WELL, they're AT IT AGAIN! The Washington Post CONTINUES to push its BLATANTLY NAZI-esque, "CONQUER THE WORLD IN DEFENSE OF THE REICH" agenda, and continues to FORGET all the bitching & moaning arguments its OWN (Jewish) Neo-Con writers & editors have used TO CRITICIZE the SAME TACTICS when they were used by the Nazi regime in Germany in the 1930s.
Washington Post Goes Judge Shopping in the Courthouse
By Melvin A. Goodman
The Public Record
Aug 25th, 2009
The Washington Post continues to campaign against any accountability for the detentions policies of the Central Intelligence Agency, using its own editorials and oped writers as well as outsiders who support the efforts of the newspaper.
Today, one day after the release of the 2004 CIA inspector general report that documented the use of torture and abuse, a Post editorial actually claimed that “it’s impossible to say, on the basis of information made public so far, whether prosecution is warranted” and that, since the Bush Justice Department already declined prosecution, it would be “unsettling” to pursue even those CIA operatives who used “unauthorized, improvised, inhumane and undocumented” techniques.
The Post is willing to exonerate these operatives because they were “clamoring” constantly for guidance about what it should and should not do; in fact, CIA director George Tenet and Deputy Director John McLaughlin were more interested in protection than guidance.
On Monday, the paper went JUDGE-SHOPPING in the courthouse and published an op-ed by Jeffrey H. Smith, who is a well-known lawyer with Arnold & Porter, one of Washington’s most prestigious law firms. __Jeffrey H. Smith SERVED AS GENERAL COUNSEL [for] the CIA from May 1995 to September 1996.__
Smith created the most fatuous argument of all for not prosecuting the interrogators and apparently HAS NO UNDERSTANDING of the NUREMBERG LAWS, which declared that FOLLOWING ORDERS was NO DEFENSE and that CRIMEDS COMMITTED by INDIVIDUALS FOR STATE PURPOSES the responsibility of individuals and were __PUNISHABLE UNDER LAW__ [AS CRIMES]"
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Washington TREASONOUS NEO-CON Post WHORES its FAVORITE THEME: "Liberal" lefties ASKING TOO MUCH, "Sabotage Dem unity" !
THERE THEY GO AGAIN - the TREASONOUS Neo-Con Likudnik WAR-MONGERING CHARACTER ASSASSINS of the Washington WHORE Post doing what they do best: SMEARING, SNEERING AT, and DENIGRATING genuinely 'liberal,' Democratic activists for doing ANYTHING that smacks of actually progressive, much less __democratic__ policy in America.
In this case the WHORE, LIKUDNIK WARMONGERING WashPost SMEARS Howard Dean, and ANY Democratic or "liberal" activists who ACTUALLY WANT genuine health-care reform, as BEING DIVISIVE, as "TEARING AWAY from President Obama's popularity 'from the left'," the insinuation left hanging in the air that the INSATIABLE, COMMIE, SOCIALISTIC, anti-American Lefties are UNDOING poor President Obama's 'determined efforts' to enact health care reform.
NOTE THE WEASEL WORDS Post writer BETH FOUHY uses in her "smear the left" HIT PIECE:
answer- Neither Beth Fouhy NOR any Washington Likudnik War-mongering Whore Post reporter CAN TELL ANYONE in America WHAT exactly President Obama's "health care reform PROPOSALS" are just yet, because the President - IN THRALL to his LIKUDNIK Neo-Con "ISRAEL FIRST" TRAITORS (like RAHM EMANUEL and the Obama White House's entire Goldamn-Sachs "economics team") - DOES NOT YET HAVE a real HEALTH CARE REFORM "PLAN"! EIGHT MONTHS in to his presidency, President Obama USES WEASEL WORDS, and sends his minions out to SOW CONFUSION daily, because Obama DOES NOT WANT _genuine_ health care reform, because his GOLDAMN-SACHS Economic Hit-Men "advisors" would LOSE A PROFIT-CENTER if Americans started getting HEALTH-CARE for their billions of health-care dollars, instead of PROFITS for FINANCIAL COMPANIES!!!
HOW can the GOD DAMNED LIKUDNIK Washington WHORE POST write ANY articles on "the president's Health Care Reform proposals" - WITHOUT NAILING DOWN EXACTLY WHAT such "proposals" might be???!!!!
answer: WELCOME TO the NEO-CON LIKUDNIK TAKEOVER of the American press & media!
Think we're exaggerating?!! NOTE HOW MANY TIMES Ms. Fouhy uses words that equal "FEAR" in her miserable article:
- "the age demographic... makes me NERVOUS"
- "Among senior citizens, THE FEAR is PALPABLE about Obama's efforts" [actually because the TREACHEROUS new president IS NOT EVEN TRYING to make a POSITIVE argument for the URGENT NEED for GENUINE health care reform!]
- "Talk of death panels and 'pulling the plug on grandma,' although discredited, has SCARED seniors"
Out of the first SIX paragraphs in Beth Fouhy's Washington Whore Post article, at least THREE have terms DIRECTLY LINKED TO FEAR !!
(And of course the GOD DAMNED TREACHEROUS WHORE Post REFUSES to document THE REAL FEAR, stalking MILLIONS of American families TODAY, that THEIR HEALTH CARE WILL BE DENIED, and their families WILL BE DRIVEN IN TO BANKRUPTCY, by the CURRENT, Goddamn-Sachs approved "FOR PROFIT" health-DENIAL system, should a family member come down with a dreaded disease or injury.)
On the very issue of "FEAR" that is a centerpiece of Fouhy's article, the Washington WHORE Post INVERTS REALITY, making "fear of change" MORE important, than the FEAR OF BANKRUPTCY OR DEATH that _RIGHT NOW_ stalks MILLIONS of American families who face TERMINATION of COVERAGE, and REFUSAL OF TREATMENT, should they come down with a deadly illness!!
And of course the TREACHEROUS, TREASONOUS, American-families HATING Washington WHORE Post FAILS to point out, that even if
"SENIORS PREFERRED Republican Sen. John McCain by a 55-43 percent margin in last year's general election - the only age group Obama lost" -
The Washington Post is SUCH A PROPAGANDA LYING organization, that it FAILS to point out that SENIORS CRITICIZING "SOCIALIZED health care" for others, ARE ON a GOVERNMENT-funded SOCIALIZED health-care system, that, in the case of Medicare, ALL American workers are FORCED to pay taxes (Medicare Withholding) in to!!!
THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, AND the NEO-CON, "ISRAEL-FIRST" Likudnik Washington WHORE Post, who have BOTH been TRYING TO KILL _Social Security_ AND MEDICARE for the PAST TWO DECADES, are now PLAYING the _FEAR CARD_ that DEMOCRATS - who enacted Social Security & Medicare and SAVED those popular senior programs from the REPUBLICAN CHOPPING BLOCK in the first place - are now trying to "TAKE AWAY" those popular programs from nervous seniors, EVEN THOUGH that it is RETHUGLICANS who have BEEN TRYING TO KILL Social Security & Medicare for the past 2 decades!!
THIS IS A SHEER, UNMITIGATED PROPAGANDA LIE and PR B.S. MASTERPIECE worthy of Nazi Propaganda meister Joseph GOEBBELS Himself, that the WHORE LIARS of the Washington WHORE Post ARE PUSHING EVERY DAY on besieged & fearful Americans!
HERE's A QUESTION for THE AMERICAN-FAMILY HATING Washington Neo-Con WHORE Post to ask of the "Senator from Israel", fellow Neo-Con Likudnik WARMONGERING Senator Joe Lieberman:
The WASHINGTON Neo-Con Likudnik WHORE Post, and their partners in Journalistic CRIME, the Jewish-owned Neo-Con Likudnik WAR-MONGERING NY TIMES (and Time/WARNER owned CNN), will NEVER ask Senator Lieberman such a simple, common-sense question, of course, because DOING WHATEVER THEY CAN to DEMOLISH the Democratic Party, and to SUBVERT economic justice & equality for Americans, and, in general, TURN AMERICA INTO A Neo-Con LIKUDNIK DICTATORSHIP, is WHAT they DO every day.
[the below WashPost article, just as so many NY Times and "major media" stories in America do every day, mentions "OBAMA HEALTH CARE PROPOSALS" - WITHOUT EVER SPELLING OUT just exactly what those proposals are!
This JOURNALISTIC' LICENSE TO DISTORT, LIE, and fear-monger is taken as a 'given' in American "major media" reporting!]
Young Obama backers AWOL from health care fight
The Associated Press
Monday, August 24, 2009
NEW YORK -- Add this to President Barack Obama's problems in selling his health care overhaul: A lot of the tech-savvy activists who helped put him in office are young, feeling indestructible and not all that into what they see as an old folks issue.
It's a crucial gap in support and one the White House may have to correct if Obama is to regain the momentum and get Congress to act on his top domestic priority.
(blah blah blah, lies, lies, lies, innuendo, fear, slander, DISTORTION, and MORE LIES, in SUPPORT of the CURRENT "Health Care" EXTORTION NIGHTMARE!)
In this case the WHORE, LIKUDNIK WARMONGERING WashPost SMEARS Howard Dean, and ANY Democratic or "liberal" activists who ACTUALLY WANT genuine health-care reform, as BEING DIVISIVE, as "TEARING AWAY from President Obama's popularity 'from the left'," the insinuation left hanging in the air that the INSATIABLE, COMMIE, SOCIALISTIC, anti-American Lefties are UNDOING poor President Obama's 'determined efforts' to enact health care reform.
NOTE THE WEASEL WORDS Post writer BETH FOUHY uses in her "smear the left" HIT PIECE:
"Among senior citizens, the fear is palpable about Obama's efforts, reflected in public polling that shows support falling for his proposals."WHAT, according to the Whore Post, EXACTLY ARE President Obama's health care "reform" "PROPOSALS"??
answer- Neither Beth Fouhy NOR any Washington Likudnik War-mongering Whore Post reporter CAN TELL ANYONE in America WHAT exactly President Obama's "health care reform PROPOSALS" are just yet, because the President - IN THRALL to his LIKUDNIK Neo-Con "ISRAEL FIRST" TRAITORS (like RAHM EMANUEL and the Obama White House's entire Goldamn-Sachs "economics team") - DOES NOT YET HAVE a real HEALTH CARE REFORM "PLAN"! EIGHT MONTHS in to his presidency, President Obama USES WEASEL WORDS, and sends his minions out to SOW CONFUSION daily, because Obama DOES NOT WANT _genuine_ health care reform, because his GOLDAMN-SACHS Economic Hit-Men "advisors" would LOSE A PROFIT-CENTER if Americans started getting HEALTH-CARE for their billions of health-care dollars, instead of PROFITS for FINANCIAL COMPANIES!!!
HOW can the GOD DAMNED LIKUDNIK Washington WHORE POST write ANY articles on "the president's Health Care Reform proposals" - WITHOUT NAILING DOWN EXACTLY WHAT such "proposals" might be???!!!!
answer: WELCOME TO the NEO-CON LIKUDNIK TAKEOVER of the American press & media!
Think we're exaggerating?!! NOTE HOW MANY TIMES Ms. Fouhy uses words that equal "FEAR" in her miserable article:
- "the age demographic... makes me NERVOUS"
- "Among senior citizens, THE FEAR is PALPABLE about Obama's efforts" [actually because the TREACHEROUS new president IS NOT EVEN TRYING to make a POSITIVE argument for the URGENT NEED for GENUINE health care reform!]
- "Talk of death panels and 'pulling the plug on grandma,' although discredited, has SCARED seniors"
Out of the first SIX paragraphs in Beth Fouhy's Washington Whore Post article, at least THREE have terms DIRECTLY LINKED TO FEAR !!
(And of course the GOD DAMNED TREACHEROUS WHORE Post REFUSES to document THE REAL FEAR, stalking MILLIONS of American families TODAY, that THEIR HEALTH CARE WILL BE DENIED, and their families WILL BE DRIVEN IN TO BANKRUPTCY, by the CURRENT, Goddamn-Sachs approved "FOR PROFIT" health-DENIAL system, should a family member come down with a dreaded disease or injury.)
On the very issue of "FEAR" that is a centerpiece of Fouhy's article, the Washington WHORE Post INVERTS REALITY, making "fear of change" MORE important, than the FEAR OF BANKRUPTCY OR DEATH that _RIGHT NOW_ stalks MILLIONS of American families who face TERMINATION of COVERAGE, and REFUSAL OF TREATMENT, should they come down with a deadly illness!!
