Sunday, January 14, 2007

Helen Thomas: Media ROLLING OVER for BushCo LIES have "DESTROYED AMERICA's HALO as vIsionaries for a better mankind."

<< "I think the American press corps has lost its way," Thomas said, adding: "There’s no reason the media played along with the administration’s shifting rationales, all untrue in the run-up to the catastrophic war in Iraq."
"Congress rolled over, as we did, no questions asked," Thomas said. "But the result of our default has been devastating? We lost our halo as the visionaries for a better mankind." >>
Correspondent Helen Thomas lashes out at the "lapdog media."
By Trevor Aaronson
January 13, 2007,2845,MCA_25340_5278569,00.html

Tapping into one of the strongest undercurrents at the National Conference for Media Reform in Memphis, longtime White House correspondent Helen Thomas criticized what she described as a lapdog media for not erecting roadblocks on the road to war in Iraq.
The doyenne of Beltway journalism, Thomas issued a sweeping indictment of American media during a Saturday-afternoon discussion at the Cook Convention Center.

"I think the American press corps has lost its way," Thomas said, adding: "There’s no reason the media played along with the administration’s shifting rationales, all untrue in the run-up to the catastrophic war in Iraq."
"Congress rolled over, as we did, no questions asked," Thomas said. "But the result of our default has been devastating? We lost our halo as the visionaries for a better mankind."

Thomas served on a panel about the media’s coverage of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The panel also included Paul Rieckhoff, an Iraq war veteran and author of "Chasing Ghosts" who expressed concerns about the media’s disconnect with American foreign policy.

"When I came back from Iraq in 2004, the No. 1 story was Janet Jackson’s exposed breast," he said.

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