Friday, December 07, 2007

uber-Media WHORES CNN sought to crank out "IRAN NUCLEAR BOMB!" bogus "news" special....

With Mr. Bush exposed as a war-lusting liar (President Bush has actually been hyping "WORLD WAR THREE" for the past few weeks from behind his "restore honor and dignity to the White House" podium) CNN has had to cancel its Fox 'news'-esque "IRAN SECRET NUCLEAR BOMB!" special TV production.
And Mr. Blitzer, of CNN 'news,' will just have to surreptitiously watch those videos of Air Force bombs levelling Iraqi homes (the ones that CNN and other media whores no longer run on American airwaves... wouldn't be "Christian" to gloat over bombing homes, would it?), instead of watching the Air Force crank out its newest arousal-inciting "BUNKER BUSTERS," "shake and bake" (phosphorous bombs), MOAB "Mother of All Bombs" cargo-plane launched super-bombs (and maybe, even, tactical nukes?) over virgin cities and targets in IRAN war coverage that Mr. Bush, Mr. Blitzer, Mr. Lieberman, Mr. Gergen (uber Washington Post "conventional wisdom" media whore) and so many other ghouls in the American press, media and government have been so lusting for....

But CHEER UP, BOYS! With the AIPAC neo-con war-lobby owning Nancy Pelosi and her craven Democrats, (including Hillary Clinton, and Harry Reid too timid to step on a bug), the jig is not yet up on your bombing/death-squads/torture/looting/nuclear fallout/hired mercenaries/police-state America and permanent war fantasies just yet!


Intel report sinks CNN Iran special

Two-hour 'Nuclear' was slated for Dec. 12
7 December 2007

-- The latest National Intelligence Estimate concluding that Iran discontinued its nuclear weapons program four years ago has claimed one casualty: CNN has postponed speculative documentary "We Were Warned -- Iran Goes Nuclear."
The two-hour spec, which was slated for Dec. 12 under the "CNN Presents" banner, was "set partially in the future," featuring a what-if scenario as former government officials -- playing fictional cabinet members -- debate how to deal with the Iranian threat.

That special was "based on a different set of rules and a different set of conditions," said CNN veep-senior exec producer Mark Nelson, noting that the surprising NIE report "changed everything."

In its place, CNN will this weekend air two Campbell Brown-hosted specials on the Iran situation and its history. Portions of "We Were Warned" correspondent Frank Sesno's original reporting will be incorporated into those hours, which air Saturday and Sunday.

Among those participating in the war-game panel featured as part of "Iran Goes Nuclear" were former CIA director Jim Woolsey, former EPA administrator Christie Todd Whitman and former presidential adviser David Gergen.

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