And of course the TREACHEROUS, TREASONOUS, American-families HATING Washington WHORE Post FAILS to point out, that even if
"SENIORS PREFERRED Republican Sen. John McCain by a 55-43 percent margin in last year's general election - the only age group Obama lost" -
The Washington Post is SUCH A PROPAGANDA LYING organization, that it FAILS to point out that SENIORS CRITICIZING "SOCIALIZED health care" for others, ARE ON a GOVERNMENT-funded SOCIALIZED health-care system, that, in the case of Medicare, ALL American workers are FORCED to pay taxes (Medicare Withholding) in to!!!
THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, AND the NEO-CON, "ISRAEL-FIRST" Likudnik Washington WHORE Post, who have BOTH been TRYING TO KILL _Social Security_ AND MEDICARE for the PAST TWO DECADES, are now PLAYING the _FEAR CARD_ that DEMOCRATS - who enacted Social Security & Medicare and SAVED those popular senior programs from the REPUBLICAN CHOPPING BLOCK in the first place - are now trying to "TAKE AWAY" those popular programs from nervous seniors, EVEN THOUGH that it is RETHUGLICANS who have BEEN TRYING TO KILL Social Security & Medicare for the past 2 decades!!
THIS IS A SHEER, UNMITIGATED PROPAGANDA LIE and PR B.S. MASTERPIECE worthy of Nazi Propaganda meister Joseph GOEBBELS Himself, that the WHORE LIARS of the Washington WHORE Post ARE PUSHING EVERY DAY on besieged & fearful Americans!
HERE's A QUESTION for THE AMERICAN-FAMILY HATING Washington Neo-Con WHORE Post to ask of the "Senator from Israel", fellow Neo-Con Likudnik WARMONGERING Senator Joe Lieberman:
"Senator Lieberman, if, as you say,
'Health Care Reform FOR AMERICANS may have to WAIT'
because of the current RECESSION in America, THEN WHY DON'T WE GET ISRAEL politicians to REFUND those BILLIONS of US TAXPAYER DOLLARS that it takes to underwrite ISRAEL's EUROPEAN style, FREE-for-all-citizens 'SOCIALIZED' Health Care, BACK TO AMERICA's overtaxed taxpayers & families BESIEGED by RISING HEALTH-CARE costs here in America?" !
The WASHINGTON Neo-Con Likudnik WHORE Post, and their partners in Journalistic CRIME, the Jewish-owned Neo-Con Likudnik WAR-MONGERING NY TIMES (and Time/WARNER owned CNN), will NEVER ask Senator Lieberman such a simple, common-sense question, of course, because DOING WHATEVER THEY CAN to DEMOLISH the Democratic Party, and to SUBVERT economic justice & equality for Americans, and, in general, TURN AMERICA INTO A Neo-Con LIKUDNIK DICTATORSHIP, is WHAT they DO every day.
[the below WashPost article, just as so many NY Times and "major media" stories in America do every day, mentions "OBAMA HEALTH CARE PROPOSALS" - WITHOUT EVER SPELLING OUT just exactly what those proposals are!
This JOURNALISTIC' LICENSE TO DISTORT, LIE, and fear-monger is taken as a 'given' in American "major media" reporting!]
Young Obama backers AWOL from health care fight
The Associated Press
Monday, August 24, 2009
NEW YORK -- Add this to President Barack Obama's problems in selling his health care overhaul: A lot of the tech-savvy activists who helped put him in office are young, feeling indestructible and not all that into what they see as an old folks issue.
It's a crucial gap in support and one the White House may have to correct if Obama is to regain the momentum and get Congress to act on his top domestic priority.
(blah blah blah, lies, lies, lies, innuendo, fear, slander, DISTORTION, and MORE LIES, in SUPPORT of the CURRENT "Health Care" EXTORTION NIGHTMARE!)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The JEWISH owned NY Times notices: The PNAC Likudnik Neo-Con BOTCHED US occupation of Afghanistan AIN'T SO POPULAR with the locals...
Well, well, well.
The JEWISH OWNED NY Times... which NEVER MISSED AN OPPORTUNITY to help Republicans SMEAR the Clinton White House (the so-called "Lincoln bedroom 'scandal'" the textbook example; Republicans accused the Clintons of "SELLING" overnight stays in the White House to Democrat campaign donors, but, whadda ya know, after George W. Bush & Dick Cheney stole the election of 2000, suddenly the NY Times COULDN'T CARE LESS that CONVICTED Enron FRAUDSTER KEN LAY spent time in the George W. Bush White House, or that CONVICTED BRIBER OF CONGRESS Jewish GANGSTER JACK ABRAMOFF (who, in addition to 'routine' BRIBERY of CONGRESS & wire fraud, may well have been involved in the murder of Sun-Cruise Casino owner Gus Boulis) also SPENT TIME at the Bush White House, or that, after EIGHT LONG YEARS of the NY Times helping Republicans INVESTIGATE (and make, literally, an IMPEACHMENT CASE of) Bill Clinton's extramarital affairs,
suddenly the NY Times is NOT THE LEAST BIT INTERESTED, that President George W. Bush had a 'gay' (homosexual) MALE PROSTITUTE spending LATE NIGHT HOURS at the Bush White House, a man ("Jeff Ganon") who ACTUALLY had an UP-and-RUNNING GAY PROSTITUTE WEB-SITE at the same time he was getting White House PRESS PASSES!!!
Here's the proof of the Times foul treachery & double-standards:
an Times PUBLISHED ARTICLE _condemning_ the Clinton White House for "turning the Lincoln Bedroom into a ROADHOUSE for CONTRIBUTORS" -
but you will search LONG & HARD (and FRUITLESSLY) for some GOOD INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING from the NY Times (or their Neo-Con partners in journalistic crime, the Washington Whore Post) about the CLOSE LINKS, AND VISITS, by JACK ABRAMOFF, KEN LAY, and JEFF GANNON to the George W. Bush White House.
