Thursday, February 16, 2012


In the "we could not say it any better" department, Saman Mohammadi discloses the ugly truth about the corporate,  NEO-CON "major" press-media in America: that THEY ARE RELENTLESS LIARS and TRAITORS  bent on the SUBJUGATION & IMPOVERISHMENT of...
 ...and IMPOSITION of a Stalinesque GWOT gov't.  POLICE STATE  torture/TERROR GULAG ON, the people of the United States of America.  

      The only thing Mr. Mohammadi leaves out is that TIME, the Sulzberger New York Slimes, the Meyer/Graham Washington Post (and, what the hell, Newsweek, the Chicago Trib., the Florida "Sun" papers, the LA Times, and the entire CNN/Time/Warner Bros. Hollywood media propaganda empire, among others) ARE ALL JEWISH OWNED - they are all RELENTLESS  HATE-MONGERS who INTENTIONALLY WHIP UP HATE in "Red state" Americans against ANY AND EVERYBODY in the world not a  WASP fundamentalist, Catholic conservative, or Jewish israel lover. 

   You read that correctly:  in their sordid, insidious rush to WHIP UP  HATE against MUSLIMS to create political support for their costly AMERICAN WARS in MUSLIM countries,

the DESPICABLE  Neo-Con & Likudnik jews are playing with the same forces - CHRIST-IAN HYPER-NATIONALIST xenophobic HATE-MONGERING - that led directly to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the NAZI Party in post-WWI,  inflation ridden Germany in the 1920s and 1930s!     

  The above sentence all the more horrible, because BEN BERNANKE, ALAN GREENSPAN, LLOYD BLANKFEIN,  LARRY SUMMERS, Bob Rubin,  former NJ Governor and MF Global deadbeat Jon Corzine, the entire Obama gov't./Wall St. revolving door White House,   and other hired non-Jewish appartchiks (including Goddamn-Sachs former Chairman Hank Paulson, "married to the mob" economic death squad leader little Timmy Geithner, the non-Jewish members of the 'Federal' Reserve, etc.) '

  ...REALLY ARE JEWISH (or answer to Jews) - and REALLY ARE  the ones RESPONSIBLE for driving America, Europe, and the world into the SECOND fiat money/global casino gulag DEBT CATASTROPHE, this  SECOND World Depression of suicide provoking "AUSTERITY" cuts, downsizing, job cuts, gutting of national social safety nets, and IMPOSITION of DEBT SLAVERY on EVERYONE they possibly can.

  Having corrected Mr. Mohammadi's ommission
 (which is actually justifiable - if you mention JEWISH OWNERSHIP by hate-mongering 'news' outlets, you will be instantly "discredited" as "anti-semitic") - that the Sulzberger NY Slimes and cnn/TIME/Warner empire are Jewish owned and text-book Nazi-esque Neo-Con anti-human HATE-MONGERS - we post the substance of Mr. Mohammadi's accusations of TREASON and FIFTH COLUMN TREACHERY against TIME and the Sulzberger NY Slimes here:    
America: Throw Out Time Magazine And The New York Times, NOT Your Constitution And Bill of Rights 
by Saman
February 16, 2012
“Last year I posted an article on the where the JFK assassination has led us to this day in history. In other words, a downward spiral from our Constitutional Republic to a police state. Since then, not much has changed my view and in fact, has gotten much worse. With President Obama’s recent signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in the closing days of 2011, otherwise known as the “Indefinite Detention Act,” which allows the President to detain any American citizen indefinitely without due process, the legal foundation of a toleration state is now upon us and codified into law. It’s a scary, shocking and disturbing development, one has been slowly building since the Patriot act was signed into law shorty after the 9-11 attacks. It shows that the people in government that run our country no longer believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, or liberty. They are all, in effect, a gang of traitors. They are more fearful of an American armed with a loaded firearm and a knowledge of the Constitution than they are of any supposed terrorist attack.” – George Bailey - JFK Stood Against Tyranny.
On Tuesday night, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart made fun of Time Magazine’s long-standing editorial policy of publishing insignificant cover stories for the American market, which stand in stark contrast to their serious cover stories for the world market. Here is a common example from Time’s December 5, 2011 issue.
Why is Time Magazine feeding the American people tabloid junk? The usual explanation that’s given is that the editors of Time have a low opinion of the American people and they think Americans won’t purchase magazines that cover serious subjects. But that is a myth. Americans are intelligent and want to learn about the world.
The correct explanation for Time’s American policy is that the editors of Time Magazine are enemies of the American people who don’t want to inform them of their critical participation in state crimes against democracy and coverups of government terrorism. Time Magazine has covered up the CIA’s assassination of JFK, RFK, and MLK, and the false flag 9/11 attacks by the CIA and Mossad, which have led to the deaths and displacement of millions of innocent people in the Middle East. 

Time Magazine and the American media are keeping the American people in the dark about major global geopolitical and economic developments such as the Arab Spring and the Greek crisis because they are afraid of a knowledgeable and engaged public.

Time Magazine and the New York Times are enemy propaganda just a s the Nazi press in France during WWII was enemy propaganda.
The editors of Time Magazine, the New York Times, and other enemy publications are complicit in crimes against humanity, crimes against the Constitution, and crimes against peace.

The American people [are] the only force on the planet that can stop the evil government in Washington from spreading terrorism and tyranny across the world.
But the power of the American people is kept in check through the systemic denial of information and news in America by Time Magazine and other tentacles of the enemy press. This is like denying food to a starving population in Africa. Americans need the truth like Somalis need food....  (cont'd)  

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