Monday, January 01, 2007

Charlie Reina at HuffPost captures the PANTS-WETTING FEAR that underlies all right-wing ideology and power-politics

TERRIFIC article!
Charlie Reina captures the Alpha & Omega of Right-Wing politics and identity: "PANTS WETTING FEAR."

FEAR is the UNIFYING ELEMENT of Right-Wing politics and political groups, from the days of the American frontier during the savage Indian wars, to the post-Civil War creation of the KKK, and the modern tendency of Americans right-wing groups to foment DEATH SQUAD DIPLOMACY in South America, Central America, Haiti, and now Africa and the Middle East.

Dennis Miller IS the Joke
Charlie Reina

For years now, the Rush Limbaugh set has been telling this joke: "What do you call a liberal who's been mugged? A conservative."

It's a pretty good joke, too, because it says so much about the people who delight in telling it. I don't mean conservatives or Republicans, necessarily, because the punch-line has less to do with politics than with human nature.

No, these joke tellers are merely hypocrites who, whether or not they ever had a selfless thought, can't quite cope with the shame of their own fear, cowardice and selfishness, so they project it onto others. They tell us: We're all out for Number One; only, liberals can't admit it. But what they really mean is: I'd sell out my own brother for a tax rebate; wouldn't you?
These days, the comedian Dennis Miller is a prime mouthpiece for this shabby, "but-at-least-we're-honest-about-it" world view. As a social commentator, the pseudo-intellectual Miller is far more glib and smug than he ever was thoughtful.

Back in the 1980's, he turned what had begun as a sweetly goofy Saturday Night Live "news" segment into an exercise in mean-spiritedness. Then, on nine-eleven, Miller looked down at the wet spot on his pants and discovered not shame but salvation.He would cash in on the country's post-attack hysteria and proclaim himself a reformed liberal. Terrorism, you see, feeds on the muddle-headedness that is all things liberal.

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