Hell, the TIMES is SO INCOMPETENT (corrupt, complicit, and partisan) that they COULD NOT even find out JUST HOW MANY TIMES Abramoff or Lay visited the Bush White House (much less what they asked for from the Bush-Cheney-Rove White House in return for their mega donations)... or just (juicy, juicy, juicy!) which Secret Service officer was ORDERED to Give Jeff Gannon those LATE NIGHT White House "press" passes, which had to be renewed daily, and by which Bush White House official!!!
WHY would the Jewish owned so-called "Liberal" NY Times HAVE SUCH A GLARING DOUBLE STANDARD, helping Republicans try to CRIMINALIZE (for example) Barbara Streisand (who btw is Jewish) and other celebrities' otherwise routine overnight visits to the Clinton White House,
while the SAME NY Times repeatedly GAVE 'FREE PASSES' to the Bush Republican White House for CRIMINALS (later CONVICTED OF BRIBERY & FRAUD, in cases of Abramoff & Lay) visiting the White House AND SOLICITING GOVERNMENT FAVORS, much less the Times turning their editorial noses up at a JUICY White House SEX SCANDAL, President Bush FORCING his Secret Service to GIVE PRESS PASSES to a man operating UNDER A PSEUDONYM (there's a red-flag for the Secret Service TO IGNORE for you!), with an UP-and-RUNNING HOMOSEXUAL PROSTUTION web-site?!!!
Answer: because, FAR from being a "liberal media" paper, the NEW YORK TIMES is a JEWISH OWNED RADICAL RIGHT-WING Neo-Con Likudnik WAR-MONGERING institution, the Neo-Con agenda being simplicity itself:
#1. to WRAP THE United States up IN ETERNAL WARS IN THE MIDEAST, and EVEN IN CENTRAL ASIA in the very states that were once part of the Soviet Union;
- the Neo-Con agenda of ETERNAL WARS demanding AN ETERNAL WAR INDUSTRY and
#2. an ETERNAL "war on terra" POLICE-STATE, and
#3. the CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH & POWER to those at the apex of the predatory Likudnik police-state, big-finance, & war-state economy,
- even as the US economy is FORCED TO SHED millions of non-war industries,
- even as WAGES and job benefits are SLASHED for American workers;
- even as higher education opportunities are curtailed or made more costly;
- even as families are FORCED IN TO BANKRUPTCY if a member comes down with a dreaded disease,
- even as American families ARE DRIVEN TO BANKRUPTCY by big-finance MANIPULATIONS of the currency supply and the "DEREGULATION" of financial markets, allowing predatory Big Finance to PLUNDER the life savings & pensions of millions of American working-stiff families...
....JUST AS ENRON Ken Lay DID early in 2002 to Enron workers, investors, pensioners, (and ultimately taxpayers put on the hook for Enron's collapse)
the NY Times SO COMPLICIT with & supportive of those FINANCIAL CRIMES, that the Sulzberger family owned NY Times COULD NOT EVEN BOTHER to INVESTIGATE just how many times "Enron Ken" Lay VISITED the Bush-Cheney White House !!!!!
THAT (above) is the PNAC Neo-Con LIKUDNIK Jewish War-lobby agenda FOR AMERICA!
Multiply that SCORN, DERISION, economic BRUTALITY, police-state dictatorship, suspension of civil rights, and WAR AGENDA RUTHLESSNESS the Likudnik NY Times holds for AMERICAN citizens, by the factor of being an Iraqi or Afghan in a region where the US military HAS LICENSE TO KILL, NO QUESTIONS ASKED...
...and, this week, the Neo-Con, warmongering, deceitful, predatory, election-theft whitewashing, treasury-looting & financial plundering enabling, Likudnik warmonering & pro- Gestapo Torture Times wonders,
"WHY WON'T THE LOCALS HELP THE US MARINES on their SEARCH-and-KILL missions in Afghanistan?"
Marines Fight Taliban With Little Aid From Afghans
(the title says it all, we won't even post a clip.)
Just to drive the point home, here is the Times doing what they do best: LYING THEIR FOUL tails off, using wishy-washy NY establishment big-govt. bureaucrateeze to BLAME OBAMA for the "going no-where but to hell" open-ended, unlimited, predatory (if not slow-burn genocidal, as the Russian occupation of Afghanistan was in the 1980s) US war in Afghanistan.
Is President Obama SO STUPID (so stupidly arrogant, aloof, & self-righteous) that he is BLIND to the NY, DC, & Likudnik Neo-Cons PUTTING HIM UP TO THEIR WARS, and then BLAMING HIM for their failures?
In a word, "yes" - and here's the proof:
It's NOT the Neo-Con's "BOTCHED OCCUPATION of Afghanistan";
it's "OBAMA's QUAGMIRE war"!!
Could Afghanistan Become OBAMA's Vietnam?
The JEWISH OWNED NY Times... which NEVER MISSED AN OPPORTUNITY to help Republicans SMEAR the Clinton White House (the so-called "Lincoln bedroom 'scandal'" the textbook example; Republicans accused the Clintons of "SELLING" overnight stays in the White House to Democrat campaign donors, but, whadda ya know, after George W. Bush & Dick Cheney stole the election of 2000, suddenly the NY Times COULDN'T CARE LESS that CONVICTED Enron FRAUDSTER KEN LAY spent time in the George W. Bush White House, or that CONVICTED BRIBER OF CONGRESS Jewish GANGSTER JACK ABRAMOFF (who, in addition to 'routine' BRIBERY of CONGRESS & wire fraud, may well have been involved in the murder of Sun-Cruise Casino owner Gus Boulis) also SPENT TIME at the Bush White House, or that, after EIGHT LONG YEARS of the NY Times helping Republicans INVESTIGATE (and make, literally, an IMPEACHMENT CASE of) Bill Clinton's extramarital affairs,
suddenly the NY Times is NOT THE LEAST BIT INTERESTED, that President George W. Bush had a 'gay' (homosexual) MALE PROSTITUTE spending LATE NIGHT HOURS at the Bush White House, a man ("Jeff Ganon") who ACTUALLY had an UP-and-RUNNING GAY PROSTITUTE WEB-SITE at the same time he was getting White House PRESS PASSES!!!
Here's the proof of the Times foul treachery & double-standards:
an Times PUBLISHED ARTICLE _condemning_ the Clinton White House for "turning the Lincoln Bedroom into a ROADHOUSE for CONTRIBUTORS" -
but you will search LONG & HARD (and FRUITLESSLY) for some GOOD INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING from the NY Times (or their Neo-Con partners in journalistic crime, the Washington Whore Post) about the CLOSE LINKS, AND VISITS, by JACK ABRAMOFF, KEN LAY, and JEFF GANNON to the George W. Bush White House.
