Sunday, January 17, 2010

Washington Post whores "Ordinary Americans lack the power to hurt the big banks" "resign yourself to ecnomic poverty" story...

This commentary here at MediaWhoresUSA marks the start a trio or more of New York Times and Washington Post stories that BLATANTLY TOUT the ECONOMIC DISENFRANCHISEMENT and wage-slave ASSAULT on America by Big Finance and Big Media: articles touting slave-wages wage slavery and INDEBTEDNESS of American taxpayers, via their bought & owned U.S. Congress, to the BANKERS who have PILED TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF "bailouts"  DEBT on American taxpayer backs... but only after those same bankers, under Fed Reserve Chairman BEN BERNANKE and his (then) puppet NY Fed Bank President  TIM GEITHNER made FOURTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS of American household wealth DISAPPEAR into thin air over the past two years,

as the Fed gave big banks and hedge-funds the CHEAP MONEY - billions upon trillions of fiat, "created out of thin air" Fed reserve  "money" - to both relentlessly and continually "pump and dump" individual stocks,  and using a similar "pump, and bust" bubble in credit billions,  to "pump and dump" the ENTIRE  US (and world) ECONOMIES. 
  Behold,  the DECEITFUL, treacherous, and predatory process by which the LYING  editors and writers of the New York Times, and Washington Post - America's undisputed "news" "leaders" -   pimp the BIG FINANCE TAKEOVER of America's government and economy, what some have referred to as the "GOLDDAMN-SACHS & JP Morgan engineered BAILOUTS KLEPTOCRACY  COUP in America."

  Below, WashPost media whore Martha C. White seems to never have heard about that old "American colonial patriots take on the world's biggest, most powerful  empire" story. (The whole  "irate American colonials throw East India Company tea into Boston harbor" story; or the "Declaration of Independence" and "outgunned Patriots at Lexington & Concorde refuse to disband before the Royal Army, start the American Revolution,  and go on to defeat that empire, and establish the United States of America" stories.)
  Or the "from the graveyard of American ships at Pear Harbor on December 7, 1941, America's fighting men, at great cost in lives and national treasury, set out to lift the Nazi bootheel from Europe, and Japan's mass-murderous conquest of much of Asia" story.
  Or even that old bible "DAVID & GOLIATH" story.

   HERE's HOW THEY DO IT:  here's how the MURDEROUSLY ENTITLED  writers and editors of the  very neo-con Washington Post and New York Times  SNEER, SCORN, DEMEAN, and attempt to diminish ANY efforts by  Americans who are repulsed by the NEO-CON "of, by and for bankers & warmongers"  hijacking  TAKEOVER of America's government and economy:  
  Ordinary Americans lack the power to hurt the big banks  
By Martha C. White, [Washington Post  media _____]
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Arianna Huffington is mad as hell and not going to take it anymore -- or doesn't think you should. The woman behind the Huffington Post recently exhorted Americans to yank their money out of big banks and open accounts at community banks instead. She called out the Big Four -- Bank of America, Citi, J.P. Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo -- by name for their "slap in the face to taxpayers." The crusade includes a link to a new Web site called Move Your Money (, which includes clips from "It's a Wonderful Life" and a tool for finding a new bank courtesy of Institutional Risk Analytics.
This is a great example of populist indignation made practical (HuffPo says it does its banking with a smaller bank that specializes in start-ups). It's also a great example of why populist indignation shouldn't drive policy. We get the outrage: The banks did something bad, so let's spank the banks. But let's also do the math. Would it even be possible for the roughly 72 million American families with checking or savings accounts to appreciably diminish banks' holdings just by closing their accounts?  .... [blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah]
  In sum total,  Ms. White's "advice" to American consumers is  (our paraphrase)
"IF Bank Of America hits you with a 29.99%  interest rate - AT ANY TIME, and for ANY REASON of THEIR choosing - on your credit cards, YOU STUPID AMERICAN PEONS are ONLY WORTH $4,000 liquid cash anyways... so YOU REALLY HAVE NO OPTION, but to put up, and PAY UP!" 
  For that sneering scorn, masquerading as "financial reporting,"  Ms. White easily deserves inclusion into our blog on the ROT that infests and infects American "journalism" and media "reporting."

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