Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Washington Post "moderate" Media WHORE RICHARD COHEN shows his NEO-CON WARMONGER "Israel FIRST!" stripes... echoes NY Times TOM FRIEDMAN....


Today on the ED SCHULTZ radio show a right-wing caller spent a full fifteen minutes declaring that "NANCY PELOSI _LIED_" -
"Pelosi LIED about what she knew about TORTURE, and WHEN she knew about it!"

The clear implication being that since Cheney-Bush admin. officials HAD INFORMED Then _MINORITY_ House Leader Nancy Pelosi of the Administration's (& Rumsfeld-WOLFOWTIZ Defense Department's) TORTURE POLICIES, and/or SPECIFIC INSTANCES of PRISONERS in US custody BEING TORTURED, therefore PELOSI HAD GIVEN HER APPROVAL to those TORTURE policies, and would be COMPLICIT in any investigations or criminal prosecutions of such CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS of US law - and international treaty conventions, including the GENEVA CONVENTIONS.
While Mr. Schultz responded that in 2003 THE Republicans OWNED the US HOUSE, the SENATE, the White House, and thus the entire Executive branch (presidency & US government), and thus the Bush-Cheney-DeLay-Frist Republican leadership NEVER saw ANY NEED to CONSULT WITH DEMOCRATS on ANYTHING; Mr. Schultz unfortunately let the larger point slip by, that CONSERVATIVES have a HELL OF A LOT OF NERVE getting on their soap-boxes about ANY Democrat leader "LYING" about anything - what with REPUBLICANS LYING about stolen elections 2000 and 2004, lying about their MASSIVE DERELICTION in DUTY leading up to the 9-11 attacks, and of course LYING about "bin LADEN HAS an OPERATING WMD PROGRAM!" AND "Saddam has CLOSE LINKS to AL QAIDA!"
(In fact, of course, #1. NUCLEAR WEAPONS PRODUCTION demands either ENERGY GLUTTONOUS URANIUM DIFFUSION processes - during the US Manhattan Project in WWII, the Oak Ridge Tennessee uranium processing plant used ONE TENTH of the ENTIRE US electric production in producing just 2 or 3 U-235 warhead "cores," or, #2. Nuclear weapons production demands OPERATING NUCLEAR REACTORS to produce weapons grade PLUTONIUM. In EITHER case: U:235 diffusion or Plutonium 239, there was NO WAY IN HELL Saddam could have run a WEAPONS PROCESSING PLANT, without US & UN _on-the-ground_ in Iraq, or US electronic surveillance and spy satellites, catching very strong signals of such a process. And, of course, #3. Saddam DESPISED the AL QAIDA Sunni FUNDAMENTALIST "terrorists" JUST AS MUCH as he DESPISED the IRANIAN-BACK SHIA "terrorists" - the SUPPRESSION of which was Saddam's NUMBER ONE PREOCCUPATION for his ENTIRE reign in Iraq, MUCH OF IT with US SUPPORT & APPROVAL - SPECIFICALLY coming from President George H.W. Bush (Sr.), Bush's then SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DICK CHENEY, and President Reagan's SPECIAL ENVOY TO IRAQ, DON RUMSFELD, in 1983.
Either which way, Republicans have been LYING to the American public for the past TWO DECADES - about first THEIR SUPPORT for SADDAM HUSSEIN (even at the very height of Saddam's GENOCIDAL "ANFAL" campaign against Kurds and Shiites in the post-Gulf-1 War restoration of his power, at that), about STOLEN ELECTIONS, about ENRON, about TORTURE, about LIES-to-War, about EVERYTHING - but Republicans, still today, think that ALL they have to do is BANG THE DRUMS "some DEMOCRAT leader CAUGHT LYING!" and they can go directly back to 1860, when White SLAVE OWNERS could WHIP SLAVES TO DEATH merely by invoking the CATCH-ALL "crime" of "INSOLENT PRIDE"! (Or "conservatives" in support of slavery could pursue escaped slaves ANYWHERE in America, with the full support & backing of the US federal government.)