Hell, the TIMES is SO INCOMPETENT (corrupt, complicit, and partisan) that they COULD NOT even find out JUST HOW MANY TIMES Abramoff or Lay visited the Bush White House (much less what they asked for from the Bush-Cheney-Rove White House in return for their mega donations)... or just (juicy, juicy, juicy!) which Secret Service officer was ORDERED to Give Jeff Gannon those LATE NIGHT White House "press" passes, which had to be renewed daily, and by which Bush White House official!!!
WHY would the Jewish owned so-called "Liberal" NY Times HAVE SUCH A GLARING DOUBLE STANDARD, helping Republicans try to CRIMINALIZE (for example) Barbara Streisand (who btw is Jewish) and other celebrities' otherwise routine overnight visits to the Clinton White House,
while the SAME NY Times repeatedly GAVE 'FREE PASSES' to the Bush Republican White House for CRIMINALS (later CONVICTED OF BRIBERY & FRAUD, in cases of Abramoff & Lay) visiting the White House AND SOLICITING GOVERNMENT FAVORS, much less the Times turning their editorial noses up at a JUICY White House SEX SCANDAL, President Bush FORCING his Secret Service to GIVE PRESS PASSES to a man operating UNDER A PSEUDONYM (there's a red-flag for the Secret Service TO IGNORE for you!), with an UP-and-RUNNING HOMOSEXUAL PROSTUTION web-site?!!!
Answer: because, FAR from being a "liberal media" paper, the NEW YORK TIMES is a JEWISH OWNED RADICAL RIGHT-WING Neo-Con Likudnik WAR-MONGERING institution, the Neo-Con agenda being simplicity itself:
#1. to WRAP THE United States up IN ETERNAL WARS IN THE MIDEAST, and EVEN IN CENTRAL ASIA in the very states that were once part of the Soviet Union;
- the Neo-Con agenda of ETERNAL WARS demanding AN ETERNAL WAR INDUSTRY and
#2. an ETERNAL "war on terra" POLICE-STATE, and
#3. the CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH & POWER to those at the apex of the predatory Likudnik police-state, big-finance, & war-state economy,
- even as the US economy is FORCED TO SHED millions of non-war industries,
- even as WAGES and job benefits are SLASHED for American workers;
- even as higher education opportunities are curtailed or made more costly;
- even as families are FORCED IN TO BANKRUPTCY if a member comes down with a dreaded disease,
- even as American families ARE DRIVEN TO BANKRUPTCY by big-finance MANIPULATIONS of the currency supply and the "DEREGULATION" of financial markets, allowing predatory Big Finance to PLUNDER the life savings & pensions of millions of American working-stiff families...
....JUST AS ENRON Ken Lay DID early in 2002 to Enron workers, investors, pensioners, (and ultimately taxpayers put on the hook for Enron's collapse)
the NY Times SO COMPLICIT with & supportive of those FINANCIAL CRIMES, that the Sulzberger family owned NY Times COULD NOT EVEN BOTHER to INVESTIGATE just how many times "Enron Ken" Lay VISITED the Bush-Cheney White House !!!!!
THAT (above) is the PNAC Neo-Con LIKUDNIK Jewish War-lobby agenda FOR AMERICA!
Multiply that SCORN, DERISION, economic BRUTALITY, police-state dictatorship, suspension of civil rights, and WAR AGENDA RUTHLESSNESS the Likudnik NY Times holds for AMERICAN citizens, by the factor of being an Iraqi or Afghan in a region where the US military HAS LICENSE TO KILL, NO QUESTIONS ASKED...
...and, this week, the Neo-Con, warmongering, deceitful, predatory, election-theft whitewashing, treasury-looting & financial plundering enabling, Likudnik warmonering & pro- Gestapo Torture Times wonders,
"WHY WON'T THE LOCALS HELP THE US MARINES on their SEARCH-and-KILL missions in Afghanistan?"
Marines Fight Taliban With Little Aid From Afghans
(the title says it all, we won't even post a clip.)
Just to drive the point home, here is the Times doing what they do best: LYING THEIR FOUL tails off, using wishy-washy NY establishment big-govt. bureaucrateeze to BLAME OBAMA for the "going no-where but to hell" open-ended, unlimited, predatory (if not slow-burn genocidal, as the Russian occupation of Afghanistan was in the 1980s) US war in Afghanistan.
Is President Obama SO STUPID (so stupidly arrogant, aloof, & self-righteous) that he is BLIND to the NY, DC, & Likudnik Neo-Cons PUTTING HIM UP TO THEIR WARS, and then BLAMING HIM for their failures?
In a word, "yes" - and here's the proof:
It's NOT the Neo-Con's "BOTCHED OCCUPATION of Afghanistan";
it's "OBAMA's QUAGMIRE war"!!
Could Afghanistan Become OBAMA's Vietnam?
Friday, August 14, 2009
"Countdown" Demolishes Glenn Beck HYPOCRISY: Then, COMPLAINING about his health-care treatment, NOW hysterically ranting against industry critics!
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
HOW EASY is it for Stewart's "The Daily Show" and Keith Olbermann's self-professed "half-baked news show" to expose the predatory, parasitic, demagogue, HATE-MONGERING Right-Wing talking points that are trying to KILL genuine health-care reform in America, in order to MAINTAIN the CURRENT "for profit" extortionate US health-care system, a system which ACTIVELY SEEKS to EXCLUDE from "insurance coverage" (much less deny claims) for THOSE AMERICANS who MOST NEED health care...?
answer - As Olbermann explains in the opening comments of this video ("because on-air punditry HAS BEEN PARTICULARLY EGREGIOUS lately")...
