Thursday, December 13, 2007

Here's how CNN WHORES the "CIA torture tapes Destroyed" story... TORTURE itself barely mentioned!

In a top- and bottom-of-hour radio headline newscast on Wednesday, 12-12-2007, the CNN national radio anchor (Ed Henry?) gave the 'news highlights' about the "CIA DESTROYED VIDEO TAPES OF TORTURE SESSIONS" mini-scandal sweeping Capitol Hill this week. According to Henry, the top 3 questions about the scandal were
#1. "Who ordered the tapes?"
#2. "Who ordered them to be destroyed?" and
#3. "When were they destroyed?"
According to CNN and its 'news' anchors, THE FACT THAT THE UNITED STATES is now in the TORTURE business (which of course can result in victims DYING, which would be MURDER) isn't even news!!

As "liberal" radio host Ed Schultz says, "EVERYONE IN THE WORLD KNOWS THAT THIS IS A FAKE SCANADAL, because the [COWARDLY- our term] DEMOCRATS will NOT do a DAMN THING ABOUT IT." NANCY PELOSI's CONGRESS is in COWARDLY RETREAT on THIS SCANDAL, like every one of 1,000 Bush-Cheney-Rove Republican scandals before it.

And the REASON the Bush administration GETS AWAY WITH SCANDALS - and the Democrats have MASTERED THE ART of POLITICAL COWARDICE - is because the "mainstream media" whores LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING, and have an infinite ability to SPIN A MAJOR SCANDAL as a "he said, she said" tempest in a tea-pot. From FABRICATED INTELLIGENCE, LIES-to-war; TORTURE; SCAPEGOATING American female privates for the administration's world-wide TORTURE program; the vast SURVEILLANCE STATE in America... WHILE OSAMA bin Laden ROAMS FREE in Iraq! - America is now a corrupted nation FOLLOWING Naziesque, Gestapo, "DEFENSE OF THE REICH" propaganda in servile submission to the neo-con (AIPAC) / neo-Confederate alliance to once again make America a vast slave plantation, and to remake the world in that image with the mutual cooperation of Israel, which once was a colony of America, but now America is practically a colony of Israel.

HERE ARE SOME OF THE NAZI-esque PROPAGANDA TERMS the American media - including the AIPAC neo-cons in government and media - use to hide or disguise the real ramifications of the Bush/Cheney/neo-con War-on-Terror:

- "WATER-BOARDING" to describe DROWNING of bound and tied prisoners. A board placed on a fulcrum like a see-saw, with a prisoner strapped to the board at one end with his head sticking past the board, makes the dunking of the prisoner's head into a tub of water easy, almost effortless, for those Americans and their hired foreign mercenaries administering the torture. Such a rig can be dispensed with simply by tying the prisoners head behind his back, and forcing his head into a bathtub full of water, or even more simply, by binding the prisoner to a board, tying a rag over his mouth and nose, and pouring water on the rag, so the prisoner can no longer breathe. The American WHORE media prefers the term "WATERBOARDING" because it sounds so innocuous for "ATTEMPTED DROWNING" of hapless prisoners.
- "COLLATERAL DAMAGE" to describe what America's bombs and shells have done to towns and cities in the Mideast, what Hitler's bombers did to Guernica, Rotterdam, London, Coventary, Warsaw, and other cities throughout Europe and Russia during WWII.
- "WIRETAPPING" to describe a full STAZI-esque SPYING on any and all Americans the White House wants surveillance on - without ANY OVERSIGHT or judicial restraint.
- HR-1959 "Radicalization and Home Grown Terrorism bill" to describe the big DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS RUBBER STAMP on the official END OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY (following the previous GESTAPO-esque unP.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, and the even more draconian, GESTAPO-esque MCA, "MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT.")
ALL THE ABOVE have the FULL APPROVAL of America's Goebbels-esque "Major Media" - and especially have the approval of the AIAPC neo-con war-hawks who, surprise, are STILL COMPLAINING about the Gestapo using those same techniques during WWII.

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