Wednesday, September 30, 2009

TREASON, TREACHERY, and COWARDICE at the Washington Post, NY Times, Fox News... and DC "Democratic" leaders.... THE BETRAYAL of Acorn reveals LYNCH-MOB POLITICS RULES Washington & Congress...

Last week's  DISGUSTING  Congressional vote - to CONDEMN, deny funding to,  and  all but CRIMINALIZE the Black social and voter-activist group "A.C.O.R.N." at the urging of Right-Wing talking points
 - (here's the Right-wing "undercover video" of  two ACORN women NOT COMMITTING ANY CRIME, but merely trying to help a self-described "pimp" obtain a mortgage, regardless of the "pimp" and his prostitute girlfriend's stupid story) -
 -  reveals that LYNCH-MOB POLITICS   STILL DOMINATES "official" Washington D.C.
... Despite it being nearly 100 years since blatantly  racist,  SEGREGATIONIST   "Democratic Progressive" President Woodrow Wilson  (re-) INSTITUTED  SEGREGATION in Washington and in the US government;   despite it being nearly 45 years since President Lyndon  B. Johnson BROKE the  white-supremacist SOUTHERN SEGREGATIONIST FILIBUSTER in Congress  (to enact the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Acts in 1964 and 1965, respetively);  and despite there being a Black, "Democratic,"  nominally "progressive"  president in the White House.

      Fortunately for this rant,  it is EASY to EXPOSE the Congressional Vote as the TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE of COWARDICE and  LYNCH-MOB POLITICS that it is...   for the very week that the NY TIMES, WASHINGTON POST,  CNN,  FOX 'news,'  and other media outlets were WORKING FULL-TIME  to CASTIGATE  _all_ of ACORN as a  minority-run FRAUDULENT,   if not CRIMINAL SCUM   enterprise, was the very week that new details emerged about an US (federal) Census worker's death, the probable victim  of a LYNCH-MOB  HANGING and  domestic  TERRORIST MURDER
(Herehere, and here.)

 WHERE is the  Congressional Resolution  CONDEMNING the  HATE-MONGERING of those who incite FEAR of, and hate for,  US Census workers - INCLUDING  Republican Representative MICHELLE BACHMAN and Right-Wing hate-radio demagogue RUSH LIMBAUGH? 

  The US Census, btw,  was  ENSHRINED by the "Founding Fathers" - right there in paragraph 3, Section 2, Article 1 of the US Constitution!  
   THE MOMENT  that MICHELLE BACHMAN, or ANY other Right-Wing would-be demagogue DEMEANS the census, they are trying to UNDERCUT the very essence of the US Constitution,  the very essence of  American democracy -  the notion that ONE PERSON equals  ONE VOTE.  
 (Right-Wing  hate-mongers and   demagogues  prefers that other "original intent" of the US Constitution,    (ironically,  the very sentence prior to that sentence in Article 1, Section 2,  that establishes the US census)   the so-called "Three-Fifths compromise"  that  allowed  SLAVE-OWNERS to OWN all the slaves they could possibly have, without a single such enslaved person having ANY human rights, much less a vote.)

  THIS   IS  the Washington Post and NY Times STOCK-in-TRADE:  
       ECHO  Fox  "news" HATE-MONGERING and RACE-BAITING  talking points, polished with that oh-so-sneering  NY/DC "establishment" condescending spin,   while PRETENDING to be "centrist," objective,  "bipartisan," and above-the-fray;  and while PRETENDING NOT TO NOTICE  HATE-mongering and RACE-BAITING Right-Wing talking points... even those coming out of corporate-media heavy-hitters like Rush Limbaugh and Fox 'news,'  even those HATE and RACE-BAITING TALKING POINTS coming from REPUBLICAN Congressional  Representatives and leaders.  

