Sunday, January 09, 2011

Huffington Post betrays it's treacherous Neo-Con agenda: DOWNPLAYS attempted ASSASSINATION of Dem. Congresswoman as 'just another headline," While Washington Post Neo-Con media whore Howard Fineman pimps THE END of American Democracy...

 We here at MediaWhoresUSA extend our condolences to the shooting victims and their families  in the tragedy where a gunman burst into a political event featuring  Arizona Congresswoman  Gabrielle Giffords and Federal Judge John Roll;
   wounding Representative Giffords and killing Judge Roll and five  other victims at the public poltical event when the young gunman started shooting  with a semi-automatic pistol 
    We will remind   that we here at MediaWhoresUSA  have repeatedly pointed out the "mainstream media's" tendency to IGNORE  Right-Wing  (anti- "liberal" or anti-democratic)  violence in America  (including this list of just the past few years)
  1.  in the assassination of Dr.Tiller in his church, 
  2.  the 2009  Right-Wing  defaming of Census workers as "big government intrusive commissars" leading to another murder in Tennessee
  3. in the VERY SIMILAR  assassination of Democratic Party President Bill Gwaltney in his Arkansas Dem. Party headquarters,
  4.  and even the attempted MASS MURDER of an entire congregation of a "liberal," multicultural church  in the Tennessee Church shooting,   
DESPITE these clear and present signs of the threat of RIGHT-WING TERRORISM in America,  the  Right-Wing 'reporters', "establishment" press/media, and Neo-Con politicians still  relentlessly pimp the "economic crisis" and "WAR ON TERROR" as an excuse to spend tens of billions (upon trillions) of American taxpayer dollars in "bailouts" and  overseas wars - while the same politicians and their press whores regard American families as expendable cannon fodder, especially when calls to "balance the budget" invariably call for  SPENDING CUTS in SOCIAL PROGRAMS like parks, libraries, public medical services, not to mention Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and higher education (not to mention, the GUTTING of  the REGULATION of America's critical financial markets, to please Obama's Rubin/Summers/Emanuel/Bernanke "Goldman Sachs & JP Morgan uber alles"  masters of   Neo-Con economic sabotage destruction).
 (Next up: the 2010 election empowered Neo-Cons and their Right-Wing  "neo-Confederate" toadies in crime are practically salivating over hacking away at the  FOOD STAMP program, upon which millions of Americans now depend. Indeed, the straw that drove the gunman over the edge in the Tennessee attempted mass church shooting  was that he was about to be cut off from his unemployment (temporary)  food stamps allocation.  Needless to say, ending America's de facto "cheap food" policy - the untill-now main way that low-income Americans have been able to enjoy the bounty of America that the Neo-Con and neo-Confed elites continue to carve up and "privatize" as their own private fiefdom - would require making a fortress of the Capital and Washington D.C.,  just as  invading Norman overlords built hundreds of "killler castles" in Wales,  (later Ireland,)  and throughout England to subjugate their conquered Anglo-Saxon English subjects after William the Conqueror's 1066 conquest of England.) 

  Right on cue, Washington Post uber- Neo-Con  media whore Howard "Howie" Fineman basically pimps THE END OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY and the continued Neo-Con overlords' subjugation of the American serfs in his
"The End of Access" commentary posted at  -  a  Neo-Con establishment "WAR ON TERROR"  agenda item that  Congressmen are no longer one and the same with "we the people" - they will now be "QUARANTINED" to use the pathetic and cowardly Fineman's words. 
  BUT WAIT! oh cowardly, anti-democratic   Mr. Fineman,  Washington Post, and  Huffington Post editors!
   Prime Minister YITZHAK RABIN was ASSASSINATED by a JEWISH gunman - does that men that  JEWS in ISRAEL  should be QUARANTINED from political events, and their leaders,  too?! 
    THE MORE the Neo-Cons RAPE the U.S. economy... the more BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of American taxpayer dollars they spend in "BAILOUTS" for Wall Street, or killing Muslims in Mideast lands... the more DISPOSSESED, resentful, and stressed out the American people become.
   That is not merely part of the treasonous Neo-Con agenda for America and Americans.... this IS the treacherous Neo-Con plan for America, just as the (Catholic) Irish people were FORBIDDEN by  English law from owning  property, a series of rules and laws that "QUARANTINED" the Irish people from their own country's resources,  to the extent that, by 1845 to 1852, over a million Irish men, women, and children STARVED TO DEATH (or died of famine related diseases)  - WHILE their English and Anglicized (Protestant)  Irish overlords EXPORTED GRAIN HARVESTS FROM  Ireland's fertile estates!** 
**(Ironically, today the Catholic Church's jihad against abortion as "murder of unborn babies" is a new form of  demagogue control, a tool for Right-Wing elites, including the Catholic church (and many Protestant churches) to assert their "moral values"  rule over the intimidated masses here in America.  The lesson that "god" is the biggest baby-killer of them all,  with a  "natural" rate of infant mortality well over 10% worldwide as recently as the 1970s, and still well over 4% worldwide today, escaping the attention of the demagogue morality mongers, a public issue 'jihad' built on the corpses of millions of dead babies that diverts attention, and thus funds and access,  away from the desperately needed improvements  for worldwide prenatal care, and for America's dismal public health care system.)

