Here, below, "ISRAEL FIRST!" Congressman ERIC CANTOR's advice to a woman who has STOMACH TUMORS KILLING HER, in a state where multi-million dollar hospitals perform cosmetic surgey by the hour:
"[Get] An Existing Government Program Or Find Charity" to obtain the surgery & treatment she needs to STAY ALIVE.Meanwhile, as if being a 'LET THEM EAT CAKE' (or 'GO AHEAD AND DIE!') Republican Right-Wing ghoul wasn't quite DESPICABLE ENOUGH, another item in today's "Eric Cantor" "news" search reveals this gem.... CANTOR's TRUE PRIORITY, NOT the LIFE-AND-DEATH medical needs of HIS OWN American chump CONSTITUENTS, ostensibly the people that he has been elected to the US Congress to represent... NO, the DESPICABLE, GHOULISH ERIC CANTOR's REAL concern is.... ISRAEL !!
HOORAY! And Congratulations to the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN/Time/WARNER (of Hollywood movie mogul titans WARNER BROS. fame) and all the other VERY NEO-CON "ISRAEL FIRST!" Jewish-owned members of the American business and media community: CONGRATULATIONS on YOUR NEW CHAMPION! Someone who, unlike Senator Lieberman, Senator Arlen Specter, and other Neo-Con Congressmen or Senators, ISN'T AFRAID TO come out and say, outright, that US DEFERENCE to ALL THINGS ISRAEL, is FAR MORE IMPORTANT to him, than the HEALTH and lives of HIS OWN CONSTITUENTS and their family members!!!
From , "Jewish & Israel news"
Virginia Republican Congressman Eric Cantor: Obama Not ‘true friend’ of IsraelWhile we're at it, Here's Mr. Cantor's comments about Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's CONCERN... that REPUBLICANS and THEIR MEDIA ALLIES are WHIPPING UP A CLIMATE OF HATE, that CONTRIBUTES to VIOLENCE, and even the THREAT OF GUNMEN and ASSASSINATIONS, Speaker Pelosi recalling her PERSONAL REMEMBRANCES of San Francisco politicians George Moscone and Harvey Milk, "murdered out of politically motivated hatred"
September 23, 2009
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- The only Jewish Republican in Congress said President Obama does not seem to be a "true friend" of Israel.
In an interview with Politico, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said he was opposed to Obama's "disproportionate focus" on a settlement freeze instead of dealing with the "existential threat" to Israel from Iran.
"If you look at the policy that this White House has followed, it certainly does not seem as if we are dealing with a true friend" of Israel, Cantor said in the interview.
Politico reported that White House spokesman Tommy Vietor declined to respond to Cantor's remarks, but said that achieving a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians is "how you can be a true friend to Israel."
Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.) called on Cantor to apologize....
HERE is what the ghoulish Mr. Cantor said about the politically experienced survivor and Congress's current Speaker of the House RECALLING two prominent political figures in her own home town MURDERED in a CLIMATE OF HATE: Mr. Cantor LIVES IN A BUBBLE where he has not seen the 'OBAMA AS MASS-MURDEROUS HITLER" posters, or the GUNMEN STALKING Congressional-constituent Town Hall health-care reform meetings,
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor thinks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “IS IN ANOTHER WORLD" if she believes raucous anti-health-reform demonstrations could lead to violence — and he says he hasn’t personally witnessed racist comments [through] a summer of passionate town hall demonstrations."
or the TWO MURDEROUSLY VIOLENT Right-Wing GUNMEN, ALREADY this year... and since the JEWISH OWNED New York Times, Washington Post, CNN/Time/Warner, (and Murdoch owned FOX 'news' and other Right-Wing papers like the Mooney Times and Scaife papers) REFUSE to INFORM Mr. Cantor of the REAL HATE circulating and fomenting in America today, allow us to PUT TOGETHER the list of the FOUR MURDEROUS RIGHT-WING GUNMEN of the past dozen+ months:
#1. One enraged Right-Wing gunman sought out Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman BILL GWATNEY's office in Little Rock, where the gunman pretended to want to volunteer, before barging in to Chairman Gwatney's office and shooting Mr. Gwatney to death.
#2. Another murderous Right-Wing gunman stomped in to a Knoxville, Tennessee CHURCH one Sunday morning in July of 2008 - loaded with a SHOTGUN and handguns, with the INTENTION of KILLING EVERY man, woman AND CHILD at that "liberal" Unitarian Church, before one courageous victim took a full blast of the shotgun, allowing other churchgoers to wrestle the gunman down and disarm him.
#3. The HOLOCAUST MUSEUM SHOOTING - in the very town where Mr. Cantor (ostensibly) earns his paycheck!
#4. ANOTHER Reproductive Health doctor SHOT & KILLED - Dr.George Tiller ASSASSINATED in his Kansas Church.
NOTE how the Jewish NY Times (and Fox and other 'news' outlets as well) find it important to HEADLINE the story "ABORTION DOCTOR SHOT," DEHUMANIZING the victim.
IS IT POSSIBLE that the JEWISH OWNED "news" organizations, including the NY Times, Washington Post, Time/Warner/CNN, the Chicago Tribune and LA Times (etc.) which have spent THE PAST SIX DECADES reminding Americans and the world of the bloody, bullying, murder, brutality, intimidation, and APPLIED TERRORISM of the NAZI Party's rise to power in German in the 1930s, CAN'T QUITE CONNECT THE DOTS, between FOUR MURDEROUS RIGHT-WING GUNMEN of the past 14 months, and the CURRENT CLIMATE of HATE and PARANOIA being WHIPPED UP by GLENN BECK, FOX "news," Rush Limbaugh, MICHAEL SAVAGE, Bernard Goldber (the last 2 of whom are Jewish) and other Right-Wing morality-mongering, HATE-MONGERING radio, TV, and press DEMAGOGUES?
If so, we include this paragraph from the Wiki link for the MURDEROUS Right-Wing TENNESSEE CHURCH GUNMAN last July at the Knoxville Unitarian Church
Adkisson's manifesto[10] also cited the inability to find a job, and that his food stamps were being cut. His manifesto stated that he intended to keep shooting until police arrived and expected to be killed by police. Adkisson had a waist satchel with more ammunition, totaling 76 shells of #4 shot.
The following books were found in Adkisson's home during a police search:[8]
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder by radio talk show host Michael Savage
Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism by talk show host Sean Hannity
The O'Reilly Factor: The Good, the Bad, and the Completely Ridiculous in American Life by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly
In his manifesto, Adkisson also included the Democratic members of the House and Senate, [10] and the 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America [10] of Bernard Goldberg in his list of wished-for targets.
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