Sunday, January 10, 2010

America's CRIMINALLY DECEPTIVE Media Whores WHITEWASHING new round of BAILED-OUT banker billion-dollar BONUSES... NY Times edition

    Because LYING, DECEIT,  and ENABLING the Golddamn-Sachs,  Wall Street  LOOTING of America, is what the Neo-Con New York Times and  Neo-Con Washington Post are all about! 

While the below article may be a WSWS - World Socialist web site - article, it contains the most concise outline of this entire past year's "economic policy" coming from the Obama/Emanuel/Golddamn-Sachs White House written anywhere. Notice how Barry Grey's article catches  how the New York Times  _BURIES_ the story of TAXPAYER FUNDED BAILOUTS   deep in the business pages the news that three of the  BIGGEST NEW YORK BANKS -  JPMOrgan-Chase, Morgan-Stanley, and Golddamn-Sachs - are set to dish out nearly $50 BILLION in bonuses to their top executive. 
  Aiding,  abetting, and WHITEWASHING   Wall Street  con-artists and fraudsters in financial CRIMES and  the THEFT,  from American consumers &   taxpayers,  of TRILLIONS of dollars ,  IS WHAT THE ARTHUR SULZBERGER family owned NEW YORK TIMES  is ALL ABOUT.  
Three Top Wall Street Banks to Award $49.5 BILLION in Year-End BONUSES
By Barry Grey
5 January 2010  

The US media has been virtually silent on the colossal year-end bonuses for 2009 that _will shortly_ be handed out by major American banks and financial firms. This is doubtless a deliberate response by the corporate-controlled media to popular anger over the financial gains reaped by Wall Street executives, who have been bailed out at taxpayer expense while working people have been left to face depression levels of unemployment and mounting home foreclosures, hunger and poverty. 
A brief article published on the inside pages of the business section of the January 1 New York Times (“With Bigger Bonuses, An Upside for Banks”) notes in passing that the three top Wall Street banks will pay out an estimated $49.5 billion in cash bonuses and stock awards. 
Those banks—Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley—received a combined $45 billion in cash under the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) passed by Congress in October of 2008. Along with the rest of the banks, they have benefitted from trillions of dollars in nearly interest-free loans, debt guarantees, securities purchases and other subsidies from the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board.
The government has further underwritten bank profits and surging bonuses by keeping interest rates at near-zero and pumping trillions of dollars of cheap credit into the financial markets, while placing no restrictions on the ability of the banks to resume the speculative practices that precipitated the financial crash of 2008. Meanwhile, the American people have lost $11 trillion in wealth, primarily through the collapse of home values. For their part, the banks have sharply curtailed lending over the past 15 months, draining more than $3 trillion of credit from the economy  
  (And this week's  remarkable Frank Rich NY Times op-ed column, below,   provides solid CONFIRMATION of the INTENTIONAL, premeditated  SABOTAGE "wreckage" of America's economy.... but,   in typical NY Times fashion, the Times reluctantly, belatedly  publishes the REAL story  (usually written by one of their two token "liberal" columnists, Frank Rich or Paul Krugman) -  but it is BURIED DEEP in the editorial pages, and rarely, if ever, makes the front pages of the awful Sulzberger "partners in financial  crime" Times.

"The OTHER Plot to WRECK America"
by Frank Rich, New York Times op-ed columnist
Jan. 9, 2010

What we don’t know WILL HURT US, and quite possibly ON A MORE DEVASTATING SCLAE than any Qaeda attack. Americans must be told the full story of how Wall Street GAMED and INFLATED the housing bubble, made out like bandits, and then LEFT MILLIONS of [American] households IN RUINS.

Without that reckoning, there will be no public clamor for serious reform of a financial system that was as cunningly breached as airline security at the Amsterdam airport.
Now that it can count on government bailouts, Wall Street has more incentive than ever to pump up its risks — secure that it can keep the bonanzas while we get stuck with the losses.
The window for change is rapidly closing.

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