The ENTIRE above agenda - the ALLIANCE of America's NEO-CON pro-Israel PSEUDO-intellectuals pro-war, pro-police state AIPAC Likudniks, with the NEO-CONFEDERATE closet segregationists, is amazingly laid out in author Michael Lind's book, "Made in Texas: George W. Bush and the SOUTERN TAKEOVER of American Politics" "politics" of course meaning "POWER" when your party & candidates win elections for high office.
Of whom STROM THURMOND, JESSE HELMS, and TRENT LOTT are/were PERFECT examples (Thurmond ran as the DIXIECRAT "SEGREGATION FOREVER" presidential candidate when he SPLIT from President Truman's Democrat Party in the 1948 election, and of course then Republican Senate Majority Leader TRENT LOTT infamously _celebrated_ Thurmond's SEGREGATIONIST platform when Lott toasted Thurmond's 100th birthday party in the Senate in 2002), and of course CHENEY, BUSH, DeLAY, LOTT, FRIST, BARBOR, SESSIONS, McCONNELL, and other current Republicans - SOUTHERN radical "conservatives" all - are in COMPLETE ALLIANCE with the PRO-ISRAEL LIKUDNIKS - of which the NEW YORK TIMES and WASHINGTON POST are PERFECT examples.
Just last week we caught NY Times so-called "moderate" Columnist TOM FRIEDMAN - the infamous advocate of "the World is Flat" BIG BUSINESS radical-right-wing Holy Grail of "OUTSOURCE US JOBS, and SLASH US wages to MATCH those of China slave-labor factories" agenda - is ALSO POLICE-STATE radical Right-Wing apologist as well.

WELL, RIGHT ON CUE - (immediately after our most recent post, exposing RUSH LIMBAUGH as an even more blatant NEO-CONFEDERATE neo-SEGREGATIONIST than his slightly less blatant Republican peers) - along comes the WASHINGTON POST's so-called "MODERATE" reporter, RICHARD COHEN, ALSO JUMPING ON that NEO-CON WARMONGERS and GESTAPO POLICE-STATE bandwagon, Cohen's PRO TORTURE column caught by ConsortiumNews.com:

Washington Post Columnist WINKS at Torture
By Robert Parry
May 12, 2009

The latest Post columnist to weigh in sympathetically on torturing Muslims labeled “unlawful enemy combatants” by the Bush administration is Richard Cohen in a classically dimwitted column entitled “What If Cheney’s Right?”

Cohen argues that former Vice President Dick Cheney had a point when he asserted that “enhanced interrogation techniques,” including the near-drowning experience of waterboarding, elicited important intelligence information from the suspects and thus saved American lives.

Cohen, who apparently considers himself quite clever and the issue of torture rather funny, starts the column off with the quip, “Blogger Alert: I have written a column in defense of Dick Cheney.” He later adds about the torture debate, "this is not merely some political catfight conducted by bloggers.”

While agreeing that torture is morally wrong, Cohen writes that “where I reserve a soupçon of doubt is over the question of whether ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ actually work. That they do not is a matter of absolute conviction among those on the political left, who seem to think that the CIA tortured suspected terrorists just for the hell of it.”
We applaud Consortium News for their lead in to the above paragraphs: < The WASHINGTON POST is INDEED like "one of those SOUTHERN newspapers in the 1960s STANDING FIRM FOR SEGREGATION as the wave of civil rights swept across the region." Indeed, the Washington Post WAS the paper of a SOUTHERN CITY BUILT ON SLAVERY, a city (Washington DC) that was SURROUNDED by SEGREGATED STATES. And, as Consortium News observes: "Except for [today's Washington] Post, the blind commitment IS TO NEOCONSERVATIVISM." >
.... and without even noticing it, RICHARD COHEN, the Washington Post's token "moderate" Neo-Con "pretend to be liberal" 'reporter, (equivalent of the Times Tom Friedman), is an UNAPOLOGETIC SUPPORTER of GESTAPO TORTURE - and the "right" and ability of the STATE SECURITY to SIEZE ANYONE IT WANTS TO OFF THE STREETS, to "DISAPPEAR" those "terror suspects" INTO THE TORTURE GULAG - just as Himmler's SS and Goering's Gestapo did.

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