Wednesday, May 06, 2009

UGLAND HOUSE ILLUSTRATES: corporate American "News" papers DESERVE to GO BANKRUPT and OUT of business...

[photo DELETED due to COPYRIGHT- the COPYRIGHT value of a photograph of a building, is MORE IMPORTANT, than the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS that AMERICAN TAXPAYERS must make up, for the TAX DODGES of major US corporations using Ugland House as an "offshore" address.]

This simple little photo of a 4 storey "home" in the Cayman Islands, illustrates why VAST SWATHS America's press/media companies DESERVE TO GO BANKRUPT, DESERVE to GO OUT OF BUSINESS: this building is the "FRONT," or legal TAX-DODGE address, for, literally, THOUSANDS of American companies, and specifically shell-company subsidiaries of huge, established American companies that use the fronts to LEGALLY CLAIM EXEMPTION from US TAXES - huge US companies Coca-Cola, Intel, and Seagate, and even BAILOUT RECIPIENTS Citi and CHASE banks!!
WITH CONSUMER SPENDING representing 70% - SEVENTY PERCENT - of the US economy, WHY do BANKERS and FINANCIAL LOBBYISTS _CONTROL_ the US Congress & Senate - why do the "OF the Elite, BY the Elite, FOR the Elite" rules dominate in the US House, Senate, and executive branch ??

-Answer: BECAUSE _ALL_ of America's "MAJOR MEDIA" players have been INVETERATE LIARS for the PAST TWO DOZEN YEARS - this ATROCIOUS state of affairs can ONLY exist, when the Ameican public is GROSSLY MISINFORMED.

In short, for the past two decades - ever since President Bill Clinton started pulling America out of the BUSH-1 RECESSION in 1993, and by 1995 we were looking at not only economic recovery, but a full fledged economic boom - the PRESS and MEDIA have been using KARL ROVE and RUSH LIMBAUGH talking points - that it SHOULD BE every corporations ideal, if not responsibility, to SHIP US JOBS & technology OFFSHORE,
ship entire US corporations offshore (Dick Cheney's old company HALLIBURTON now headquartered in DUBAI, UAE - and that was only after Cheney and Bush TRIED TO SELL ENTIRE US PORTS, operations AND SECURITY, to ARAB dictatator-owned consortiums)
and to AVOID PAYING US TAXES even when a company is rolling in record profits!

But the proof that this Right-Wing "outsource everthing, EVADE taxes" nirvana is not as heavenly as Right-Wing commentators would have it, is simplicity itself:
WHEN LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES, corporate America's "Best & Brightest" WRECKED THEIR OWN COMPANIES, and PUT THE ENTIRE US ECONOMY in the trash can these past 2 years!
And they are NOT SELF HEALING - the FIRST sign of trouble, the BANKERS, FINANCIAL GENIUSES, and their lobbyist go RUNNING, SCREAMING, CRYING, and DEMANDING to Congress, "GIVE US HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars of TAXPAYER "bailouts," or we will BLOW OUR BRAINS OUT, and leave blood and brain-matter all over your precious American economy" !!

- So this very week the NEW YORK TIMES owners of the BOSTON GLOBE - were threatening to CLOSE the BSOSTON GLOBE, if the Times owners didn't get major pay concessions from the Globe's workers & writers.

- So the LA TIMES and CHICAGO TRIBUNE are in DEEP Financial trouble -
SERVES YOU RIGHT, you could have done a dozen smash EXPOSES on UGLAND HOUSE at ANY time in the past dozen years, but REFUSED to CONFRONT corporate Ameica's tax fraud.
- So the MIAMI HERALD is now looking for a buyer.
SERVES the Herald right - for the past 9 years, the INSANELY CORRUPT state government in Talahasee has been using the _$8 BILLION_ federal taxpayer EVERGLADES RESTORATION FUND as an 'in-house SLUSH FUND' - NOT to deliver the Everglades LAND BUYOUTS that would actually allow engineers to RESTORE the natural water-flow of the Everglades, but to instead commission ENDLESS STUDIES, and pay for ENDLESS NEGOTIATIONS, which always go nowhere - the Big Sugar companies CONTINUE to own the land, which SHOULD have been CONDEMNED, paid for, and delivered YEARS ago. (Of course every week, every month, every year of this ring-around-the-posies financial "studies & negotiations" act draws HUGE chunks of real money OUT of the Restoration fund... with NOTHING to show for it but happy lobbyists and well-connected "research" firms, which more than likely KICK BACK some of their budget to those state-house legislators who feel so smart now that they have mastered the art of treating the Everglades Restoration Fund as their own private slush fund.)

America's corporate media are "IN" on the LOOTING OF THE TREASURY, they are "IN" on the ENRON ACCOUNTING of the banks and hedge-funds and "financial institutions," which FRAUDULENT accounting allowed for the systematic OVER-VALUATION of homes and stocks and other assets, which OVER-VALUATION led to the insane HYPER-INFLATION of real-estate values and allowed the CREDIT BINGE that is now finacially strangling millions of American consumers and home-buyers who believed those fake, FRAUDULENTLY INFLATED valuations when they took out those Adjustable ARM mortgages, "Don't worry, in a rising market, you can always sell at a profit later!"
Needless to say, in one post - or even an entire volume - we could not do justice to the subject "BANKRUPT NEWSPAPERS" much less "homeowners and consumers SUCKED IN TO the vortex of FRAUDULENTLY INFLATED stock prices, home values, and consumer debt" - but if you want ONE nice, iconic little symbol of all the above, the picture of UGLAND HOUSE represents (nearly) the ENTIRE US press/media industry, in COMPLICITY and COLLUSION with major corporate TAX CHEATS - the very people who are now BEGGING and EXTORTING previously DEFRAUDED TAXPAYERS, out of MORE TRILLIONS of dollars, to make up their FAILED financial bets !!

Heath Haussamen -Diary of a Mad Voter
Will newspaper failures cripple watchdog journalism?
Mr. Haussamen, you missed that boat at least a DECADE ago - that simple little photo of Ugland House illustrates, THERE HAS BEEN _NO_ REAL "investigative journalism" in America - on THE BIGGEST ISSUE OF ALL (sustaining the US economy with investment in roads, highways, education, health-care, much less PAYING FOR OUR WARS)- since the insanely corrupt US press/media LET Bush & Cheney and the GOP STEAL the election of 2000.....
Miami Herald said to be for sale -

< The Boston Globe and its largest union reached tentative agreement on wage and benefit cuts early Wednesday morning, apparently ending for now THE NEW YORK TIMES Company’s THREAT to SHUT DOWN New England’s largest newspaper. >
(including potentially PENSION-GUTTING PROVISIONS of the new contract)

US Newspaper Industry finally reaches "Point of Failure" -

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