Thursday, May 21, 2009

Keith Olbermann DEMOLISHES the DRUG-ADDICT, Chicken-S***, uber-Hypocrite, Right-Wing DEMAGOGUE CRY-BABY Rush Limbaugh...

MSNBC "Countdown" host Keith Olbermann's TAKEDOWN of the vain, pompous, uber-hypocrite BULLY CRYBABY demagogue race- and HATE-baiter RUSH LIMBAUGH is a LITERARY MASTERPIECE, dare we say it, right up there with author Jonathan Swift's infamous "LET US EAT BABIES" pretend "solution" to the murderous, wretched, and genocidal English occupation of Ireland, written in 1729,
"A Modest Proposal."

WHEN we get time, we will try to capture and post some of Mr. Olbermann's more delicious comments/observations, but 'till then, you will just have to savor the video without our cheat-sheet notes, with these exception:
#1. Rush as "a BLIGHT UPON THE LAND,"
#2. " are the radio equivalent of 'Heckuva Job Brownie' and the Bush flyover and the refugees in the Superdome,"
#3. "You put YOUR BILE out for three hours a day...THE PERIL TO THIS NATION that you have successfully strived to become!"

We are proud to add this historical context to Mr. Olbermann's comments (below), and hope Mr. Olbermann continues, in the great Jonathan Swift tradition, to POKE HOLES at the abject hypocrisy, insane greed, and blatant treason of those who make America weaker through the exploitation of ignorance, fear, & bigotry.

(note 1: Swift's English language satirical masterpiece , using literature and humor to illustrate the genocidal, starvation conditions of the English occupation of (Catholic) Ireland, was written in 1729.
The FULL BLOWN famine STARVATION of Ireland - the so-called "Irish Potato Famine" (what the Irish themselves call "The Great Famine" or "the Great Hunger") did not occur until 1845, OVER a CENTURY later!
That is, the Irish endured GENOCIDAL, STARVATION occupation tactics by the English lords, armies, and co-opted Irish landlords, for WELL OVER 100 years!!
Indeed, the wikipedia "Great Famine" entry strong> VERY FIRST SENTENCE contains this gem: "Great Irish Famine" redirects here... For the 1740–1741 famine, see Irish Famine (1740-1741).
Under the tender mercies of British occupation - including right through the (so-called) "Moral Values" reign of Queen Victoria, the Irish endured famines and starvation-magnitude gross exploitation, the way other countries endured recessions.
(For more on how the English were masters at using Victorian "moral values" & imperial propaganda to mask genocidal ruthlessness, "The War Nerd" is a must-read.)
note 2: The Irish don't need the English around to be pretty cruel to their own:
"The full horror of children’s lives destroyed by sexual, physical and emotional abuse meted out by Roman Catholic religious orders over decades [and COVERED UP by Irish GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES] in Ireland was revealed yesterday in an official five-volume report."

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