    NOTE the treacherous Huffington Post headlines from a day where a United States Congresswoman was attacked by one of her deranged constituents:   CAN YOU SAY "NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG, MOVE ALONG"  in any better Washington Post  establishment journalese, better than these Huffington Post-NY  "elite" Neo-Con "lite"  headlines we screen-captured below?

   Clearly,  Huffington Post's editors can't wait to splatter their web pages with the next meaningless infotainment  celebrities, sex, and scandal DISTRACTION issues - the attempted assassination of a Congresswoman is nothing but a momentary blip on the web-site's headline links, just as HuffPost  joins the Washington Post and New York Times in REFUSING to keep an ongoing tally of the  Rubin-Summers-Geithner-Bernanke (Obama co.)  TRILLIONS of dollars of "bailouts" tallies,  or true extent of the  Lieberman-Wolfowitz American torture gulag  - with low-level Congress men & women bearing the blame for the  elites'  selling out of the American  economy and America's democracy. 
 OH WELL!  THERE goes American democracy - as the NY HuffPost neo-cons,  the Sulzberger  New York Times Neo-Cons,  and Washington Post Washington  Neo-Cons  celebrate YET ANOTHER EXCUSE for the NY & DC  elites to RULE over the disenfranchised American peons, serfs, and indentured servants.

  The "Democratic" Party of NANCY PELOSI, Bill and Hillary CLINTON,  John Kerry, Jay Rockefeller, and Barack Obama are as IN BED with the FINANCIAL CRIMINALS of Wall Street, and the war profiteering warmongers of the Likud Party, as the most right-wing of anti-democracy Republicans are.    Right-Wing Republicans Phil Gramm, Jim Leach, and Thomas Bliley would never have gotten their 1999 "Gramm Leach Bliley Act"  (and equally despicable "Commodity Futures 'Modernization' Act")  passed and signed into law, if  Clinton Treasury Secretary (and current Obama "economics guru" larcenist) LARRY SUMMERS and a host of other corporate Democrats had not urged Bill Clinton to sign those bills into law... and since the economic crisis, BARACK OBAMA has done NOTHING to reverse the damage of those frightful "license to loot, pillage, plunder, and rape homeowners"  "DEREGULATION" atrocities, despite the overwhelming tide of blatant fraud in America's mortgage and financial markets.
  Indeed, the very fact that most Americans have NO IDEA that MARY SCHAPIRO is the S.E.C. Chairwoman,  indicates that her FIRST LOYALTY is to her fellow Rubinites and their rampage of economic larceny on Wall Street, the American people be damned.

  The Neo-Con Huffington Post, along with the Sulzberger New York Times and "Pravda on the Potomac" Washington Post (among other treacherous neo-con press-media outlets)   LOVE  keeping Mary Schapiro's name,  and the SEC,   OUT of the news... the better to enable CONTINUED  Wall Street FINANCIAL CRIMES and ongoing economic larceny in America, their ASSAULT  on the American economy, and American democracy, rolls on unabated, after this shooting, American peons will have even less contact with, and  influence on,  their  Neo-Con overlords dominated Congress.

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