Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"Mainstream Media" overlooks some GOOD NEWS from 2006... because from corporate standpoint, they don't like good enviro. or "liberal" news...

The 2006 You Didn't Hear About
By Rebecca Solnit, AlterNet.
December 29, 2006.

While many of the big stories in 2006 were bad news, there were hundreds of activist successes in 2006 that permanently changed the world.

The big news is usually the bad news, and this year the biggest stories weren't even news -- climate change and the war in Iraq were trouble that had begun well before 2006. But dozens of small stories set another tone -- the tone of that graffiti in Seattle during the shutdown of the World Trade Organization there in 1999: "We are winning" -- not the same as "we have won" and can stop; "we are winning" is a call to action. Activists won dozens of small and not-so-small victories for human rights and the environment in 2006. The fabric of the world is woven out of small gestures; the large ones mostly just rend it and leave more to mend. And the small gestures continue. Here are some of them.

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