Friday, August 14, 2009

"Countdown" Demolishes Glenn Beck HYPOCRISY: Then, COMPLAINING about his health-care treatment, NOW hysterically ranting against industry critics!

HOW EASY is it for Stewart's "The Daily Show" and Keith Olbermann's self-professed "half-baked news show" to expose the predatory, parasitic, demagogue, HATE-MONGERING Right-Wing talking points that are trying to KILL genuine health-care reform in America, in order to MAINTAIN the CURRENT "for profit" extortionate US health-care system, a system which ACTIVELY SEEKS to EXCLUDE from "insurance coverage" (much less deny claims) for THOSE AMERICANS who MOST NEED health care...?

answer - As Olbermann explains in the opening comments of this video ("because on-air punditry HAS BEEN PARTICULARLY EGREGIOUS lately")...

...ALL Jon Stewart and Keith Olbermann have to do, to HIGHLIGHT Right-Wing HYPOCRISY in trying to KILL health-care reform, is GO BACK THROUGH the video archives, and CONTRAST what NEWT GINGRICH, RUSH LIMBAUGH, GLENN BECK, and other Righty Demagogues have said in favor of LIVING WILLS, 'Advance Directives,' and End-of-Life COUNSELING in the past, with what those SAME overpaid media HATE-MONGERING SHILLS are NOW saying, those Right-Wing demagogues trying to equate "living wills" and funding for end-of-life counseling, with "DEATH PANELS," in the Right-Wing's hysterical efforts to KILL genuine health-care reform, those Right-Wing media shills trying to SCARE American families who ALREADY FACE RUINOUS "health-insurance" premium increases, and especially seniors who are ALREADY RECEIVING SOCIAL SECURITY _AND_ MEDICARE checks... programs that REPUBLICANS & media demagogues HAVE BEEN TRYING TO KILL for DECADES!

The corporate "Democrats" (INCLUDING the ENTIRE Goldamn-Sachs infested Obama White House), and the "Major Media" talking heads, are once again shown up as INCOMPETENT, if not COMPLICITLY CORRUPT in their deference to radical Right-Wing talking points, by Jon Stewart's COMEDY show, and by Keith Olbermann's self-professed "half-backed" news show - half of which IS composed of outright comedy segments, like Countdown's "Today's Best Persons" list, "Today's WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD" segment, and Countdown's daily closing segment, which features interview with a REAL comedians
(as opposed to what comedian Christian Finigan notes in reference to Karl Rove & Rush Limbaugh's planned episodes on upcoming animated "The Family Guy" show episodes, "How do you caricature a caricature?") -
The Obama/Emanuel/Goldamn-Sachs White House and other DC "Democrat" 'leaders' NOT EVEN TRYING to highlight THE BLATANT HYPOCRISY behind Right-Wing health-care reform OBSTRUCTION !!!

Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" news show... and Jon Stewart's COMEDY "Daily Show",

expose Right-Wing ABJECT, BLATANT HYPOCRISY in tying to KILL genuine health care reform - SIMPLE CONTRASTS of Righty talking points, then vs. now, that "Major Media" 'professionals' REFUSE to make!

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