Saturday, March 06, 2010

Stephen Colbert's turns tables on Fox 'news' Sean Hannity: Uses SELECTIVE video EDITING to makes Hannity LOOK LIKE the Fox 'news' demagogue WHORE he is!

Stephen Colbert turns the tables, and does to FOX 'news' host SEAN HANNITY, what Hannity and other DEMAGOGUE Fox 'news' hosts do to Democrats and liberals: villify them, using SELECTIVE EDITING.
In this hilarious video clip, Stephen Colbert uses Fox video clips to pretend to interview Hannity... making Hannity look like A WHORE, to Stephen Colbert's "grilled" (gold-toothed) pimp.
IF the video imbed doesn't work (we've been BLACKLISTED here at MediaWhoresUSA!), here is the link to Colbert's hilarous, must-see take-down of both a Fox news media LYNCHING (of the low-income support group, ACORN), and of Sean Hannity's demagogue role in that lynching:
 (also here)

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