Saturday, November 21, 2009

So-called "liberal" NEWSWEEK magazine Pimping a Heaping Helping of RIGHT-WING FEAR & HATE....

Americans are DISGUSTED with our nation's  de facto "OUTSOURCE US JOBS... TO COMMUNIST CHINA"  _AND_  "confisticate TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars from household incomes... and REDISTRIBUTE those dollars UPWARDS  TO GOLDMAN-SACHS and other fraudulent, bankrupt bankers" agenda.... so what does the  very Neo-Con  Washington Post group owned NEWSWEEK magazine want to write about? 
 Why, "VULTURE CAPITALISM" in.... Russia!

  As if Owen Mathews neo-con hit piece wasn't a TEXTBOOK example of NeoCon fear & hate mongering (given, you know, the FOURTEEN PERCENT UNEMPLOYMENT in America, which Newsweek seems to believe is NOT that important an issue),   check out the other stories from the same Newsweek online issue:   "Why India Fears China"  and  if that wasn't quite enought,  "THE NEW RED ARMY."

  Newsweek is a ONE-TRICK  Neo-Con pimp:  FEAR & HATE are their ONLY real, Naziesque  agenda,  like the  atrocious  Washington Post THEY DON'T CARE if you are FIRED from your job,   if your child is DENIED  health care,   or if your pension, savings, home-value, and taxes have been LOOTED by the  FRAUDSTERS on Wall Street;  who BRIBE your presidents, congressmen, senators, and local officials... ALL  that Newsweek and the Neo-Con Washington Post want you to do, is WORRY about "FOREIGN THREATS, " so they can justify TRILLIONS of dollars of MORE WARS & defense spending -  they just  DON'T GIVE A DAMN if you or your children live OR DIE  here in Ameica from  "here and now" health care denied, job security vanished,  savings looted,  infrastructure crumbling domestic problems  here in America, as long as you support the "Bailouts for Wall Street" and "more military spending and wars" agenda.

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