Wednesday, April 01, 2009

NEO-CON Washington Post EXHIBITING their NAZI TENDENCIES again: "Waterboarding _IS_ TORTURE"... but ONLY when Khmer Rouge do it!

Yep, caught in the Act: the Washington Post showing its COWARDLY, NAZI stripes: ONE STANDARD for 'evil, sub-human foreigners' who run torture prisons, KILL their prisoners (and, what the hell, throw in a few condemnations for running DEATH SQUADS, just for fun), and another standard,
"ALL THE ABOVE ARE HOLY, GOD-ORDAINED cleansed & sanctified means to Assert the United States rule over the world," oops!
"to fight the never-ending, always expanding 'War on Terror'!"

HuffingtonPost with today's grisly details of the NEO-CON, warmongering, TREASURY-LOOTING, ELECTION-THIEVING Washington Post's REAL "journalistic 'standards'" - Right out of Herr Goebbels' playbook! -
Here's some unique writing from the WASHINGTON POST, in an article about a man named Kaing Khek Lev, or "Duch," a notorious genocidaire of the Khmer Rouge, who this week took responsibility for his crimes, namely running "the Khmer Rouge's most notorious torture center, Tuol Sleng in Phnom Penh," where an "estimated 16,000 men, women and children died." Now, we've read a lot of descriptions of torture in the Washington Post, but some editor allowed reporter Tim Johnston to file an extraordinary rendition:

The prosecution described a chain of death operated by Duch. His victims -- most of whom were either disgraced members of the Khmer Rouge or their families -- were tortured with electric shocks, WATERBOARDING, or beating to extract a confession..."
HuffingtonPost writer Jason Linkins does an excellent job of _compiling_ some of the Post's many GOEBBELS-esqu Washington establishment/bureaucracy DOUBLE-SPEAK terms used for describing Waterboarding, NOT so much as torture, but as some form of government conduct entirely within legal bounds:
See, when outfits like the WaPo typically talk about waterboarding, it's referred to as
"a form of simulated drowning that U.S. officials had previously deemed a crime"
"harsh interrogation tactics"
an "interrogation tactic"
"harsh interrogation practices"
"a practice that years later would be condemned as torture by Democrats and some Republicans on Capitol Hill."

But unless you are in possession of whatever gland produces honesty, like Dan Froomkin, you never, never, ever just come right out and say that waterboarding is torture.
The fact that ANYONE in America could think that EITHER the RIGHT-WING, NEO-CON,stolen-election-legitimizing, Warmongering, & TREASURY-LOOTING Washington Post _or_ New York Times were actually "LIBERAL" organizations
(just because Drug Addict Demagogue Rush Limbaugh, demagogue blow-hard Bill O'Reilly, or hate-crimes-and-murder inciting BERNARD GOLBERG (etc., ad infinitum, ad naseum) declare they are) - is clear proof of just how Orwellian, how Goebbels-esque, how COMPLETELY PROPAGANDIZED the people of the United States have become.

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