(and other bought-off officials or politicians in Congress, in the White House, in America's criminal 'justice' agencies, and in America's derelict (in their duties) financial regulatory agencies)
for the OCEAN of "free" FIAT MONEY that Bernanke is printing, that lands in GS & JPM bank vaults
(and senior executive banksters' "bounus" checks) that allow GS, JPM and other closely downstream banksters to GO ON A BUYING SPREE of all real, producitve assets worldwide...
...the very "MONEY PRINTING" that is "Causing Commodity Spikes And Riots Worldwide" that Joe Weisenthal blames on... CHINA !!
below, 2 screen clips from K. Denninger's www.RemoveBernanke.org video, explaining how Bernanke's QE-2 (much less other forms of Fed money printing, "liquidity injections" and back-door bailouts) are effectively a back-door INFLATIONARY TAX on American consumers, the full 1:37 video embedded later (below) in this blog post. Many of these items - e.g. corn, oil, wheat, needless to say, would be LESS expensive IF the Chinese were devaluing their currency more, making their exports cheaper - refuting Joe Weisenthal's notion that CHINA currency manipulation is to blame for American consumers' economic contraction and commodity inflation nightmare. Many of these commodity necessities are not even produced, in significant export quantities, in China - a weak China currency would make it both cheaper to sell to, and more difficult for China to purchase from, world markets vs American consumers.)
In "Animal Farm" bleating sheep fashion, you and the vast majority your fellow over-paid professional Neo-Con Media Whore liars REFUSE to give us (American and worldwide readers) an ACCURATE ACCOUNTING of all the TRILLIONS of dollars of "bailouts," "Liquidity Injections," "backstops," "loan quarantees," "toxic asset buy-backs," AIG pass-throughs, and now "QUANTITATIVE EASINGS" (I and II) that Bernanke, Dudley, Geithner, Freidman and other appartchiks at the Fed keep dishing out to the member/owner banks of the Federal Reserve very private banking cartel over the past 2+ years... but you will, like the Nazis, BLAME ANYONE you can think of to divert attention away from the crime!
(Indeed, in an earlier video interview with Joe, mk even catches Weisenthal, at about 19:45 in video -
#1. accepting that all world central banks, including Japan and US, are "currency manipulators"; and
#2. blaming "senior citizens" - grandma & grandpa! - for "forc[ing] America into a deflationary lost decade" - simply because seniors desire an economically stable environment where they can continue to afford health care, groceries, energy, rent, and other basic cost-of-living necessities deep into their retirement years!)
MK reports: BusinessInsider’s currency war PROPAGANDA here is STUNNING (AGAIN!)Joe, you cheap piece of NY/DC American infotainment Goebbels "journo" trash propaganda-meister: HERE is ONE nearly THREE QUARTER-TRILLION chunk of fiat dollars "FREE MONEY" that Timmy Geithner & Ben Bernanke handed over to the GS, JPM, Citi (et al) corrupt member/owner banks of the Fed Reserve banking cabal.... in ONE MONTH, ALONE! -
MK: America has the world’s reserve currency (but not for long). The fault of the food riots and starvation driven by cheap credit – demanded by the top 1% as a way to enrich themselves while bankrupting the bottom 99% falls squarely on the doorstep of the Federal Reserve Bank and Ban Bernanke. Nice try though, Joe. [Weisenthal, of BusinessInsider.com, for trying to divert blame from Bernanke & The Fed in Weisenthal's below BusinessInsider comment]
- Meet The Central Banker Whose Reckless Money Printing Is Causing Commodity Spikes And Riots Worldwide
by Joe Weisenthal, BusinessInsider.com, Jan. 12, 2011
[Weisenthal's choice of photo... not of Fed Chairman "free money, Helicopter Ben" Bernanke, but of China's Central Bank Chairman, who woulda thunk it?]
What, you thought it was Ben Bernanke?
You must not be paying much attention.
It's China where money printing is growing out the wazoo. Here's a relatively recent look at Chinese money supply (viz ZeroHedge) that's growing out the wazoo.