      As our previous posts at DemNationUSA have pointed out, the  probable murder  of a Census worker FOLLOWS at least  FOUR PREVIOUS  MURDERS by   Right-Wing  GUNMEN  in America in the past 15 months,   starting with, 
#1. a deranged Right-Wing Tennessee gunman trying to shoot-up and ENTIRE  "liberal" church in Knoxville,  a gunman widely reported by several sources to have "been motivated by hatred" of the "liberal movement"   (cross-posted here) and to  have been a  fan,  reader,  and viewer  of  HATE- and RACE-BAITING  Fox "news" right-wing Demagogues,  including BILL O'REILLY, SEAN HANNITY, and BERNARD GOLDBERG. 
 (note how Time/Warner owned  CNN has "scrubbed," or CENSORED, this story from their archives.)
#2. Just TWO SHORT WEEKS later,  August 13, 2008, an Arkansas Right-Wing gunman walked in to the Little Rock Democratic Party Campaign offices, and shot and killed  Dem. Party statewide Chairman Bill Gwatney. 
#3.  On  May 31st of 2009,  yet another RIGHT-WING  GUNMAN shot and killed Dr. George Tiller in his Kansas Church, followed two weeks later by
#4. yet another Right-Wing gunman  walked into the Holocaust Memorial museum, in the Washington Post's home city of Washington DC, intending to shoot and  kill as many museum goers as he could.
    (Even Time/Warner-owned CNN has that story.)

  Despite THIS CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER of  RIGHT-WING GUNMEN prodded to paranoia and MURDER by  oh-so "mainstream" Right-Wing media, WHAT do the NY TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, and COWERING  DC "Democrats"  chose to look at and condemn???

 -answer:  Several LOW-LEVEL mortgage-assistance activists at ACORN,  accused of "CORRUPTION!"  for falling for an amateur undercover sting  portraying a (Starsky-and-Hutch Hollywood-esque)  "pimp" and prostitute trying to obtain A LEGAL  HOME MORTGAGE!

  Right there in black and white, for the whole world and  all eternity to witness...  in the VERY WEEK that  at least a FIFTH  Right-Wing HATE INSPIRED MURDER  came to light in Washington, the COWARDLY "Democrats" of the US Congress - including the many Jewish Senators and  Congressmen who   _should_know-better_   (having  spent the past 6 decades reminding other Americans of the Nazi's brutal, brown-shirt intimidation and domestic-terrorism tactics  in the Nazi's rise to power in Germany in the 1930s)  - JOINED  the  Republicans and their RIGHT-WING HATE-MONGERING,
  RACE-BAITING  MEDIA ALLIES, in POURING SCORN and  CONDEMNATION on  A.C.O.R.N.,   while  IGNORING the  tendencies of FOX 'news' and other media outlets, to WHIP UP  HATRED, PARANOIA, and LUST  for GUN-VIOLENCE and  MURDER, even against workers carrying out their federal census duties specifically authorized in the Consitution.
    This awful, disgusting tendency of course FOLLOWS the  2000 Senate "Democrats"  REFUSAL to SIGN ON TO the Black Congressional Caucus demand for a SIMPLE  Congressional investigation in to what we  know was MASSIVE  VOTER DISENFRANCHSEMENT - the old "Jim Crow" tactics of the 20th Century, brought forward into the first election of the 21st century - by Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush's BROTHER,  Jeb Bush,  and his Republican administration (led by Republican Secretary of State Katherine Harris) in the  Florida presidential election vote-count  in 2000.

  The DC  "Democrats" - and the WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, and other "major media" outlets STOCK IN TRADE:   - KEEP PLAYING THE SAME OLD PLAY:  CRIMINALIZE Black and minority voters and organizations  for barely illegal activities with RELENTLESSLY NEGATIVE COVERAGE,  spouting Right-Wing and Republican inspired  talking points CODEMNING  Democratic and  minority groups,  while IGNORING and/or  giving a HUGE FREE PASS to other,   TERRORISM INCITING  Right-Wing talking points, much less vast fraud and corruption throughout entire swaths of the American banks and  finanical markets;  vast fraud, corruption,  "kickbacks," and even murder by war-contractors;   much less does the "major media" focus  on the _legal bribery_ of  senators representing a tiny portion of America's population, having virtual DICTATORIAL, veto, sabotage  control over the American public's desire to have health-care that can NOT BE CANCELLED AT WHIM by insurance companies.    

  Needless to say, playing along with this game is REPEAT,  "stab minority voters and Democratic campaign activists in back"   COWARDICE on the part of Washington DC's  so-called "Democratic" leaders;
    and - WHITEWASHING if not ENCOURAGING DOMESTIC TERRORISM - would be  TREASON on the part of the  Sulzberger-family owned New York Times, and the Meyer/Graham family owned Washington Post.

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