...ALL Jon Stewart and Keith Olbermann have to do, to HIGHLIGHT Right-Wing HYPOCRISY in trying to KILL health-care reform, is GO BACK THROUGH the video archives, and CONTRAST what NEWT GINGRICH, RUSH LIMBAUGH, GLENN BECK, and other Righty Demagogues have said in favor of LIVING WILLS, 'Advance Directives,' and End-of-Life COUNSELING in the past, with what those SAME overpaid media HATE-MONGERING SHILLS are NOW saying, those Right-Wing demagogues trying to equate "living wills" and funding for end-of-life counseling, with "DEATH PANELS," in the Right-Wing's hysterical efforts to KILL genuine health-care reform, those Right-Wing media shills trying to SCARE American families who ALREADY FACE RUINOUS "health-insurance" premium increases, and especially seniors who are ALREADY RECEIVING SOCIAL SECURITY _AND_ MEDICARE checks... programs that REPUBLICANS & media demagogues HAVE BEEN TRYING TO KILL for DECADES!
The corporate "Democrats" (INCLUDING the ENTIRE Goldamn-Sachs infested Obama White House), and the "Major Media" talking heads, are once again shown up as INCOMPETENT, if not COMPLICITLY CORRUPT in their deference to radical Right-Wing talking points, by Jon Stewart's COMEDY show, and by Keith Olbermann's self-professed "half-backed" news show - half of which IS composed of outright comedy segments, like Countdown's "Today's Best Persons" list, "Today's WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD" segment, and Countdown's daily closing segment, which features interview with a REAL comedians
(as opposed to what comedian Christian Finigan notes in reference to Karl Rove & Rush Limbaugh's planned episodes on upcoming animated "The Family Guy" show episodes, "How do you caricature a caricature?") -
The Obama/Emanuel/Goldamn-Sachs White House and other DC "Democrat" 'leaders' NOT EVEN TRYING to highlight THE BLATANT HYPOCRISY behind Right-Wing health-care reform OBSTRUCTION !!!
Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" news show... and Jon Stewart's COMEDY "Daily Show",
expose Right-Wing ABJECT, BLATANT HYPOCRISY in tying to KILL genuine health care reform - SIMPLE CONTRASTS of Righty talking points, then vs. now, that "Major Media" 'professionals' REFUSE to make!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Finally some GREAT news: Right-Wing HATE radio LOSING REVENUE, race-baiting Repub Party LOSING POPULARITY !!
Now for some GREAT news: EVEN AS President Obama and his Goldamn-Sachs minions TRY TO RAM the GOLDAMN-SACHS anti-American, "who needs stinkin' democracy?" agenda down American citizens' throats,
(SECRECY in TRILLION-DOLLAR taxpayer extorted BAILOUTS, AS Godamn-Sachs & other Wall Street bankster-gangsters FORECLOSE on American homeowners, and DENY CLAIMS & COVERAGE for American families in desperate need of health care),
the American public is growing more and more disgusted with the Right-Wing HATE-MONGERS & corporate funded propaganda meisters, and their lobbyist-incited LYNCH-MOB lites: the very people that the Radical Right-Wing Wall Street big-banks, big-finance, and corporate titans (INCLUDING Mr. Obama's Goldamn-Sachs friends) have been WHIPPING UP these past 2 decades to enable their Right-Wing agenda.
(The old "What's the Matter With Kansas?" syndrome, i.e. "Reagan Democrats" and "Blue Dog" Democrats - EVEN UNION WORKERS - voting FOR radical Right-Wing Republicans, for example "Reagan Democrats" supporting President Reagan, despite Reagan's blatantly ANTI-UNION jihad, "trash P.A.T.C.O." strike-breaking agenda.)
Right-Wing and CORPORATE-LOBBYIST funded Wing-Nuts have now become SO INSANE, that SENIORS who are THE BIGGEST BENEFICIARIES of a HALF-CENTURY of "BIG GOVERNMENT SOCIALIZED PROGRAMS" - like SOCIAL SECURITY, Medicare, the GI Bill, FDIC & SEC oversight of their pensions, savings, and investments (not to mention which, the generation BENEFITTED FROM UNION-SCALE wages, pensions, health-care, and job security in the first place!) -
- SENIORS who ARE ON MEDICARE (and RECEIVE SOCIAL SECURITY), are the Wing-Nuts who are most loudly COMPLAINING about "SOCIALIZED health care" !!!!!!!
(and the Obama Goddamn-Sachs crew are STILL TOO COMPLICIT, CONFLICTED, and CORRUPTED to POINT THIS SIMPLE factoid out!)
(SECRECY in TRILLION-DOLLAR taxpayer extorted BAILOUTS, AS Godamn-Sachs & other Wall Street bankster-gangsters FORECLOSE on American homeowners, and DENY CLAIMS & COVERAGE for American families in desperate need of health care),
the American public is growing more and more disgusted with the Right-Wing HATE-MONGERS & corporate funded propaganda meisters, and their lobbyist-incited LYNCH-MOB lites: the very people that the Radical Right-Wing Wall Street big-banks, big-finance, and corporate titans (INCLUDING Mr. Obama's Goldamn-Sachs friends) have been WHIPPING UP these past 2 decades to enable their Right-Wing agenda.
(The old "What's the Matter With Kansas?" syndrome, i.e. "Reagan Democrats" and "Blue Dog" Democrats - EVEN UNION WORKERS - voting FOR radical Right-Wing Republicans, for example "Reagan Democrats" supporting President Reagan, despite Reagan's blatantly ANTI-UNION jihad, "trash P.A.T.C.O." strike-breaking agenda.)
Right-Wing and CORPORATE-LOBBYIST funded Wing-Nuts have now become SO INSANE, that SENIORS who are THE BIGGEST BENEFICIARIES of a HALF-CENTURY of "BIG GOVERNMENT SOCIALIZED PROGRAMS" - like SOCIAL SECURITY, Medicare, the GI Bill, FDIC & SEC oversight of their pensions, savings, and investments (not to mention which, the generation BENEFITTED FROM UNION-SCALE wages, pensions, health-care, and job security in the first place!) -
- SENIORS who ARE ON MEDICARE (and RECEIVE SOCIAL SECURITY), are the Wing-Nuts who are most loudly COMPLAINING about "SOCIALIZED health care" !!!!!!!
(and the Obama Goddamn-Sachs crew are STILL TOO COMPLICIT, CONFLICTED, and CORRUPTED to POINT THIS SIMPLE factoid out!)
Talk Radio Gets Angrier as its Revenues DropAnd hat-tip to Gawker.com for putting the above info in to visual form -
by Tim Mak
August 6th, 2009
Conservative talk radio has never been more angry and extreme than today. You might think that’s a response to the Obama presidency. But even more, conservative talkers are responding to a collapse in advertising revenues.
