Tuesday, April 28, 2009

DAVID BRODER - Whitewashes Bush era TORTURE - Charter Member of the WHORE Washington Post Neo-Con Liars club...

WELL, IT's ABOUT TIME! GLENN GREENWALD, SCOTT HORTON, Jim White, Buzzflash.com, and FireDogLake.com have all been catching the Washington Post's uber- "Conventional Wisdom" columnist DAVID BRODER doing his one & only job:
LYING to Post readers, and American citizens, in order to (attempt to) justify and legitimize the FEUDAL efforts to CONCENTRATE WEALTH & POWER in New York (corporate America) and Washington DC, at the expense of American citizens, and at the expense of those foreign citizens at risk of being burned, blown-up, or buried in America's insane lust to take control of the world's dwindling natural resources.

In a nutshell, in this case, Broder does his Washington on-high Authoritarian "we know best" effort to SPIN any attempts at coming to terms with Cheney & Bush's vast TORTURE GULAG, as no more than "an unworthy desire for vengeance" by Bush & Cheney critics.
To develop this argument - which taken to its logical conclusion would hold that the NUREMBERG TRIALS were "NOTHING BUT VENGEANCE," Mr. Broder, in typical NY Times and) Washington Post fashion, strings together a series of COMPLETE FALSEHOODS - LIES - that individually seem innocuous enough, but collectively, if the reader doesn't catch the lies & failures in logic of the individual components, indeed seems to arrive at the conclusion that Broder is pushing, in this case that TORTURE INVESTIGATION would be nothing but "Partisan Vengeance."

But before we address Mr. Broder's LYING assumptions in turn, we must ask, "WHERE THE HELL was the Washington Post's star "middle-of-road," "conventional-wisdom," 'CONSENSUS' commentator when the Cheney-Bush administration and Rumsfeld-WOLFOWITZ ruled US Department of Defense were running their SHOW-TRIAL, Nazi/Stalinist Kangaroo Courts for FEMALE PRIVATES, accused ONLY of "ABUSE" - where was the Great "Conses us" imminent Washington Post commentator back then?"

Well, obviously enough, the regime - the Bush-Cheney administration and their Washington establishment powers-that-be supporters, include the STOLEN-ELECTIONS WHITEWASHING Washington Post - needed to run SOME kind of SCAPEGOAT investigations into the ABU GHRAIB TORTURE and "ABUSE" photos - IF it was acknowledged that the United States military under Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-WOLFOWITZ had a SADISTIC STREAK a mile long, it would seriously undermine the Washington establishment's carefully built-up RATIONAL FOR WAR in Iraq. After all, President Bush PLEDGED that the Iraq war would LIBERATE IRAQIS from Saddam's TORTURE DUNGEONS - and here it was, barely months into the US occupation, and Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, & Wolfowitz were RUNNING TORTURE PRISONS, in the SAME prisons, that Saddam had used and made infamous!


Wolfowitz PERSONALLY VISITED Abu Ghraib prison shortly before the photos were made public, and he wasn't there to see how shiny and polished the prisoners & US guards had modernized Saddam's personal torture gulag.
Wolfowitz was there to OVERSEE & INSPECT the "SECRET" INTEL WING of the prison, THE TORTURE WING of the prison, where hapless prisoners were sent for the REAL torture sessions, after the female Privates and their NCO superiors had spent the previous weeks making the prisoners' lives a living hell with CLEARLY SADISTIC, and often violent & injurious treatment.

We now know that the Abu Ghraib/Guantanamo/Bagram airbase/Diego Garcia and other US TORTURE PRISONS were the CENTERPIECE of Dick Cheney's diabolical efforts to make FEAR the PRIME ELEMENT of the US occupation of Iraq in relation to Iraqis, "freedom" much less "democracy" be damned.

(In fact, psychologically Cheney was trying to duplicate SLAVERY era JUSTIFICATIONS FOR TORTURE and CRUELTY from the Slave States South to Iraq - just as in the Deep South before the Civil War, "masters" could WHIP A SLAVE TO DEATH, for ANY reason, at any time, there were NO instances of pre-Civil War Southern law EVER prosecuting slave owners for cruel or murderous treatment of slaves, because of course slavery was FOUNDED on MURDER (people won't voluntarily leave their homes to be chained and shackled and treated worse than cattle - you MUST KILL a few captives, to TERRIFY the rest), and slavery can only be SUSTAINED through CONTINUALLY APPLIED TERROR - violence, the threat of violence or murder, and relentless intimidation - otherwise slaves will walk off the farms & plantations if there is no IMMEIDATE threat of violence of injury.)

