Monday, May 11, 2009

Rush Limbaugh, the LYING, Bloviating Drug-Addict gas-bag, LIES about "Speaker Pelosi was INFORMED about WATERBOARDING & TORTURE, & Signed Off on it"

Senator BOB GRAHAM, who FLIRTED with "OUTING" the CRIMINAL ACTIONS of the Cheney-Bush administration when he sat on the Senate Intel Committee (but didn't because Bush-Republican "YOU ARE FOR US, OR AGAINST US!" war-cry paint-the-opposition-as-treason demagoguing was at it's full throated Bush-80% approval ratings in the months following 9-11 and leading up to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, and thus the Bush DoJ and military would have been able to PAINT Graham as "ILLEGALLY EXPOSING US government SECRETS") comes out and backs-up Speaker Pelosi, saying that (paraphrase) "the Bush administration did 'inform' Democratic Congress & Senate leaders about the administration's intention to interrogate prisoners captured by US forces in the 'war on terror,' BUT the Bush administration NEVER SPELLED OUT THOSE TECHNIQUES, and CERTAINLY NEVER in regards to the treatment handed out to individual prisoners."
Which, of course, makes Mr. Limbaugh's ENTIRE "TORTURE IS ACCEPTABLE, because then Congress Minority Leader NANCY PELOSI and other top Democrats WERE INFORMED about the TORTURE techniques" a GROTESQUELY LYING rant.
What is amazing, is that some portion of America - at least 2-3 million listeners daily - get their talking-points and political commiseration, from a man who SHOULD HAVE BEEN SENT TO PRISON, for SENDING THE MAID OUT to BUY ILLEGAL DRUGS, but for his high-priced lawyers and very 'LIBERAL' "RIGHT TO PRIVACY!" defense.

New: Limbaugh TOP 10 RACIST QUOTES, and VIDEO compilations of Limbaugh's disgusting, smug, arrogant, ELITIST ENTITLEMENT Racism - posing as "common white man" populism:

note that in the first quote compiled by writer Casey Gane-McCalla, Limbaugh inadvertently (back-handedly) CREDITS BLACKS with being a CONSTRUCTIVE FORCE for BUILDING the South - as slaves, of course.
IF slaves DID play a part in the BUILDING of the Deep South in the decades before the Civil War - do they not, at the very least, DESERVE SOME CREDIT for the sweat of their labor... if not some sort of renumeration or pay?
NOT according to the HATE-MONGERING Vietnam-war evading COWARDLY Limbaugh... who LET BLACK MEN go to Vietnam to FIGHT FOR AMERICA's FREEDOM, while HE rode a COWARD's medical deferment, of the EXACT kind that "Liberal" radio host Randi Rhodes overcame, to eventually become a US Air Force heavy-transport crew chief.
1. I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.

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