Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Maureen Dowd's delicious depiction of bloody BACKSTABBING & BETRAYAL in the Obama White House....

  As much as we would like to detest Maureen Dowd for being a MEDIA _____!  who helped Bush & Cheney STEAL the election of 2000**
.....when it comes to the dirty, low-down,  juicy details of    "insider treachery and betrayal,"   no one does it better than  the New York Times' token female columnist  Maureen Dowd,  and this article on more of  Pres. Obama's pure, backstabbing treachery is a delicious, text-book example.
 It explains how, yet again,  BARACK OBAMA is NOTHING BUT a SERVILE COURTIER, a SUCK-UP to those with power and influence around him... even sucking up to  his own defeated (but still  influential)   political rivals, AT THE EXPENSE of those courageous campaign aides (much less millions of peon voters)  who helped put him over the top and got him elected to office.

 As Mr. Obama continues to GRIND AMERICA DOWN into an economy where his own Goddamn-Sachs FAILED-but-for-bailouts,  insanely arrogant, insanely entitled, treasonous, Treasury-looting   sons-a-bitches "economics team"    are trying to IMPOSE a new "20% unemployment is THE NEW NORMAL!"  reality on America 
 (on their way to trying to WIPE OUT the ENTIRE  US population as "surplus labor,"  - as the Neo-Con/Likudnik led  US armies are now in process of doing in Afghanistan? -   now that the GoddamnSachs "Israel First!" neo-cons have communist China as their manufacturing base) 
 one thing is _certain_ - there will be a WHOLE LOTTA MORE  BACKSTABBING coming from Mr. Obama and his inside circle,  cause, you know, the American peons won't be too happy to see a "Democrat" president DISMANTLE and  DEMOLISH the last vestiges of their New Deal Social Security, unemployment, medicare, financial regulations, and other social  safety-net programs,  the ones  that the Bushie-Rovian  Rethuglicans  haven't quite destroyed... yet.
    And  "Dragon Lady"  MoDowd   (the self made single, female 'journalist'  who HELPED Bush, Cheney, & Karl Rove Rethuglicans IMPOSE their misogynistic    'HATE SINGLE WOMEN' agenda on America)  will be there every step of the way,  supplying us with the juicy,  blood-dripping-from-the-knives details of  the latest  job-killing purge coming out of Team Goddamn-Sachs,  er, Team Obama.    
Thanks for the Memories
 [aka, "Blood on the Floor, from Backstabbings & Betrayals, in the GoddamnSachs  Obama White House"]
 By token NY Times female columnist  Maureen Dowd
Published: November 24, 2009

  <  I often wondered if  [recently FIRED White House Counsel Greg]  Craig and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, the other former Clinton official who helped undermine Hillary’s foreign policy record, would have done so if they had known that after turning on Hillary they would once more end up working beside her; if they had known that Obama can often be more interested in wooing opponents than tending to those who put themselves on the line for him. >

    <   The secretary of state, with a china cup and saucer in front of her, smiled.
In the back of the room, back where they were parched, back where no water or coffee was served for the two-hour meeting, sat Greg Craig, the White House counsel who was a ghostly presence, given his death by a thousand leaks.
Only a year after he had helped Barack Obama get elected by eviscerating his close friend, Clinton White House colleague and Yale Law School classmate, Hillary Clinton, Craig was himself eviscerated by the Obama inner circle. >

** Details of how Maureen Dowd & the NY Times   HELPED the Bush-Cheney-Rove campaign STEAL election 2000:
   (As one of her own columns written several years later admitted, Dowd and all the other press-corpse ho's on the Bush 2000 campaign flights knew that then Governor George W. Bush was A VERBAL BULLY, not at all the "nice guy you'd want to have a beer with," and of course any HALF competent reporter knew that Texas Governor Bush had DEMOLISHED the Texas State budget SURPLUS  left to him by his Democratic predecessor, Gov. Ann Richards..... in favor of TAX-CUTS FOR RICH, while SLASHING social & safety-net spending.
 On the textbook issues of Good Governance, Bush had proved himself to be A DISASTER, but a disaster with a multi-zillion dollar KARL ROVE media PR spin-machine... which Dowd & the other media ho's bought into 100% in the summer of 2000.    Dowd made herself Al Gore's CHIEF ANTAGONIST that whole, long, dreadful summer of  election campaign 2000, while GIVING BUSH & CHENEY a FREE PASS for their long laundry-list of major scandals..... including Cheney's TREASON, Cheney as then Halliburton CEO dealing with Saddam Hussein's Iraq all through the late 1990s,   via Halliburton EUROPEAN SUBSIDIARIES, BEHIND THE BACK of the $1 billion per-year,   US enforced,  UN Sanctions and US  EMBARGO on Iraq! Cheney had been DEALING WITH AMERICA's ENEMIES, at a time when US jets were BOMBING positions in the Iraqi  no-fly-zone.... and uber- media whores like  Maureen Dowd prefered to write about Al Gore's suit-colors and fashion styling,  and alleged "exaggerations"!!)
(note: this article
was originally a WASHINGTON POST article, now CENSORED, SCRUBBED, from the treasonous, complicit-in-war-crimes Post web archives search list)
     Hey Maureen, even if you did BETRAY   millions of  aspiring-to-be independent & upwardly mobile, but not wealthy American women; and   minorities, and millions of Democratic voters in 2000,  with your  "Al Gore is a Serial Liar,  George W. Bush is a straight-shooter" insanity,   We Still Love Ya!    It wasn't your fault that Gore was SO FULL of his Vice-PRESIDENTIAL 'DIGNITY,'  that he couldn't speak up for the tens-of-thousands of poor & minority Texas school-children TOSSED OFF of then Governor Bush's  (what else?)  signature  "TAX CUTS FOR RICH, SLASH SOCIAL PROGRAMS" agenda.   Gore (and his campaign  Chairwoman, the very  African-American  Donna Brazile)  made the CALCULATED DECISION that it would be EASIER to SELL Texas poor & minority children DOWN THE RIVER, than to speak up for them and, wooo,  "antagonize" the  "solid white" voter base of states like Tennessee and Arkansas.    Gore stupidly ended up LOSING  those Southern  states, anyways, because he FAILED to make the argument that a Bush presidency  would SLASH  the similar, very popular  FEDERAL  _Democratic_   social safety nets programs;    and Gore FAILED to make the  case that  providing for pre-school, after-school, and health care programs for Texas schoolchildren had been PROVEN to SAVE THE STATE billions of dollars, by KEEPING those children in school, more productively, and OUT of the juvenile Criminal 'Justice' system!   In short, the clueless Gore would have been  a  DISASTER  as president,  and the Wolfowitz-Cheney-GoddamnSachs warmongers,  Neo-Cons, and neoConfederate economy-wreckers,    would STILL have gotten their WARS, police-state powers, and demolished (outsourced) the  US industrial economy - with Gore & the cowering,  Lieberman-Neo-Con-GoddamnSachs-warmongering  Likudnik  'Democrats' getting  not just some, but ALL of the blame!)

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