Saturday, December 01, 2007

More on Lying Neo-con uber media whore JOE KLEIN's democracy-gutting lies....

CATCHING A MEDIA WHORE in the ACT OF LYING is easy... IT IS JUST THE SHEER VOLUME of their LIES, screeching out at America from the pages of TIME and NEWSWEEK and the WASHINGTON WHORE POST and the suzlberger-owned NEW YORK SLIMES and "I deal with Communist Chinese, while bitching about Communists" Rupert Murdoch's Fox 'news' - that is destroying America, ruining international cooperation (eg, NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATIES _GUTTED_ by the neo-con/neo-Confederate Bush-Cheney administration), and of course making GREED and THE WORSHIP OF MONEY the driving forces in American media and politics. Here, JOE KLEIN is EXPOSED AS A LYING MEDIA WHORE yet again...

TIME Magazine isn't Exactly Shackled to the Truth
A. Alexander, December 1st, 2007

Only recently, TIME magazine performed an outrageous hit-piece on Congressional Democrats and their plan to restore Constitutional protections to the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA). According to TIME's Joe Klein, a longtime and big-time Neoconservative supporter, Democrats were essentially intending to provide terrorists with the same protections afforded innocent and law abiding U.S. citizens. When Salon's Glenn Greenwald called TIME on their ridiculous, false, misleading, and scandalous claim the editor was reluctant to admit fault and to print a retraction

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