Saturday, January 27, 2007

Media whores CENSOR the story that Rethuglican Senators FILIBUSTER Minimum Wage Bill...!!

Our GODDAMNED MEDIA WHORES, after DEMEANING the Democrats every attempt to assert SOME control over the Rethuglican Congress and Bush administration (by ridiculing the Dems rare attempts at invoking the FILIBUSTER threat before the November 2006 elections switched control of Congress to the Democrats), now CENSOR the story of Republicans actually USING the FILIBUSTER to STOP.... AN INCREASE IN America's minimum wage!

Americans media WHORES, you are actively working WITH the reactionary Rethuglican Party to IMPOSE POVERTY and IGNORANCE on America, and to DESTROY the American middle class, by LYING in your reporting, and self-censoring those stories that indicate Republican misgovernance and political fraud.

The New York Times and Washington Post: they will put 100 reporters on KEN STARR's illegally leaked Grand Jury report on Bill Clinton's brief affair, but they WON'T TELL YOU that the Republican White House ILLEGALLY "outed" an entire CIA undercover organization to legitimize their lies to war; and that the Rethuglicans now use the FILIBUSTER to prevent minimum wage Americans from getting an increase in pay for the first time in over 10 years!

Note: the short answer to Senator Kennedy's question "what do Republicans have against America's working men and women?" is that the Republican reactionary right-wing PREFERS CHATTEL SLAVERY as an economic model, with the great white race "CHOSEN," by god, to dominate and subjugate all lesser races, as the ante-bellum economic model existed in the Deep South before the Civil War.

In the cold, black hearts of reactionary right-wingers, ANY improvement in working conditions (for whites as well as blacks and other minorities) is akin to the traumatic fear of "SLAVE INSURRECTION!" - i.e., the destruction of the great master race by animal-like subhumans. This latent fear and loathing on the part of the reactionary right has building for decades. In the years shortly after WWII America produced fully 50% of the world's global production output; and in 1800s white Europeans and Americans represented almost 1/2 of the world's population. Since those benchmarks, European and American dominance in both population and economic production have been in great (relative) decline, heightening the reactionary fear that white America will be overrun by the "great unwashed brown-skin masses" that just a few generations ago were completely dominated by Anglo/Euro/American control.

Right-Wing contempt for working Americans is actually minor compared to Right-Wing CONTEMPT for our environment!

The reactionary right-wing agenda is SO filled with HATE (for their fellow human beings) that, as an intellectual or mental effort to CONTROL what they perceive as an "evil world," tens of thousands of RIghties actually PRAY for the fate that befell Pompey during the Imperial Roman era: they PRAY for FIRE AND BRIMSTONE to descend on America's cities, they PRAY for the DESTRUCTION of America and the world, and they will tolerate ARSENIC in their drinking water, MERCURY in their fish, pesticides and toxins in their food, and tons of other toxins in their air, as long as they perceive that their "plantation owners" glorious confederate leadership is leading them in the fight against all the savage races that are "overruning" the world.


Kennedy to Republicans: "What is it about working men and women that you find so offensive?"
By Bob Geiger
Jan 25, 2006

It's a sure bet that Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) has a lot of bottled-up frustration from years of fighting the Republican party to get a simple minimum wage increase for America's families and it boiled over on the floor of the Senate Thursday night.

Angry about Republican filibustering of the minimum wage increase that easily passed the House of Representatives two weeks ago, Kennedy erupted on the Senate floor, demanding of the other side of the aisle "When does the greed stop?"

After listing many of the unrelated and pricey amendments for business that the GOP has tried to join to a minimum wage hike, Kennedy blasted Republicans and demanded to know how they can be as cruel as they are to the working poor in America.
"We have now had amendments that have been worth over 200 billion dollars… Amendments that have been offered. We've had amendments on education of 35 billion dollars. We've had health-savings amendments that will benefit people with average incomes of $112,000… We've had those kinds of amendments and we're looking at the Kyl amendment at 3 billion dollars. But we still cannot get two dollars and fifteen cents -- over two years. Over two years!

"What is the price, we ask the other side? What is the price that you want from these working men and women? What cost? How much more do we have to give to the private sector and to business? How many billion dollars more, are you asking, are you requiring?

"When does the greed stop, we ask the other side? That's the question and that's the issue."
Kennedy, upset about the noises Republicans made just three weeks ago about their renewed bipartisan spirit and seeing them already blocking simple legislation that is favored by the vast majority of Americans, angrily chided them for the ridiculous number of amendments they have offered on a bill that went untouched through the House.

"Make no mistake about it -- they have on the Republican side, 70 more amendments. 70 more amendments!" said Kennedy. "We have none. We're prepared to vote now. 70 more amendments… 'Oh yes, we want an increase in the minimum wage, we want this, we want that but… let's have some other kinds of amendments that have virtually nothing to do with this.'"

But Massachusetts' Senior Senator -- who has seen his efforts to increase the minimum wage shot down in the Senate three times in the last two years -- really unloaded on his Republican colleagues for their utter contempt for working people in this country.

"240 billion dollars in tax breaks for corporations. 36 billion dollars in tax breaks for small businesses. Increase in productivity -- 42 percent over the last 10 years," yelled Kennedy emotionally. "But do you think there's any increase in the minimum wage? No. At 12 after five today, on Thursday, I speak for all of our Democrats and say we're prepared to vote now. Now!"

"Do you have such disdain for hard-working Americans that you want to pile all your amendments on this? Why don’t you just hold your amendments until other pieces of legislation? Why this volume of amendments on just the issue to try and raise the minimum wage? What is it about it that drives you Republicans crazy? What is it? Something. Something! What is the price that the workers have to pay to get an increase? What is it about working men and women that you find so offensive?"

And at this early stage of the 110th Congress, Kennedy has already had it with the hypocrisy that has always characterized the Republicans in dealing with Senate Democrats -- and he called them on it.

"We don’t want to hear any more from that side for the rest of this session about permitting or not permitting votes in here when you're denying it on the most simple concept of an increase in the minimum wage," said Kennedy. "We don’t want to hear any more about that."

"This is filibuster by delay and amendments. I've been around here long enough to know it when I see it and smell it, and that's what it looks like, that's what it is, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake about it."

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