Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Media Whores Make "EQUIVALENCY" argument between a SINGLE BRIEFING Nancy Pelosi heard in 2002 - and ENTIRE TORTURE scandal!

American Media Whores Make "EQUIVALENCY" argument between a SINGLE BRIEFING Nancy Pelosi heard in 2002 - and ENTIRE TORTURE scandal!

Just HOW INSANE is the US press/media, and the so-called American press "Leaders" like the WASHINGTON POST & NEW YORK TIMES & WALL STREET JOURNAL ??

- Answer - Despite reports that as many as ONE HUNDRED PRISONERS have been KILLED DURING TORTURE sessions run by the CIA, US military officers, or US "contractors" (mercenaries) - including the photos of at least two Iraqis killed, one a general and one a lower ranking prisoner whose corpse pictures were among Abu Ghraib photos - in addition to the vast body of information and literature that the US TORTURE PROGRAM was vast, from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib to Bagram airbase to Diego Garcia to so-called "rendition" torture handed over to "allies" including Libya's Qaddafi and Thailand & Syria "black hole" torture sites -

- despite that vast body of information, the American press-media will try to make the argument that (Democratic) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is now allegedly "LYING" - ABOUT A SINGLE MEMO given to her by the Republican leadership and CIA back in 2002 when Rep. Pelosi was only the Minority Leader -
- the Republicans and their media allies will attempt to make the case that Speaker Pelosi "LYING" about a SINGLE BRIEFING given to her in 2002, is somehow __EQUIVALENT__ to the vast body of information that the United States ENGAGED IN TORTURE and MURDER OF PRISONERS!!

We, the American people and our "press/media watchdogs" KNOW that President Bush and Vice President Cheney had LIVE TORTURE SESSIONS piped in, via US military feeds, to their White House basement "situation room" - a real-life modern virtual DUNGEON in America's presidential mansion!

We KNOW, from the moment of the Abu Ghraib photos being released if not earlier, that AT LEAST one prisoner DIED after "interrogation sessions" in US custody in Abu Ghraib - that infamous photo of a female non-com crouching over the Iraqi corpse, on ice, with her thumbs up in cheerful victory gesture. And actually there was a rarely noticed indication of the CIA's CALLOUS, if not murderous intent towards prisoners caught in the US invasion of Afghanistan from late 2001: in an amazingly ironic video shot by his fellow CIA camera man just a day or two before he was himself killed in a prisoner uprising, CIA officer MIKE SPANN is videotaped interrogating CAPTURED "American Taliban" prisoner John Walker Lind... LIND'S LIFE IS THREATENED "He’s Got To Decide if He Wants to Live or Die Here" by Spann's fellow CIA agent identified only as "Dave"!
FROM LATE 2001, the United States was ALREADY TREATING PRISONERS - captured Afghan Taliban prisoners - as DISPOSABLE, as Germans treated concentration camp prisoners in WWII!
Fortunately MSNBC still has the details of that video -

But, as many THOUSANDS of words that we could write about this vast scandal that - LIKE the SLAVERY that preceded it, CORRUPTS and CORRODES America's soul - the important thing to remember is that The Republican Party, and their press-media allies, and now even entire swaths of the DC 'Democrat' Party - ARE TRYING TO MAKE AN "EQUIVALENCE" argument: Nancy Pelosi _allegedly_ "LYING" about a SINGLE BRIEFING she received, when she was then MINORITY Leader in 2002 - is the _EQUIVALENT_ of the CIA's and Cheney administration's VAST TORTURE and violent treatment of prisoners scandal!
The Wall St. Journal a textbook example of the ABJECT TREACHERY of America's corporate media - right there in the three-word headline, describing former California "DEMOCRATIC" Congressman (and former Clinton administration Chief of Staff) President Obama's newly selected, current CIA Director, LEON PANETTA, trying to AID the REPUBLICAN EFFORT to PIN THE _ENTIRE_ TORTURE SCANDAL on 'fellow Democrat' Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi! - AS IF Nancy Pelosi "lying" about a SINGLE CIA BRIEFING she was given in 2002, was THE CRIMINAL EQUIVALENT of the ENTIRE 6 year Bush-Cheney-Dod-CIA system of TORTURING prisoners in US prisons!
"Panetta's Pelosi Smackdown"
"CIA officers _briefed truthfully_ on the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah," Mr. Panetta wrote in a memo to agency employees. "It is not our policy or practice to mislead Congress. That is against our laws and our values." A day earlier, Mrs. Pelosi had claimed that CIA officials had "misled" her at a September 4, 2002 briefing on enhanced interrogation techniques, including waterboarding of the likes of Zubaydah.

The Wall Street Journal takes as VERBATIM TRUTH that the CIA had "briefed truthfully" then Minority Leader Pelosi back in 2002!!

This is PURE MEDIA INSANITY, if not COWARDICE & TREACHERY - the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, CNN, and Washington Post (et al) PRETENDING that a SINGLE MEMO given to the then Minority Leader Pelosi back in 2003, is of more consequence in the Torture debacle - than a hundred prisoners killed by torture in American prisons, and thousands more "DETAINED" for YEARS with not judicial oversight or even basic criminal charges being filed against them!

Here are video clips of Gov. Ventura on "The View" and Fox & Friends, explaining that TORTURE IS A CRIME, and that if the former Navy SEAL Ventura were given "A WATER-BOARD and DICK CHENEY for a half hour," "I could get Mr. Cheney to CONFESS TO THE SHARON TATE MURDERS."

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