimited, predatory (if not slow-burn genocidal, as the Russian occupation of Afghanistan was in the 1980s) US war in Afghanistan.

Is President Obama SO STUPID (so stupidly arrogant, aloof, & self-righteous) that he is BLIND to the NY, DC, & Likudnik Neo-Cons PUTTING HIM UP TO THEIR WARS, and then BLAMING HIM for their failures?
In a word, "yes" - and here's the proof:
It's NOT the Neo-Con's "BOTCHED OCCUPATION of Afghanistan";
it's "OBAMA's QUAGMIRE war"!!

Could Afghanistan Become OBAMA's Vietnam?

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