Saturday, January 27, 2007

Cheney was AT CENTER of WH efforts to DISCREDIT Amb. Wilson... by OUTING HIS WIFE as a secret CIA operative

Note how the WHORE Washington Post editors title this post: "Cheney led rebuttal effort."

That is an ERRONEOUS, LYING headline.

What is most amazing about this whole story - the INTENTIONAL "outing" of an entire CIA operation by the Bush-Cheney White House to discredit an outspoken war critic - is that it demonstrates just how ferocious and efficient the Bush-Cheney-Rove Rethuglican SMEAR machine was (and is).

They set out to do nothing less than SMEAR a HERO of the Gulf War1 - Ambassador Joe Wilson was recognized by President Bush1 for courageously negotiating with Saddam Hussein for the release of American and European hostages in the short days before American boms landed in Baghdad in that 1991 war.

And they did it by... "outing" his wife, EXPOSING Valerie Plame as AN UNDERCOVER CIA OPERATIVE engaged in dangerous counter-proliferations work in "threat" nations!

ONLY the cowardly, craven, corrupt, and supremely arrogant Bush-Cheney adminstration could SEEK TO BOLSTER THEIR OWN STANDING, by SMEARING a decorated Gulf War1 hero, and "outing" an UNDERCOVER CIA OPERATIVE who had dedicated her life to - undercover counter-proliferations work!

(To repeat!) the Bush-Cheney White House sought to advance their own power and prestige by SMEARING a Gulf War1 hero, and EXPOSING not only an undercover CIA agent, but RUINING FOREVER her entire cover organization, Brewster-Jennings Co, and ALL the people (including other undercover CIA agents) EVER associated with that cover company!

Of course, the Bush-Cheney White House could ONLY get away with such an appalling display of cynicism and treachery WITH THE FULL COMPLICITY of the whore corporate media, who IMMEDIATELY jumped on the administration's version of the story ("Ambassador Wilson is a scoundrel taking JUNKET trips to Niger because his wife is a corrupt nepotistic overpaid CIA desk jockey!"), and failed to ask the obvious question we just twice posted, "HOW THE HELL can you boost your own prestige, by OUTING an ENTIRE CIA undercover organization, and SMEARING a Gulf War1 hero?"

Washington media whores, THY NAME is LIES and TREACHERY.


Ambassador Joe Wilson proved beyond a doubt that President George W. Bush LIED when he included the "Niger yellowcake uranium ore shipped to Iraq for Saddam's WMD program" in his (Bush's) bombastic 2003 State of the Union address. The "Niger yellowcake uranium ore for Iraq" story had BEEN DISPROVED by Ambassador Wilson's visit to Niger, on behalf of the CIA, and Mr. Bush was well aware that this rational for war with Iraq had been disproved when he included it in his SOTU speech in January of 2003.

(TRANSCRIPT from Bush's 2003 SOTU speech INCLUDED AT BOTTOM this comment!)

It was Ambassador Wilson who REBUTTED the White House "yellowcake ore for Iraq's WMD program" story.

It was Dick Cheney and the George W. Bush White House who sought, NOT to "rebutt" Ambassador Wilson, but to THOROUGHLY SMEAR HIM as a liar and partisan and (after "outing" his wife as a CIA operative) as some kind of NEPOTISTIC hack taking a JOY RIDE JUNKET to Niger at a time that America was at war with global terrorists.

Within that distinction - SMEAR JOB vs honest rebuttal - lies the Washington Post's MEDIA WHOREDOME and NAZIESQUE SMEAR-MONGERING.

The WHORE Post well knows that Ambassador Wilson's story was CORRECT, and that the Bush-Cheney White House sought to SMEAR him, even at the expense of "OUTING" and ENTIRE CIA UNDERCOVER OPERATION.

But, the WHORE Post would PREFER TO MISLEAD THEIR READERS, even after all these years.

Blood on their hands, lies in their pages, and relentlessly joining the Rethuglican White House in SMEARING honest critics of an appallingl, abusive government. The Washington Whore Post is DESPICABLE.

President Bush's LYING "Saddam WMD Program!" comments
from his 2003 SOTU speech, from official US govt. White House website:

<< The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed in the 1990s that Saddam Hussein had an advanced nuclear weapons development program, had a design for a nuclear weapon and was working on five different methods of enriching uranium for a bomb. The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production. Saddam Hussein has not credibly explained these activities. He clearly has much to hide. >>


Ex-Aide Says Cheney Led Rebuttal Effort

By Carol D. Leonnig and Amy Goldstein
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, January 26, 2007; Page A03

Vice President Cheney personally orchestrated his office's 2003 efforts to rebut allegations that the administration used flawed intelligence to justify the war in Iraq and discredit a critic who Cheney believed was making him look foolish, according to testimony and evidence yesterday in the criminal trial of his former chief of staff.

Cheney dictated talking points for a White House briefing in the midst of the controversy that summer, his former press aide, Cathie Martin, testified, stressing that the CIA never told Cheney that a CIA-sponsored mission had found no real evidence that Iraq was trying to buy nuclear materials in Africa.

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