SCRATCH Broder's logic deep enough, he is basically defending Cheney's RIGHT to export SLAVERY ERA-TERRORISM - BY American slave-owners over their terrorized "chattel property" - worldwide.

And the NEO-CON (Jewish) DOMINATED Washington Post, and (Jewish owned) New York Times, are "IN" on that awful, appalling, dehumanizing agenda. In fact, they LOVE David Broder, precisely for putting such a bland, innocuous, non-threatening face on their "WE HAVE A RIGHT TO SEIZE YOU OFF THE STREETS, TORTURE YOU, KILL YOU, and NOT EVEN NOTIFY YOUR FAMILY" agenda.

For - as we have just explained - Mr. Broder thinks that ANY inquiry that would undo or threaten that SOVEREIGN MAJESTY of Cheney & Bush and their UNLIMITED "war on terra" torture gulags would be the crime of Lèse majesté and as a Royal Courtier, it is his job to insult, demean, and put in place those critics, in advance of the Royal State coming along and tossing those critics into the very Cheney-Bush torture Gulag that is, of course "Defending Freedom and Democracy" (NOT!).

MR. BRODER is a VILE, Washington Establishment WHORE - it is HIS JOB, to PUT "The LITTLE PEOPLE" in their place, to justify PUTTING FEMALE PRIVATES IN PRISON, so those who ORDERED TORTURE can go free, and so the US TORTURE GULAGS can be downshifted a gear or two, but STILL RUN with IMMUNITY, IMPUNITY, and BEYOND OVERSIGTH and the reach of US law or human rights.

DAVE BRODER IS A PAID, PROFESSIONAL LIAR, a royalist sycophant, and an elitist, entitled soulless commissar of the DC punditry, who DEFENDS in Washington authorities EXACTLY that which he & they once condemned about Saddam Hussein.


Could David Broder Be any More Dishonest and Morally Corrupt?
By: Scarecrow Sunday April 26, 2009

David Broder's column today provides a depressing example of the type of intellectual dishonesty and moral corruption of Beltway pundits that Glenn Greenwald (among many others) has been assailing in recent posts.

Broder is appalled at the thought the United States of America might wind up prosecuting senior US officials, possibly even the President, for committing serious felonies. He acknowledges that "without identifying and punishing the perpetrators, there can be no accountability -- and therefore no deterrent lesson for future administrations." But rather than struggle with the implications of failing to hold senior officials accountable for committing serious crimes, Broder performs a COWARDLY BAIT & SWITCH:

[Broder writes] "It is a plausible-sounding rationale, but it cloaks an unworthy desire for vengeance."

Broder then tries to obscure his moral cowardice by further dishonesty: [dismissing all calls for Torture investigations as "A SEARCH FOR SCAPEGOATS"]:

[Broder writes]: "Obama should use all the influence of his office to stop the retroactive search for scapegoats.

David Broder, Dead Wrong, Again
By: JimWhite
Sunday April 26, 2009
n his April 26 column, David Broder descends to a new low in his disgustingly evil campaign to prevent accountability for torture as a United States government policy. Sadly, he recognizes the key reason for investigations leading to prosecutions:

Their argument is that without identifying and punishing the perpetrators, there can be no accountability -- and therefore no deterrent lesson for future administrations.

However, Broder just can't live with the thought that his pals in the government might have to face up to the crimes they have committed. His very next sentence negates the one clear thought he had:

It is a plausible-sounding rationale, but it cloaks an unworthy desire for vengeance.

No. Just no. Broder just can't accept the fact that he stumbled upon. Prosecutions are simply the only way administrations will learn that they cannot break the law with impunity. What do we have when the government is free to break the law without consequence? Dictionary.com provides a definition: "arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power". The word defined here is "tyranny". Broder is so afraid of the appearance of "vengence" that he chooses to embrace tyranny.

But the evil in [Broder's} column continues...
[continued at] - http://oxdown.firedoglake.com/diary/4973


GLENN GREENWALD catches David Broder's ABJECT HYPOCRISY: WHITEWASHING the Cheney-Bush administration's ABOLISHING habeas corpus, and DISGARDING the GENEVA CONVENTIONS on war-crimes back in 2006, when Broder was a COURT APOLOGIST doing his damndest to JUSTIFY and WHITEWASH those exact "dark side" tendencies that Broder now claims were an unknown and errant abberation.