According to Scott Fybush, the proprietor of North East Radio Watch, talk radio has lost 30-40% of its ad revenues over the past two years.

Saturday, August 08, 2009
Right-Wing Media Whores OPENLY CALLING for ASSASSINATION of Dem leaders & "Liberal" Activists!!
In our previous post, we called uber- Jewish Neo-Con warmonger JOHN BOLTON a "Jewish Nazi" for his lifetime career of ADVOCATING expanding WARS, TORTURE, anti-democracy COUPS, death-squads, tax-cuts for rich, SECRECY in US government dealings (under the blanket of "state security uber alles") and all the other policies which are IDENTICAL with the national & strategic process by which the German Nazi Party came to power, and executed & justified its wars of conquest & expansion.
We also pointed out that JEWISH LAWYERS Josh Bolton and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, as President Bush's Chief of Staff & VP Cheney's Chief of Staff (respectively), were AT THE VERY CORE of Bush & Cheney's SECRET WARS, assaults on the US Constitution, and financial and abuse-of-powers corruptions.
Today, we sadly point out that there are REAMS of evidence that show that the REPUBLICAN PARTY does see the LYNCH-MOB, demagogue INCITING of VIOLENCE and HATE as a LEGITIMATE political process & political tool.
Rachel Maddow, as captured by media watchdog MediaMATTERS.org, explains
that THE SUBTEXT of ASSASSINATION has "now BUBBLED TO THE SURFACE" of Right-Wing media conversation...
- that there is now a CONSISTENT, PERSISTENT effort by the Right-Wing Republicans & their media operatives to INSTILL A CLIMATE of HATRED, and even a casual, mocking acceptance of ASSASSINATIONS & murder, as necessary tools to eliminate what they allege is "Democrat treason" against America.
Ironically, the Right-Wing mobbers BRANDISH hand-made signs labelling Obama and the Democrats as "NAZI", even as the mobbers APE & MIMIC Nazi Brown-Shirt INTIMIDATION & terror tactics!!
And even more ironically, the Obama White House is no longer genuinely "democratic" or even "liberal" - they, too, now have a neo-con, PRO-CORPORATE, PRO-SECRECY, pro- TAX-CUTS-for-RICH (bailouts for billionaire bankers), PRO-INSURANCE MONOPOLY over health-care agenda, with the Emanuel/Goldman-Sachs elements of the Obama White House ACTUALLY IN AGREEMENT with the REPUBLICAN mobbers whipped-to-hatred -
- the Emanuel/Goldman-Sachs/obama White House AGREEING with the Insurance Industry, lobbyists, Republicans, and protest-mobs, that Americans DO NOT DESERVE to know where their tax-dollars have gone in the BAILOUTS of fraudulent banks, nor do Americans deserve a health-care system like the rest of the industrialized world (INCLUDING ISRAEL, whose economy of course IS SUBSIDIZED by BILLIONS of American taxpayer dollars) has!
This of course is SHEER Neo-Con TREACHERY, MASQUERADING as "Liberal" and "Democratic," on the part of the Obama White House!
So the awful bottom line: in SABOTAGING Health Care reform and financial "bailouts" accountability, the OBAMA White House is actually ENABLING the PROTEST MOBS, and their GLENN BECK, RUSH LIMBAUGH, and Republican violence-inciting demagogue radio, TV, congressional, & talk-show hosts - AND thus the so-called "Democrat" obama administration ENABLES the Right-Wing media corporations (example, Murdoch's Fox 'news') that profit from those very RIGHT-WING policies!
President Obama DOES NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!! to SPEAK OUT FOR AMERICAN FAMILIES DRIVEN IN TO BANKRUPTCY by the cruelty of the American "health care" system... and, as a result of that "BULLY PULPIT" media vacuum, the RIGHT-WING DEMAGOGUES are ENABLED to WHIP UP A CLIMATE of HATE, FEAR, PARANOIA... and even outright appeals to ASSASSINATION!!
FOR SHAME, President Obama!!
YOUR TREACHERY could not only get more "abortion doctors" and "liberal activists" killed - YOU DO NOTHING, as GLENN BECK makes a comedy skit about POISONING your political ally, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi!
THE RAHM-EMNANUEL/Goldamn-Sachs neo-con TREACHERY Administration MAY YET BE THE DEATH of American democracy!!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Jewish-Nazi WHORE John Bolton (loves death-squads & dictators) BITCHES about Clinton N.Korea Hostage deal.. FORGETS BUSH DEAL with Qaddafi!!

John Bolton, using his influence with the Neo-Con, warmongering, tax-cuts-for-rich, PRO-TORTURE, unlimited domestic surveillance, & NO-OVERSIGHT DEATH-SQUADS Washington Post, got his inane op-ed commentary published in the Post yesterday, CRITICIZING former President Clinton, and the Obama administration, for allowing President Clinton to have a photo-op mini-summit with North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung, a meeting that resulted in two women American journalist being freed from Korean captivity later that same day.
In his "Clinton & Obama are facilitating anti-American dictators" commentary, Bolton CONVENIENTLY FORGETS that his former bosses and sponsors - President Bush & Vice President Cheney - went way farther, THEY FORGAVE LIBYAN DICTATOR Momar Qaddafi for BOMBING AN AMERICAN AIRLINER OUT OF THE SKY, Bush & Cheney RESTORING RELATIONS with Qaddafi's Libya (despite Qaddafi's continuing murderous, terrorist thug regime) back in 2004!!!!
To think that the WHORE, America-Hating Republicans actually nominated this democracy-hating goon - BOLTON - to be the US Ambassador to the United Nations! (Where, fortunately, he was never confirmed by the US Senate, that is, he was a merely a place-holder appointee in the awful last year of the Cheney-Bush presidency).
John Bolton is a lifetime, career proponent for DEATH SQUADS, DICTATORS, SPREADING US WARS, tax-cuts-for-billionaires, democracy-crushing COUPS waged by CIA bribery and corporate bullying; and he is for TORTURE, SECRECY, and the POLICE-STATE; in short, a TEXTBOOK Neo-Con NAZI-lite.
