Thursday, April 02, 2009

There they Go Again! JEWISH owned NEW YORK TIMES puts a kind, fuzzy face on GLENN BECK's APPEALS to RIGHT-WING HATEMONGERS (="Naziesque tendencies")

As we reported earlier
Jewish HATE-MONGER & Neo-Con writer BERNARD GOLDBERG's writings were held up as _"INSPIRATION"_ by the murderous gunman who entered a "liberal" Knoxville Church (minority & gay welcoming... during a Sunday children's play, no less!) - with a shotgun, pistols, & tons of ammunition, WITH the MURDEROUS INTENTION of SHOOTING and KILLING _EVERYONE_ INSIDE the church - as PROXIES, because the murderous Jim David Adkisson COULD NOT manage to KILL any of the big names listed by Goldberg in his right-wing hate-mongering "TOP TEN WORST AMERICANS" book.

WELL, along comes the JEWISH-owned NEW YORK TIMES this week, in their chronic, treacherous, lying, and insanely greedy NEO-CONSERVATIVE ENTITLEMENT, once again MAKING NICE with the MERCHANTS OF RIGHT-WING HATE, in this case doing a PUFF-PIECE on Right-Wing Radio shill GLEN BECK, who not only uses similar "HATE LIBERALS" rhetoric as Bernard Goldberg does, but recently (long after it was documented & proven that Goldberg's book was _THE INSPIRATION FOR MURDER_, for SHOOTING UP that Knoxville Church) INVITED Goldberg on the Glen Beck show (on CNN "HATE-MONGERS ARE US" no less!) to commisserate about just HOW MUCH BETTER America would be, if, you know, the Nazi- & Jewish Right-Wings in America could just start DISPOSING of THEIR ENEMIES, Nazi style!!!

But don't take OUR word for it! - Here is's
"Media Putz of the Week"
filling in a few more details than we can, about the BLATANTLY HATE-BAITING agenda of GLEN BECK, and, by extension, how the JEWISH NEO-CON EDITORS and PUBLISHERS of the New York Times SUPPORT THAT AGENDA of HATE (and resulting MURDERS), BY DOING A PUFF-PIECE on Beck !
(And don't forget the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting was NOT the only Right-Wing POLITICAL ASSASSINATION/murder of 2008: just two weeks later, ANOTHER Right-Wing gunman, also allegedly inspired by Right-Wing hate-mongers' "media personalities" with shows on "mainstream" TV, walked in to the Arkansas state Democratic Party Headquarters in Little Rock, the gunman walking into Chairman Bill Gwaltney's office, then shooting & murdering the UNARMED Mr. Gwaltney...

As with the VAST TSUNAMI of FINANCIAL FRAUD which has destroyed MILLIONS of Americans savings, investments, home values (and jobs), the WHORE, CHRONICALLY LYING, murderously corrupt NEW YORK TIMES can NOT bother to CONNECT THE SIMPLE DOTS between RIGHT-WING HATE-MONGERS like Glenn Beck & Bernarnd Goldmberg, and the MURDERS committed by right-wing haters INSPIRED by those "major media" Right-WIng hate-mongering shills!

(Note: is also Jewish owned, & probably wouldn't appreciate our mentioning that the NEW YORK TIMES is Jewish-owned, and supports the ENTIRE RIGHT-WING, NEO-CON AGENDA of STOLEN ELECTIONS, LIES-to-WAR, WARS of AGGRESSION, DICTATORIAL executive war-powers, TORTURE, unlimited, no-oversight STASI-style SURVEILLANCE over Americans, Looting-the-Treasury (aka "Tax Cuts for Rich") and all the other atrocious policies that the NEW YORK TIMES has SUPPORTED over the past dozen-plus years... but we don't WRITE these awful stories, we simply CONNECT-THE-DOTS that Media Whores REFUSE to connect, just as our next point mentions:)
(note #2: note too how Buzzflash does an EXCELLENT job of __CONTRASTING__ NY Times 'writer' Bill Carter's current puff-piece on Glen Beck, with Carter's earlier, more strident writing about "liberal" MSNBC Countdown host Keith Olbermann.
THIS SIMPLE RESEARCH, "COMPARE & CONTRAST" quotations from the same writer about two different subjects, is something ENTIRELY BEYOND the capabilities of the NEO-CON WARMONGERING, CHRONICALLY LYING, & HATE-INCITING New York Times.... and is a TEXT-BOOK EXAMPLE of how the Times is NOT a "liberal" media organization, but a RIGHT-WING HATE-MONGERING organization playing right out of JOSEPH GOEBBEL's NAZI hate-mongering playbook.
< For writing a virtual press release without any context or any dimension of actually watching Glenn Beck's show, we proclaim that [NEW YORK TIMES 'reporters'] Brian Stelter and Bill Carter share this week's Media PUTZ of the Week award." >

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