Glenn Greenwald writes:
<< To justify the ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY [for ALL CRIMES] he [Broder, today] wants for government lawbreakers, Broder describes the Bush era as "one of the DARKEST CHAPTERS of American history, when certain terrorist suspects were whisked off to secret prisons and subjected to waterboarding and other forms of painful coercion [TORTURE and in some instances MURDER] in hopes of extracting information about threats to the United States." But that's easy to say now that the Bush presidency is over and the EVIDENCE of its CRIMINALITY so UNDENIABLE.
when it mattered. In fact, he [Broder] DID THE OPPOSITE: he MOCKED those who tried to sound the alarm about how radical and "dark" the Bush presidency was and repeatedly DEFENDED what Bush officials were doing [by Broder's own admission, CRIMES] as perfectly NORMAL, UNALARMING, and well WITHIN the BOUNDS of mainstream and LEGITIMATE POLICY. >>
(excerpted from below story & link)

David Broder & Media CULPABILITY for Bush CRIMES.
by Glenn Greenwald, Salon.com
Sunday April 26, 2009

Broder -- in a September 15, 2006 Washington Post chat -- was asked by a reader about an Editorial in The New York Times which appeared that morning that warned of the grave dangers of abolishing habeas corpus and the protections of the Geneva Conventions, as the soon-to-be-enacted Military Commissions Act sought to do.

Washington Post Cowardly, Lying Whore DAVID BRODER's infamous, "to INVESTIGATE Cheney & Bush's VAST TORTURE GULAG, is nothing but SCAPEGOATING"
textbook WashPost crimes WHITEWASH and Neo-Con Authoritarian travesty:

Buzzflash.com: David BRODER's pathetic ARSE-KISSING TO POWER - a Courtier of the Royal Court or Washington DC DEMEANING and POURING SCORN on royal critics - deserves his long-overdue nomination as Media Putz of the week:

April 23, 2009
For reporting that is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism, and for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than the citizens of America....

The web’s most brilliant Constitutional journalist and conscience, Glenn Greenwald, jumped all over "D.C. Villager" David Broder for a morally bankrupt April 26th Washington Post column entitled, "Stop Scapegoating. Obama Should Stand Against Prosecutions."

Broder, who EMBODIES the COLLEGIAL CLUBINESS and MUTUAL PROTECTION RACKET of the D.C. elite (which includes "nationally respected pundits" like Broder), is indignant that anyone would want to find "scapegoats" for torture. Let’s see, if a man shoots a kid just because he looks like a gang member, we guess the shooter is a "scapegoat" to Broder.

Greenwald argues that Broder long defended Bush’s extreme, unconscionable policies and [that Broder] EXCORCIATED those individuals WHO STOOD UP FOR the law, morality, and the Constitution. As Greenwald observes in his withering style:
< On other occasions, Broder mocked those who suggested there was anything extremist or radical about Bush's "counter-terrorism" policies; hailed "Bush's conviction that the quest for freedom is a universal truth"; proclaimed his confidence in Donald Rumsfeld's pre-war Iraq plans; and compared 2002 war opponents to "Jane Fonda in Hanoi or antiwar protesters marching under Viet Cong flags." >

One of Greenwald’s key points is that the INSIDE the beltway ELITES are PROTECTING THEMSELVES when they vigorously advocate "just moving on." We recently saw this in a dismaying television appearance by Peggy Noonan in which she dismissed torture as some sort of trivial historic event. Noonan, like Broder, were protecting the backs of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld as they tortured people to death and got us into a Godforsaken war.
If Broder were to apply for a job as a columnist today, he would summarily be put in the rejected pile. He’s an illogical apologist for the "D.C. club" who wraps himself in the cloak of just having "common sense."
But the only common sense that Broder has is akin to the backside of a Jackass.
And for that, he merits being anointed the BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week.

Lèse majesté, from wikipedia:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A8se_majest%C3%A9Lèse majesté (Law French, from the Latin laesa maiestas "injury to majesty"; in English, also lese majesty or leze majesty) is THE CRIME of VIOLATING MAJESTY, an offense against the DIGNITY of a REIGNING SOVERIEGN or against [the] STATE.

This behavior was first classified as a CRIMINAL OFFENSE against the dignity of the Roman republic in Ancient Rome.

Broder For the Defense [of Bush-Cheney admin. TORTURE Crimes]
by Scott Horton Salon.com April

[paraphrase: In trying to WHITEWASH and BURY the "Bush & Cheney & their minions with premeditation created a vast, MURDEROUS Torture Gulag" story, tries to make the case that SIMPLY because some BushCo. minion lawyers DISCUSSED the murderous torture program - there MUST BE _NO_ CRIME!]
Scott Horton catches an actual David Broder TORTURE WHITEWASH paragraph:
"The memos on torture represented a deliberate, and internally WELL-DEBATED policy decision, made in the proper places — the White House, the intelligence agencies and the Justice Department — by the proper officials."

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