The fact that Mr. Bolton is JEWISH merely puts him in the same company as dozens of other PRO-DICTATOR, PRO-WARS, elitist, tax-cuts-for-rich-in-time-of-war, pro-torture, and state-security-uber-alles LIKUDNIK Jewish Nazis, including President Bush's final Chief of Staff, JOSH BOLTON (no relation), and VP Cheney's CHIEF of STAFF I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby.
What is FORGOTTEN by both conservative media pundits AND "liberal" bloggers alike, in the confusion and recrimination over Mr. Libby's role in the "CIA OUTING SCANDAL," is that not only was VP Cheney's Washington DC 'super-lawyer' Libby at the very center of VP Cheney's "OUTING" of an ENTIRE CIA UNDERCOVER nuclear-proliferation organization that had "assets" throughout the Mideast (almost certainly resulting in the executions of at least a few of those US "asset" local spies), but LIBBY as the VP Chief of Staff was ALSO Cheney's POINT-MAN for EVERY war-atrocity, budgetary corruption, financial crime, and police-state ASSAULT on the US Constitution, especially in the first four years of the Cheney-Bush presidency.
Indeed, Libby's OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE of the FBI's investigation of the CIA OUTING SCANDAL, was THE obstruction of justice which DELAYED and SUPPRESSED accurate headlines from breaking out about the scandal in the weeks before election 2004 (with, of course the treacherous complicity of the neo-con warmongering Washington Post and the neo-con war-mongering NY Times).
That is, Lewis Libby's OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE (for which he was later CONVICTED by a sympathetic DC jury, where EVERYONE knew that he was playing the 'fall guy' for his superiors; which is to say VP Cheney, President Bush, and Karl Rove) ENABLED Bush and Cheney to STEAL election 2004, certainly in OHIO, and probably in IOWA, NEW MEXICO, and other states, where Republicans had perfected their electronic computerized VOTE STEALING techniques as well.
That is Bolton, Libby, and other Neo-Cons (Jewish or otherwise) have NO RESPECT for popular elections (much less enfranchisement for despised minorities), though, like ante-bellum slave owners and Secession (Confederate War) agitators, they LOVE invoking "freedom" & "democracy"!
But getting BACK to JOHN BOLTON, OF COURSE the Neo-Con DICTATOR LOVING, election-hating, DEATH-SQUAD LUSTING Bolton had to seek the US press/media stage to CRITICIZE President Clinton for having a photo-op session with North Korea's dictator, in order to obtain the release of those two American journalist women kidnapped by Korean security police at a North Korea river border crossing with China.
the dictator the US labelled as responsible for the BOMBING of a US AIRLINER, Pan Am Flight 103, over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing everyone aboard in 1988!
(And, of course, BOLTON, LIBBY, WOLFOWITZ, and the other murderously duplicitous neo-con crowd also CONVENIENTLY FORGETTING that their own front-man, DICK CHENEY, was DEALING WITH Saddam's Iraq... BEHIND THE BACK of the US billion-per-year EMBARGO on Iraq all through the late 1990s, well after the US government had spent all of Gulf War-1 portraying Saddam as a MASS-MURDERING GENOCIDAL MANIAC.
Cheney as then Chairman & CEO of HALLIBURTON, was using Halliburton's European subsidiaries to SELL $73 MILLION in oil-drilling technology to Iraq -
http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/170/42166.htmlDESPITE the US embargo on Iraq, DESPITE the fact that US jets were BOMBING Iraqi positions in the 'no-fly zones' set up by the US after the Gulf-1 Iraq war; and DESPITE the fact that Mr. Cheney himself had signed the Likudnik "PNAC" 'Project For A New American Century'
(NewAmericanCentury.org) manifesto - declaring IRAQ to be a MANIFEST THREAT to America's national security and our allies!!!
That is, the treacherous and treasonous Dick Cheney was DEALING WITH IRAQ's DICTATOR, at a time when Iraqi missiles WERE SHOOTING AT US AIRCRAFT, and that Mr. Cheney had signed the PNAC manifesto declaring Iraq to be a THREAT to America's security!
Speaking of "threat to America's Security" there was Mr. Bolton himself - at this past February's CPAC (Con-servative Political Action Committee) TAKING UP where TIMMY McVEIGH and AL QAIDA left off: FANTASIZING over NEW, MORE HORRIFIC BOMBINGS of a major American city, this time Chicago.
Bolton, one of the major CPAC speakers (just before keynote American-hating drug-addict demagogue Rush Limbaugh) went on stage to INVOKE the NUCLEAR BOMBING OF CHICAGO as an "I TOLD YOU SO" learning moment for the new President Barack Obama, Bolton's Nazi-esque chain of logic was that if President Obama did not maintain Bush & Cheney's TORTURE GULAGS at full intensity (complete with LIVE VIDEO FEEDS to the Cheney-Bush White House dungeon, fresh popcorn, and two-way audio links, so the pres, VP, and their most intimate torture buddies could actually live-instruct their torturer minions on some fresh, brutal torture technique for those being tortured) - then Al Qaida and other terrorists would see Obama's RELUCTANCE to use torture, as AN INVITATION to nuke an American city!!

See Mother Jones for the original deconstruction of John Bolton's "LIQUIDATE LIDICE & TORTURE ALL TERRARISTS in the NAME OF STATE SECURITY!" insanity, in this case invoking nuclear terrorism of Chicago to bolster his own "I know state security" credentials.
(Note: we apologize for the rambling, ranting, disjointed nature of the above post... but what can you do when Right-Wing "conservatives" feel free to throw out "TREASON!" and "aiding terrorists!" charges against "liberals" and Democrats for the past 10 years? -
...even though a FAR MORE CONVINCING case can be made for "TREASON" re Cheney's Halliburton dealings with Saddam's Iraq, or the Neo-Con LUST for NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION ever since St. Ronnie Reagan's NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT TREATIES with Gorbachev's USSR became ancient history, the DC god-damned War-mongering Neo-Cons effectively FUNDING the NUCLEAR ARMS RACE in Southern Asia - funding BOTH INDIA _AND_ nuclear rival PAKISTAN's nuclear research and production, because far from worshipping god & morality, Neo-Cons REALLY WORSHIP WEAPONS, WARS, and MAMON (money).
For a slightly less ranting tax on Bolton as neo-con Nazi, see here -
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