(What you think you can just keep your currency artificially undervalued by magic?)
more at: http://www.businessinsider.com/china-causing-inflation-2011-1
"Fed Pumps Further $630 Billion Into Financial System"
Sept. 29, 2008 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve will pump an additional $630 billion into the global financial system, flooding banks with cash to alleviate the worst banking crisis since the Great Depression.....
The Fed's expansion of liquidity, the biggest since credit markets seized up last year, came hours before the U.S. House of Representatives rejected a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry. The crisis is reverberating through the global economy, causing stocks to plunge and forcing European governments to rescue four banks over the past two days alone... (cont'd)
Mind you, Joe, the above story was printed in BLOOMBERG news
(NY/Wall St. Neo-Con big finance central) back in Sept. 2008... THE VERY WEEK that HANKY-PANK PAULSON was literally begging & extorting the far more famous (infamous!) $700 BILLION "T.A.R.P." bailouts from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her 110th Congress...
effectively DOUBLING the REAL "bailouts" cost to taxpayers, FOR THAT MONTH ALONE!
That is, nearly DOUBLING the REAL "bailouts" that the CHEATING, LYING THIEVING, INCOMPETENT, entitled propaganda meister treacherous media/press whores actually have told the American people about - in one week, alone!!
YOU GOING TO BLAME that chunk of INFLATIONARY "free money" direct from the Fed balance sheets to corrupt bankers' vaults on CHINA, TOO, Joe?
Here's another "HOT TIP" for ya, Joe.. another BLOOMBERG article, this one from a year and a half ago, reporting that the TOTAL BAILOUTS from Congress and from the Fed, to the member/owner banks of the Fed Reserve banking cartel, could run OVER $23 TRILLION dollars:
U.S. Rescue May Reach $23.7 Trillion, [TARP Inspector General] Barofsky SaysNeedless to say, NOT having been called to account for all that "free money" they dished out back in 2008, 2009, and 2010, Bernanke, Geithner, Friedman, Dudley and other execs at the Fed. JUST KEEP PRINTING MORE fait money in nearly quarter-trillion dollars chunks to their pals at GS & JPM - now going on "Quantitative Easing II",
By Dawn Kopecki and Catherine Dodge, Bloomberg/U.S. Treasury in Washington
July 20, 2009
Inspector General's Report July 20 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. taxpayers may be on the hook for as much as $23.7 trillion to bolster the economy and bail out financial companies, said Neil Barofsky, special inspector general for the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program. (cont'd)
QE-TWO, because "the Goddamn-Sachs" & JPM want ANOTHER FOUR TRILLION more Bernanke trash dollars $$ to land in their very private, treacherous, NATION GUTTING, ECONOMY KILLING, world trashing larcenist bank vaults!
Goldman says Fed faces $4 trillion hole
Posted by Colin Barr, CNN.com/Money/Fortune, October 25, 2010
Economists at Goldman Sachs estimate the Federal Reserve may need to buy a staggering $4 trillion worth of assets such as Treasury securities to get the economy rolling again... (cont'd)
(our) note 1: "ASSET PURCHASES" is now STANDARDIZED Neo-Con Fed speak, for GIVING AWAY TRILLIONS of dollars of TAXPAYER OBLIGATED fiat "free money" to the member/OWNER banks of the treacherous Federal Reserve VERY PRIVATE banking cartel.
note 2: "to get the economy rolling again" is now the STANDARDIZED Neo-Con BOILERPLATE PROPAGANDA LIE, to JUSTIFY the continued LOOTING, RAPING, pillage, and DESTRUCTION of the American economy (and, worldwide, the economies of smaller nations dependent on exports to America).
When we serf Americans GAVE the TREASONOUS Rubin, Paulson, Blankfein (all 3 current or former Golddamn Sachs CHAIRMEN) or Dimon & Bernanke (Chairmen of JPM-Chase Bank & the Fed Reserve, respectively) crew OVER A TRILLION DOLLARS in "bailouts" in September 2008, it was with the expectation that they would "improve the economy."
