Saturday, December 08, 2007

"An Intelligence BOMBSHELL about IRAN and NUCLEAR WEAPONS!" is how CNN _WHORES_ the December NIE intel , "NO Iran bomb program" report...

Stealing a page from George Orwell's totalitarian novels, and from Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels' reality-distorting hate propaganda leading up to the Germany's WWII invasions of first Western Europe and then Eastern Europe, CNN is trumpeting their headline:
"AN INTELLIGENCE BOMBSHELL ABOUT IRAN and NUCLEAR WEAPONS... but this time is the intel correct?"

....which of course to millions of sofa-bound TV viewers out there in America-land, is interpreted as

CNN's headline further implies that while the US intel pushed by President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secreatary of State Colin Powell, and the entire Bush-Cheney neo-con "intel" choir "IRAG HAS WMD PROGRAM!" was WRONG in the Bush administration's Naziesque rush to bomb and invade Iraq, this time, with the NIE reporting that Iran DOES NOT have a nuclear bomb program, CNN's screaming headline implies "the INTEL (NIE report that Iran STOPPED its nuclear program in 2004) MAY NOT BE correct."

In fact, the latest NIE report is a BOMBSHELL, prcisely because it demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that America's election-stealing president and vice president are WAR MONGERING LIARS INSANE with WAR LUST to BOMB YET ANOTHER COUNTRY.

CNN, in uber media-whore, WAR-PROPAGANDA MODE, manages to convey a message DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSIE to the real facts of this news story... and furthermore, in doing so, CNN WHITEWASHES the IN-YOUR-FACE WAR LIES of Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and their entire AIPAC neo-con-infested government and media.

As if that isn't enough, in trumpeting their "BOMBSHELL INTELLIGENCE REPORT about IRAN's NUCLEAR PROGRAM!" CNN also DISTORTS and MISINFORMS on the true nature of America's neo-con War Mongers, who have been on a 2 decade quest to UNDO the NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATIES... of PRESIDENT (and Republican saint) RONALD REAGAN, by GUTTIN international NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATIES, in favor of "UNILATERAL" American NUCLEAR MILTIARY BACKED THREATS and COERCIONS!

America's media, case study CNN "news" - has gone COMPLETELY NAZI in its lust for WIDER WARS. And when CNN isn't 'TEASING" with its "IRAN NUCLEAR BOMBSHELL!" hysterical headline (which, as with most TV, the TEASERS gets more air-time over the days ahead of a report than the actual air time spent on that report), CNN is PIMPING its FAVORITE 'news" coverage - THE 2008 presidential CANDIDATE.
Specifically, this hour CNN is pimping CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS of the candidates!
Well, THANKS, CNN, for the TEXTBOOK example of an American media network WHORING a PROPAGANDA NARRATIVE: HYSTERICAL Nazi-esque headlines "WE MUST INVADE AND CONQUER THE ENEMY NOW, before they DESTROY OUR REICH and the Good Ameican volk!" interspersed with American CELEBRITY WORSHIP bullshit.


CNN headline: "U.S. wants more pressure on Iran
U.S. Defense Secretary Gates calls on international community to pressurize Iran
Makes comments at Gulf states' security conference in Manama, Bahrain

Gates: "Everywhere you turn, it is the policy of Iran to foment instability and chaos"
[NOTE: AMERICA ILLEGALLY BOMBED and OCCUPIED IRAQ, has ALLOWED the TALIBAN to overtake over half of Afghanistan, and now the neo-con US War Secreatary IS BLAMING IRAN for "INSTABILITY and CHAOS" in the area!]
MANAMA, Bahrain (CNN) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has called on the international community to step up pressure on Iran to vow not to develop nuclear weapons, suspend uranium enrichment and open up its nuclear facilities for inspection.
Gates' address to a Gulf states' security conference Saturday came a day after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters at a NATO meeting in Belgium that the United States will continue to push for a new U.N. resolution to pressure Iran to halt its nuclear program.

Gates sarcastically noted that Iran celebrated the U.S. intelligence community's recent report -- the National Intelligence Estimate -- that said Iran suspended its nuclear weapons program in 2003. He said it marks a "watershed" that "Iran has, for the first time, embraced as valid an assessment of the United States intelligence community -- on Iran's nuclear weapons program."

He said "since that government now acknowledges the quality of American intelligence assessments, I assume that it also will embrace as valid American intelligence assessments" that Iran is funding and training of militia groups in Iraq; deploying lethal weapons and technology to both Iraq and Afghanistan; supporting terrorist organizations -- like Hezbollah and Hamas -- that have murdered thousands of innocent civilians; and continued research and development of medium-range ballistic missiles that can carry weapons of mass destruction.

"In reality, you cannot pick and choose only the conclusions you like of this National Intelligence Estimate," Gates said.

"The report expresses with greater confidence than ever that Iran did have a nuclear weapons program -- developed secretly, kept hidden for years, and in violation of its international obligations," he said.

"It reports that they do continue their nuclear enrichment program, an essential long lead time component of any nuclear weapons program. It states that they do have the mechanisms still in place to restart their program."

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Rice: U.S. still wants Iran sanctions
Iranian officers' info led to new U.S. assessment
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Gates said pressure from the international community is the only thing that can stop Iran from restarting its nuclear weapons program at any time "if it has not done so already."

"While we must keep our options open, the United States and the international community must continue -- and intensify -- our economic, financial, and diplomatic pressures on Iran to suspend enrichment and agree to verifiable arrangements that can prevent that country from resuming its nuclear weapons program at a moment's notice -- at the whim of its most militant leaders," Gates said.

"Everywhere you turn, it is the policy of Iran to foment instability and chaos, no matter the strategic value or cost in the blood of innocents -- Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike," he said.

"There can be little doubt that their destabilizing foreign policies are a threat to the interests of the United States, to the interests of every country in the Middle East, and to the interests of all countries within the range of the ballistic missiles Iran is developing."

Gates, in an interview Friday with the Al-Arabiya television network, said: "The U.S. is 100 percent committed to a diplomatic option on Iran," according to a retranslation of his remarks from English to Arabic to English. E-mail to a friend

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