HERE IT IS TWO YEARS LATER, and they - the treasonous GS, JPM, Citi, (et al) Fed Banksters, now ROUTINELY print themselves trillion dollars chunks of Bernanke's garbage US fiat dollars, that land in THEIR PRIVATE BANK VAULTS, allowing them to JACK UP vital commodity prices worldwide... with NO increase in real demand, with the ACTUAL productive economies in America and western world CONTRACTING as Goddamn-Sachs & JPM banksters suck the "discretionary spending" cash that powers civilian consumer purchasing OUT of the U.S. and world economies.
THIS IS PURE COMMISSAR SOCIALISM, TRILLIONS of "free" Fed fiat dollars for CONNECTED gs/jpm APPARTCHIKS, while everyone else gets to experience the horrific "HOLODOMOR" famine treatment!
In this excellent 1:37 minute video, www.RemoveBernanke.org demonstrates that it is "Helicopter Ben" Bernanke who is robbing America via back-door "bailouts" give-aways to the Big Banksters; that it is Ben Bernanke who is creating worldwide commodity price inflation (that far outstrips actual increase in demand) by giving the banksters trillions of dollars of fiat "free" (or very, very low interest) money to jack up consumer prices with monopoly commodity control -
Speaking of "commissar socialism" and draconian famine and created genocidal economic destruction, wasn't Lazar Kaganovich appointed Commissar of the Red Army for Propaganda in 1918, before becoming Stalin's hand-picked commander of the Organizational Department (appointments director and de facto vote counter) of the Communist Party... before becoming no less than the First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party in 1925?
From which position Stalin entrusted Kaganovich with nothing less than the SUPPRESSION and economic strangulation of the Ukraine? -
Lazar Kaganovich, From Wikipedia
Communist functionaryKeep it up, Joe! At this rate, you could well be in position to become a successor to Michael Chertoff, a future Czar (oops! "Director") of DHS and America's looming GWOT Lieberman-Wolfowitz Guantanamo Torture Gulag!
"He [Lazar Kaganovich, "The wolf of the Kremlin"] was given the task of "korenizatsiya", the task of creating Ukrainian communist popular cadres. He was also given the task of implementation of collectivization and the policy of economic suppression of the kulaks (wealthier peasants)."
Responsibility for 1932-33 famine
Kaganovich (together with Vyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and actively encouraged the policy of collectivization that caused a catastrophic 1932-33 famine known to many Ukrainians (who especially suffered) as the Holodomor. He also personally oversaw grain confiscations during the same time periods. Similar policies also inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, Crimea, the lower Volga region, and other parts of the Soviet Union. As an emissary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kaganovich traveled to Ukrainia, the central region of the USSR, the Northern Caucasus, and Siberia demanding the acceleration of collectivization and repressions against the kulaks, who were generally blamed falsely for the slow progress of collectivization. Attorney Rafael Lemkin in his work The Soviet genocide in Ukraine tried to bring the fact of Holodomor to the Nuremberg trials as a genocide of a totalitarian regime[2].
2010 post-Soviet Genocide Trial
On January 13, 2010 Kiev Court of Appeals posthumously found Kaganovich along with several other Soviet politicians guilty of genocide against Ukrainians during the catastrophic Holodomor famine.[3] Kaganovich and several other Soviet officials were recognized guilty as criminals, however the case was ended immediately by paragraph 8 of Article 6 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukrainia.[4]
By then the Bernanke/Rubin/Summers/Blankfein/Dimon strangulation of America's middle-class, could look just like Stalin & Kaganovich's STRANGULATION of the Ukrainian middle-class (landed "kulack" property owning farmers) - outright famine and genocidal, mass-murder ethnic cleansing by state functionary apparatchiks.
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Kaganovich, center, at 1957 Soviet May Day Parade with Kruschev, Zhukov, and other senior politburo leaders. According to wiki, Kaganovich had been a propagandist for the Red Army, before becoming one of Stalin's main commissars overseeing the economic strangulation/starvation/famine/genocide of the Ukraine in the 1920s, the dread "holomodor" terror-famine, which claimed somewhere between 1 to 10 million victims, the genocide which followed the 1918 Armenian genocide, and preceeded the 1940s Nazi genocides. |
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